15-Sep-04 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04-0447-01-004a Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Indoor UWB Channel Measurements from 2 GHz to 8 GHz] Date Submitted: [16 September, 2004] Source: [Ulrich G. Schuster] Company [Communication Technology Laboratory, ETH Zurich] Address [Sternwartstr. 7, ETH Zentrum, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland] Voice:[+41 (44) 632 5287], FAX: [+41 (44) 632 1209], E-Mail:[schuster@nari.ee.ethz.ch] Re: [IEEE 802.15.4a Channel Modeling Subcommittee Call for Contributions] Abstract: [This presentation describes UWB channel measurements from 2 to 8 GHz, conducted in two office buildings at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Measurements were taken for LOS, OLOS and NLOS settings in a corridor and a large entrance lobby, with transmitter-receiver separations ranging from 8 m to 28 m. A different method for small scale statistical modeling is proposed] Purpose: [To provide additional data for the proposed generic 802.15.4a channel model and discuss some of the modeling aspects used in the generic model] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Submission 1 Ulrich G. Schuster, ETH Zurich Indoor UWB Channel Measurements from 2 GHz to 8 GHz Ulrich Schuster and Helmut Bölcskei ETH Zurich September 16, 2004 IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 1 Objectives Main goal: verify existing UWB channel models and establish (if applicable) new models suitable for theoretical analysis. Main issues: • Individual and Joint tap statistics • Scaling of stochastic degrees of freedom with bandwidth • Validity of the uncorrelated scattering assumption Genuine focus was not IEEE 802.15.4a channel modeling work, hence not all parameters of the IEEE 802.15.4a standard model were extracted. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 2 Measurement Setup — Schematic Measurement Control HP 8722D VNA 2m Skycross UWB antenna Minicircuits ZVE 8G 2m Diadrive positioner H&S Sucoflex 104 cables Skycross UWB antenna 25 m custom RF amp IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 2m 3 Measurement Setup — Details Measurements were taken in the frequency domain • HP 8722D vector network analyzer (VNA), 50 MHz – 40 GHz • Minicircuits ZVE 8G power amplifier, 2GHz – 8 GHz, 30 dB gain • Skycross SMT-3TO10M UWB antannas (prototype), Omni • Custom RF amplifier, 20 dB gain up to 10 GHz, NF < 6 • H&S Sucoflex 104 cables • Custom modified Diadrive 2000 positioning table • Control via Matlab (Instrument Control & Data Acquisition Toolboxes) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 4 VNA Settings • Option 12, “direct sampler access”, for improved dynamic range • Frequency range 2–8 GHz, divided into two bands • 1601 points per band, for a total of 3201 points • 1.875 MHz point spacing • Max. resolvable delay of 533 ns, equivalent to 160 m path length • IF bandwidth 300 Hz • Total sweep time 19s • Calibration included the entire equipment except for the antennas, considered as part of the channel IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 5 Environments We measured two different environments at the premises of ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in typical European style office buildings. • Corridor, e.g. for sensing applications; brick walls, windows, concrete floor and ceiling • Entrance lobby, typical public space; tiled floor, large glass windows, concrete walls All measurements were taken during night time on weekends to ensure a static channel. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 6 Corridor Environment 12.6 m 8.4 m 10.3 m 12.4 m 2.7 m 0 Tx Array NLOS LOS 0.95 m 5.1 m 5 10 15 20 m RF Lab IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 7 Lobby Environment Rx NLOS A 9.9m Tx Array LOS 27.2m 8 IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 16.3m Tx Array N/QLOS 27.3m Rx OLOS Rx LOS 9m B 30 m 20 10 0 Virtual Array Measurements • Virtual array should cover small scale fading area • Grid spacing 7cm, approx. half wavelength at 2 GHz for independent samples 7 cm 7 cm Grid Point • 5 × 9 grid • Operated by stepping motors, computer controlled IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 9 Measurement Methodology Goal: • Obtain enough independent samples of small scale fading for statistical analysis • Separate small scale from large scale effects Achieved via: • Measurement of two arrays per small scale location for 90 points total • One frequency response per array point • Several scenarios (LOS, OLOS, NLOS) • Several distances between transmitter and receiver in each scenario IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 10 Sample Impulse Response Power — Lobby LOS -80 27.2 m 47 m -90 59.9 m -100 119.8 m attenuation (dB) -110 139.6 m 156.8 m -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 0 20 40 60 80 100 delay-equivalent distance (m) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 120 140 160 11 Average Impulse Response Power — Lobby LOS -80 27.2 m -90 47.0 m attenuation (dB) -100 59.9 m -110 119.8 m -120 -130 -140 0 20 40 60 80 100 delay equivalent distance (m) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 120 140 160 12 Average Impulse Response Power — Lobby OLOS -95 26.9 m -100 31.7 m 27.4 m -105 attenuation (dB) -110 -115 -120 -125 -130 -135 -140 0 20 40 60 80 100 delay equivalent distance (m) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 120 140 160 13 Average Impulse Response Power — Lobby NLOS -105 34.9 m -110 -115 attenuation (dB) -120 22.2 m -125 -130 -135 -140 -145 -150 0 20 40 60 80 100 delay equivalent distance (m) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 120 140 160 14 Average Impulse Response Power — Corridor LOS -70 12.6 m -80 attenuation (dB) -90 38.7 m 23.3 m 33.1 m -100 -110 64.4 m 58.7 m -120 -130 -140 0 20 40 60 80 100 delay equivalent distance (m) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 120 140 160 15 Average Impulse Response Power — Corridor NLOS -90 21.0 m -100 17.1 m 16.0 m attenuation (dB) -110 -120 72.5 m -130 -140 -150 0 20 40 60 80 100 delay equivalent distance (m) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 120 140 160 16 Traditional Wideband Channel Modeling Standard continuous-time wideband fading model N (τ )−1 h(t, τ ) = X ak (t)δ(τ − τk (t))ejθk (t) k=0 assumes specular reflections: distinct, frequency independent propagation paths. Assumption might not hold for UWB Channels • Frequency dependence of materials • Diffuse reflections due to rough surfaces • Diffraction IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 17 Common Modeling Assumptions Two very common and well supported assumptions: • Communication system is band limited • Channel is effectively time-limited A further limitation arises due to the VNA measurement methodology: the measured channel is quasi-static and can be modeled as an LTI system. With an external B Hz band limitation b(τ ), the effective channel is hB (τ ) = (b ? h)(τ ) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 18 Discretized Channel Representation ⇒ Complete representation through channel samples possible: ∞ X n sin πB τ − n B hB (τ ) = hb n B πB τ − B n=−∞ (Shannon’s Sampling Theorem) Effective time limitation: only L non-zero samples. Hence the channel is completely described by its non-zero taps l h[l] = hb , B l = 0...L − 1 Modeling goal: block fading stochastic discrete-time LTI system IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 19 Fading Tap Statistics Antenna displacement over the array renders phase information meaningless =⇒ assume uniform phase, use the small scale spatial variations of the received amplitude for statistical analysis. Goal: marginal and joint tap distribution that best approximates reality. • Consider a set M of candidate models i.e., parametrized probability densities gi(· | Θ): – – – – – Rayleigh Rice Nakagami Lognormal Weibull This is a model selection problem. Hypothesis testing is not a meaningful approach. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 20 Hypothesis Testing Review Goal: establish if data x supports a challenging hypothesis H0 against an incumbent hypothesis H1. Sample space is partitioned into the region of acceptance Da and the critical region Dc = Dac • Type I error: H0 is true but x ∈ Dc • Confidence level: α = P(x ∈ Dc | H0) • Type II error: H0 false and x ∈ Da • Test power: 1 − P(type II error) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 21 Goodness-of-Fit Tests Hypothesis H0: data x is drawn according to some distribution F (x). Typical tests operate as follows: • Compute a test statistic Dn(x), some function of the n-dimensional data vector x • Dn has a limiting distribution Q(x) for n → ∞, which does not depend on F (x) if H0 holds. • Reject H0 if Dn > x0, where Q(x0) = 1 − α • Confidence level needs to be selected in advance IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 22 Why Hypothesis Testing is the Wrong Approach • Hypothesis testing does not deal with approximations – probability that the standard models are true is zero – significance does not measure goodness of fit • Hypothesis testing relies on ad hoc choices – significance level arbitrary – some tests rely on binning — how to choose the bins? • Hypothesis testing does not compare several hypothesis – only tests a challenging against an incumbent hypothesis – adjusting the significance level to compare test results invalidates the test • Hypothesis testing deals poorly with parameter estimates IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 23 Traits of a Good Model • Contains sufficient information about the real world • Leads to consistent predictions • Mathematically and computationally tractable • Based on physical insight and measured data • Advances intuition IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 24 Model Selection • Goal is to approximate the unknown reality, described by PDF f (x) • Select several parametric families of candidate models gi(x | Θ) • Relative entropy measures discrepancy between model gi and reality Z D(f || g) = f(x) f(x) log dx gi(x | Θ) = Ef [log f(X)] − Ef [log gi(X | Θ)] • Select model to minimize the discrepancy • Need to estimate Ef [log gi(X | Θ)] from data y IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 25 Akaike’s Information Criterion — AIC [Akaike 1973] An unbiased estimate of Ef [log gi(X | Θ)] is AIC = −2 log gi(y | Θ̂(y)) + 2K with the i.i.d. data vector y, and the ML parameter estimate Θ̂(y). • Bias correction depends on number of estimated parameters K • Penalizes overfitting • Minimizes the bias–variance tradeoff • Mathematical formulation of the principle of parsimony • Extensively used in regression order selection Note: Other criteria have different bias correcting terms (MDL, BIC, TIC) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 26 Akaike Weights AIC values are a relative measure — only ∆i = AICi − minM AIC is important. AIC is an unbiased estimate of the expected log-likelihood log L(gi | y), hence − 12 ∆i L(gi | y) ∝ e Normalization to unity yields Akaike Weights: 1 e− 2 ∆i wi = P|M| − 12 ∆k k=1 e ⇒ an estimate of the expected probability of model i providing the best fit among all candidate models. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 27 Akaike Weights, Averaged Impulse Response — Lobby LOS 1 Rayleigh Rice Nakagami Lognormal Weibull 0.9 0.8 Akaike Weight 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 attenuation (dB) -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 time domain sample index IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 1600 1800 2000 2200 28 Fading Model Selection We computed Akaike Weights for all scenarios • Rayleigh provides on average the best fit – AIC penalizes presence of the extra parameter in Nakagami, Ricean and Weibull models – Rayleigh is not good at the start of a cluster • LOS component is often Weibull distributed • Lognormal is almost always the worst model – lognormal apparently good for first cluster taps – but no conclusions about the model are possible due to time-of-flight differences across array: a specular component is recorded in different taps at different grid positions IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 29 Model Selection Conclusion • Akaike weights shows significant variations across taps – might explain different selected models in different measurement campaigns – shows that candidate models are quite close – different findings might be due to methodology and measurement errors rather than different realities • Rayleigh amplitude plus uniform phase assumption leads to circularly symmetric complex Gaussian taps — good news for theoretical work • Need more independent measurements using information criteria (AIC, BIC, MDL) to support or challenge these findings IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 30 Complete Statistical Description So far: marginal distribution is complex Gaussian Conjecture: joint distribution is jointly complex Gaussian ⇒ complete description obtained through mean and covariance matrix • Significant eigenvalues correspond to stochastic degrees of freedom – independent diversity branches – delay spread only provides a first order estimate, assuming independent taps – important open question: scaling with bandwidth • Following work by Knopp (2004), we are currently working on the analysis of the stochastic degrees of freedom IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 31 Parameters for the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard Model IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 32 Parameters for the Nakagami distribution — Lobby LOS Although AICc shows a higher probability for Rayleigh, the standard model uses the Nakagami distribution. Nakagami m factor for the LOS tap Distance m 27 m 8.7 24 m 9.1 21 m 5.4 18 m 10.2 15 m 7.6 IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 33 Parameters for the Nakagami distribution — Lobby LOS Nakagami m parameters for later clusters, i.e. not due to the LOS component but maybe other specular reflections Distance m 27 m 4.0, 7.5 24 m 3.7, 10.7 21 m 3.1, 12.7 18 m 6.3, 11.5 15 m 2.9, 3.5, 8.1 Most other (non-specular) taps have m ≈ 1, consistent with the Rayleigh model. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 34 Small Scale Parameters — Time Dispersion Mean delay and delay spread often used to characterize time dispersiveness of the channel. They are not the most general description. Estimates can be computed as PL−1 τ̄ = l=0 |h| [l] PL−1 l=0 |h| [l] mean delay v u PL 2 u l=1 (l − τ̄ ) |h| [l] t s= PL−1 l=0 |h| [l] delay spread Mean and standard deviation can now be computed over all small scale positions of the virtual array. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 35 Mean Delay and Delay Spread Statistics — Lobby LOS Mean Delay Delay Spread Distance µτ̄ στ̄ µs σs 27 m 27.13 ns 1.74 ns 49.5 ns 2.08 ns 24 m 27.15 ns 2.86 ns 49.23 ns 3.37 ns 21 m 30.99 ns 2.30 ns 53.62 ns 2.25 ns 18 m 29.86 ns 2.11 ns 52.23 ns 1.64 ns 15 m 27.26 ns 1.75 ns 49.20 ns 1.63 ns IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 36 Mean Delay and Delay Spread Statistics — Lobby OLOS Mean Delay Delay Spread Distance µτ̄ στ̄ µs σs 27 m 49.82 ns 7.78 ns 74.08 ns 7.04 ns 24 m 46.86 ns 6.33 ns 71.07 ns 5.91 ns 21 m 45.61 ns 5.70 ns 71.23 ns 4.43 ns IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 37 Mean Delay and Delay Spread Statistics — Corridor LOS Setting Mean Delay Delay Spread Distance µτ̄ στ̄ µs σs 12.5 m 7.55 ns 0.88 ns 21.08 ns 1.65 ns 10.5 m 10.68 ns 1.69 ns 24.70 ns 2.19 ns 8.5 m 9.93 ns 2.15 ns 23.74 ns 2.86 ns NLOS Setting Mean Delay Delay Spread µτ̄ στ̄ µs σs 24.44 ns 1.16 ns 31.11 ns 1.87 ns IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 38 Small Scale Parameters — The Saleh-Valenzuela Model The proposed 802.15.4a channel model is continuous-time and specular: h(t) = L−1 X K−1 X ak,lδ(t − Tl − τk,l,) l=0 k=0 with L clusters and K rays per cluster. Ray and cluster arrivals are described by Poisson processes with interarrival probabilities P(Tl | Tl−1) = Λ exp{−Λ(Tl − Tl−1)} Ray and cluster power decay are exponential h 2 E |ak,l| i h 2 = E |a0,0| i τk,l Tl exp − exp − Γ γ IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 39 Saleh-Valenzuela Model Parameter Extraction Our discrete time model does not fit into this framework ⇒ cannot extract all parameters since there are no rays. Using the methodology presented by Balakrishnan in doc. 802.15-04-0342-00-004a, we computed • Cluster decay coefficient Γ • Inter-cluster decay coefficient γ • Cluster interarrival time Λ The S-V model fit is not always satisfactory, as can be seen in the following plots. We only extracted S-V parameters for the LOS scenarios, where clusters were observable. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 40 Cluster Decay — Corridor LOS 2 Γ = 33.0ns 0 Cluster Power Linear Least Squares Fit -2 -4 Power ( log|a|2 ) -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 0 50 100 150 200 250 Cluster Delay (ns) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 300 350 400 41 Intra-Cluster Decay — Corridor LOS 5 Tap Power Linear Least Squares Fit γ = 16.2 ns Tap Power ( log|a|2 ) 0 -5 -10 -15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Intra-Cluster Excess Delay (ns) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 70 80 90 42 Cluster Interarrival Times — Corridor LOS 1 0.9 1 = 29.4ns Λ 0.8 Cumulative Distribution 0.7 0.6 0.5 Cluster Interarrival Times Exponential CDF Fit 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Interarrival Time (ns) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 70 80 90 43 Cluster Decay — Lobby LOS 0 Cluster Power Least Squares Fit Γ = 50.8 ns Power ( log|a|2 ) -5 -10 -15 0 50 100 150 200 250 Cluster Delay (ns) 300 IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 350 400 450 44 Intra-Cluster Decay — Lobby LOS 5 Tap Power Linear Least Squares Fit γ = 59.5 ns 0 Tap Power ( log|a|2 ) -5 -10 -15 -20 0 50 100 150 IntraCluster Excess Delay (ns) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 200 250 45 Cluster Interarrival Times — Lobby LOS 1 0.9 1 = 67.5 ns Λ Cumulative Probability 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Cluster Interarrival Times Exponential CDF Fit 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 Cluster Interarrival Time (ns) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 200 250 46 PDP Fit — Lobby NLOS NLOS 1 fit 1 NLOS fit 2 -6 -6.5 -7 Power (log-scale) -7.5 -8 -8.5 -9 -9.5 -10 -10.5 0 500 1000 1500 Sample Index IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 2000 2500 47 PDP Fit Parameters — Lobby NLOS Setting χ γrise γ1 Ω1 NLOS 1 0.88 28 ns 117 ns 0.0020 NLOS 2 0.85 30 ns 134 ns 0.0014 IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 48 Large Scale Parameters — Path Loss The simplest pathloss model consists of a single slope with exponential decay d 10 log P (d) = G0 + 10ν log , d ≥ d0 d0 with d0 = 1m, an arbitrarily chosen reference distance, and G0 the reference loss at d0. Our measurements are not targeted at pathloss extraction; only in three settings enough large scale data points are available to yield crude estimates, as can be observed from the following scatter plots. IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 49 Path Loss Fit — Lobby LOS -66 Impulse Response Power Linear Fit -67 received power (dB) -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 12.6 14.1 15.8 17.8 20.0 22.4 25.1 distance (m, log10 scale) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 28.2 31.6 35.5 50 Path Loss Fit — Lobby OLOS -72 Impulse Response Power Linear Fit -73 received power (dB) -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 20.9 21.9 22.9 24.0 25.1 distance (m, log10 scale) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 26.3 27.5 28.8 51 Path Loss Fit — Corridor LOS received power (dB) -60 Impulse Response Power Linear Fit -65 -70 -75 7.9 8.9 10 11.2 12.6 distance (m, log10 scale) IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 14.1 15.8 52 Pathloss Coefficients Setting ν G0 Lobby LOS 1.6 -49 dB Lobby OLOS 2.2 -45 dB Corridor LOS 1.2 -51 dB IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 53 Conclusions • Presented results from a UWB measurement campaign for indoor public spaces and hallways; largest transmitter-receiver separation reported so far (> 27 m) • Continuous-time specular model probably not suitable for UWB — used a discrete-time model instead • AIC for fading tap model selection – Rayleigh assumption still valid for UWB – differences to Rice, Nakagami and Weibull small • Most IEEE 802.15.4a standard model parameters as expected IEEE 802.14-04-0447-01-004a 54