Chabot College January 1995 Removed Fall 2006 Course Outline for Computer Application Systems 80 BASIC COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN BASIC Catalog Description: 80 - Basic Computer Programming in BASIC 4 units Designed to develop proficiency in the introductory programming language BASIC. Development of skills necessary to write computer programs such as programming logic and business application program coding. The personal computer (PC), its operating system, and how a computer performs internal functions. Strongly recommended: Computer Application Systems 50 or equivalent. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. operate an IBM compatible personal computer and perform elementary tasks using DOS commands; analyze and develop required programming logic and be able to debug source code; write programs in BASIC for business applications; understand the concept of sequential and random data files. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Standard hardware characteristics, components and features of an IBM compatible PC The basic internal workings and functioning of a PC system Elementary DOS commands include: disk copying; file renaming; file deletion; directory making, changing, and removal; copy files, etc. Characteristics of DOS and PCs such as file naming conventions; extension names; how batch files work; the use of diskettes, hard drives, and hardware; examples of generally available applications software; and booting the system Learning to develop program logic and debug techniques Elements of BASIC including the following or equivalencies: Standard programming logic INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT statements; INPUT and LINE INPUT; PRINT and LPRINT USING (and the format); GOTO, GOSUB, and RETURN; READ; DATA; WHILE, DO UNTIL, and FOR NEXT loops; OPEN ('I', 'O', '4', 'A'); IF . . . THEN . . . {ELSE}; Sequential INPUT, PRINT and WRITE; random GET and PUT; DIM (dimensions); menus (LOCATE, COLOR, and INKEY); and creation of executable modules. Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. Hands on practice using personal computers Lectures Assignment Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:: 1. 2. 3. Programming assignments using BASIC to demonstrate features found in most programming languages Quizzes Final examination Textbook(s) Typical): Quick BASIC 4.5, Fanzone, Hanskins, Dishhane, McGraw Hill, 1991 Special Student Materials: A minimum of two 5.25” or 3.5” diskettes. mc 4/4/95 COCAS802