Chabot College February 1999 PHED 2RBE –

Chabot College
February 1999
Course Outline for Physical Education 2
Catalog Description:
PHED 2RBE – Racquetball for Everyone
1 unit
Racquetball for Everyone is designed for students whose schedules do not allow enrollment in a traditional
Racquetball class setting. Prerequisite: A previous racquetball course at Chabot College or approval from
the instructor. The class will meet 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite Skills:
A previous racquetball course at Chabot College or approval from the instructor.
Expected Outcomes for the Students:
This course is designed to provide students the ability to learn fundamental racquetball skills in a time
flexible non-traditional class setting. Through participation in the course, the student should be able to
maintain an adequate level of physical fitness. The student will be exposed to an activity with great carry
over value. The student will have an awareness of safety procedures, care of equipment, and the proper
process for warming up.
Course Content:
1. Orientation:
a. History and evolution of the game
b. Present nature of the game
c. Care and use of equipment and facilities
d. Safety precautions and procedures
e. Court conduct and etiquette
2. Basic skills for Presentation- Grips, Body Position & Footwork, and Mechanics of Stroking For:
a. Forehand
b. Backhand
c. Volley
d. Serve
a) Lob
b) Drive
e. Back wall shots
f. Ceiling
g. Assing shots
h. Kill shots
3. Game Participation
a. singles
b. cutthroat
c. doubles
d. game strategy
e. mini tournament
Chabot College
Racquetball for Everyone - PHED 2RBE, Page 2
Methods of Presentation:
The materials for the course are presented through the use of the lecture – demonstrated technique.
Instruction will be given in large groups, small groups and on the individual basis. Student practice is
emphasized. Exhibitions and class discussions are used as a secondary means of reviewing course content.
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Each student is evaluated on a tripartite basis. They will be required to demonstrate specific skills relative
to the course, to successfully complete a written examination of specific materials related to the course, and
to maintain an adequate attendance record for the duration of the course.
Special Student Material:
Students will be required to attend all classes in appropriate gymnasium attire: Gym Trunks, “T” shirt,
court shoes.
KC – [U:\kc’document\course outline\pe_2RBE.doc]
February 1999