Chabot College Fall 2001 Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 56A COMMUNITY DENTAL HEALTH I Catalog Description: 56A - Community Dental Health I 1 unit Individual and community oral health problems relative to personal, family, and public health needs. Corequisite: Dental Hygiene 80A. Strongly recommended: Speech 1, or 10, or 30. 1 hour. Prerequisite Skills: None Corequisite Skills: The student should be able to: 1. describe and recognize characteristics of the child dental patient; 2. list objectives and define techniques for applying of pit and fissure sealants for dental caries control; 3. list rationale and techniques for a variety of topical fluoride applications for a variety of patients; 4. describe rationale and techniques for utilizing power scaling; 5. identify and describe the role of the hygienist in preventive dental caries control; 6. describe the rationale for treatment planning and the role of the hygienist in advanced periodontal therapy; 7. identify and describe alternative techniques for sharpening and maintaining well contoured Gracey instruments. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. differentiate dental public health from office space dental care; 2. define the major oral health problems and the extent to which they affect the population; 3. list preventive measures that can be used in the community to reduce or control the major oral health problems; 4. identify the public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels who distribute funds for dental care and the categories of recipients; 5. select a target group and assess by means of surveys, questionnaires, interviews and other means the dental health needs of a target group; i.e. the oral health status, knowledge and attitudes towards dental health and dental treatment needs; 6. prepare a report, and program plan which: a. describes the target group, including results and interpretation of survey needs assessment; b. lists behavioral objectives to improve oral health; c. outlines a program plan to attain the behavioral objectives; d. lists resources including: 1) financial; 2) instructional; 3) dental manpower; 7. identify socio-economic, cultural, and political factors influencing the teaching of oral health; 8. evaluate appropriateness and the usefulness of resource materials for Community Dental Health. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principles of dental public health Epidemiology of dental disease Water fluoridation Dental health programs Methods of survey and evaluation Behavioral objectives Program planning Chabot College Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 56A, Page 2 Fall 2001 8. 9. Sociology of teaching dental health Community dental health resources Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lecture Classroom discussion Student participation in group exercise Guest speakers Role playing Observation in field Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignment a. Project outlines, assessments and program plan which: b. describe the target group, including results and interpretation of survey needs assessment, c. state behavorial objectives to improve oral health, d. outline a program plan to attain the behavioral objectives, e. address resources: f. financial, g. instructional, h. dental manpower, i. address possible socio-economic problems relating to health needs, j. address possible problems in motivation in teaching the target group k. Participation in community-based outreach projects 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Quizzes b. Midterm c. Final exam Textbook(s)(Typical): Dental Health Education, Gagliardi, Appleton Lange, 1994. Special Student Materials: None tms, Disk 20, A:\DH Outlines 2000\DH 56A Revised; 12-1-00