College Council Chabot College - Board Room Wednesday, January 28, 2015

College Council
Chabot College - Board Room
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Council Members Present:
Susan Sperling, President
Stacy Thompson, Vice President of Academic Services
Connie Willis, Vice President of Administrative Services
Matthew Kritscher, Interim Vice President of Student Services
Marcia Corcoran, Dean At Large
Laurie Dockter, Academic Senate President
Gordon Watt, Classified Senate President
Chasity Whiteside, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Representative
Deonne Kunkel, Planning, Review and Budget Council (PRBC) Chair
Council Members Not Present:
Andrew Pierson, Faculty Association Representative
Jesse Esquire, Student Senate President
Carolyn Arnold, Jim Matthews, Catherine Powell, Carla Walter, Wanda Wong,
Yvonne Wu-Craig
Minute Taker:
Kirti Reddy, Executive Assistant to the Office of the President
A. Meeting Called to Order
President Sperling called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.
B. Approval of Minutes
The Council approved the October 22, 2014 minutes with no changes and the November 24, 2014
minutes with edits discussed by the Council Members.
C. Reports
Student Senate
No report due to the absence of a Student Representative.
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Classified Senate – Gordon Watt, President
The Senate has been working with the Classified Prioritization Subcommittee, to review the Classified
Professional Requests collected through program review. They will have a special meeting to gather
feedback/recommendations from other Classified to provide to the President. They will be meeting
with the President next week to submit that feedback, which completes the first step in the Classified
Prioritization One Year Process. The next step will be for the administration team to create a
prioritized list with #1 being the top priority to hire. The PRBC Chair requested that the Prioritization
Subcommittee or Senate provide an update at one of their upcoming meetings, regarding the process
and timeline. It was agreed that an update would be provided at the February 18th PRBC meeting.
Also, the One Warm Coat drive was successful with collecting eight or nine bags of coats. There was
one full box from the district office in addition to Chabot’s.
Academic Senate – Laurie Dockter, President
The Academic Senate has a scheduled meeting tomorrow. President Dockter has been attending the
pre-planning meetings for the Educational Master Plan Charrette with MIG.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – Chasity Whiteside, Representative
Representative Whiteside announced that voting on the tentative agreement is scheduled for next
week Tuesday, February 3rd and voting will occur all day.
Faculty Association
No report due to the absence of a Faculty Association Representative.
Accreditation Steering Committee – Jim Matthews, Chair
The calendar for vetting the self evaluation report has been sent. College Council and Academic
Senate still need to adopt. Everyone else gives input. Mr. Matthews will meet with the Vice
Presidents and then move forward. Recommendation is two different college hours or college forums
for input. The first draft is being edited by Trish Shannon. The next step is to send it to the college.
They are still waiting for some information from district on the function map to look at the
information holistically. The district function map is required by ACCJC and describes who is
responsible for what areas—what the district does and what the college’s do. The hope is the map
will come to College Council for review and duties and responsibilities will get flushed out. The last
update was 2009. Mr. Matthews is to resend Jeannine Methe. This needs to be done for accreditation.
President Sperling asked to include Human Resources functions of classified staff on the next agenda.
Planning, Review and Budget Council (PRBC) - Deonne Kunkel, Chair
PRBC is moving to the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays starting in February. Gene Groppetti is typing up the
notes from the Shared Governance retreats. The draft is to be completed by February 12th. The
discussion on how to vet the draft will occur at the Academic Senate tomorrow and at PRBC later
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President Sperling requested that after the first and second readings in the Senates and PRBC then it
will come to College Council. After College Council, it will be presented to the Board similar to what
occurred with Las Positas College.
Administrative Services – Connie Willis, Vice President
Vice President Willis had nothing to report.
Academic Services – Stacy Thompson, Vice President
Vice President Thompson has been collaborating with student groups on Black History Month. She is
looking at low enrolled classes and working with the Deans to communicate with faculty on drops and
now shows. They are working on two, five week summer modules. She attended Legislators day
with Vice President Kritscher and reported that most colleges are feeling the low enrollment. The
accreditation report will go to the Board two times with April 30th the due date for the May meeting.
Student Services – Matthew Kritscher, Vice President
Vice President Kritscher reminded everyone of Gladiator days occurring on January 27th and 28th.
During the Legislator visit with the Trustees the Governor proposed a $100 million augment for
equity. Everyone was very supportive. Chabot could go up from $550,000 to one million. This will
assist in the permanent staffing for a Director/Coordinator. Vice President Willis to verify if this is
part of the 50% law. Dean Corcoran commented that the SSSP data needs to feed into the proposals
and not be a separate process.
Two new counselors have started and there will be a possible mixer to introduce them.
D. Discussion Items
1. Linking Strategic Planning More Effectively to Budget Development [Attachments 1 & 2]
President Sperling said she had a positive meeting with President Barry Russell from LPC regarding
the faculty obligation numbers and how they apply at each campus. She sent an email on based on the
faculty prioritization committee recommendations.
There is still some question regarding the record of funded vacancy positions plus retirements that
Vice President Willis is has and the number from the Deans. President Sperling directed Vice
President Willis and Thompson to figure it out.
President Sperling presented a budget development model that was reviewed at the Administrators
Meeting. She will be presenting it to the Budget Committee at their next meeting. There needs to be
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a distinction between strategic planning needs versus operational needs. Dean Walter commented that
it should be a bottom up organic process with the ability to adjust. Operation is the nuts and bolts.
President Sperling wants a big picture approach on timing for the budget where the budget is looked at
together. Program review is disciplined based but there needs to be a cohesive strategic planning links
to budget.
There was question on how much we form our process around the district whose process fluctuates.
Position control does not affect the budget development process. When the calendar comes out, the
planning has been completed. Enrollment is the generator for everything and there needs to be a plan
that is going to last.
There was question whether the Budget Committee should discuss the whole planning. If so, who
should be represented and what would be the venue? There was clarification that the Budget
Committee is not similar to PBC and does not function like it on campus. The campus looks at details
while PBC runs through the model.
There is a need for administrative staff and process/ prioritization to look at budget goals. Strategic
planning should include faculty, classified, program review, PRBC, students, community, state,
district, federal and accreditation requirements.
President Sperling requested further analysis and to bring back the item.
2. Strengthening the Grants Advisory Process and
3. Release of Full-Time Faculty for Grant Work
President Sperling discussed that there are faculty doing reassignments or on release to work on
internal grant activities. The question is how does it get decided and by whom?
There is also another release to work at the state level. For example, Katie Hearn is currently working
on statewide acceleration project. This type of activity is not new like the work originally with the
Puente Project. In order to cover for the faculty positions, the college gets adjunct backfill. There is a
value to the college to supporting the release because it does promote the college on a state and
national level. It is part of the college’s mission statement to contribute at a state and national level.
The counter argument is that we hire full time faculty for their primary expertise for students and that
it is not a healthy practice on a continual basis. Faculty reassignment is considered a developmental
opportunity, but maybe it could be done an administrator or classified staff. The question is how do
we make the decisions for release time. What are the job responsibilities of faculty. There is a district
policy on leaves and applying for sabbaticals.
There is no policy on this matter. Internal grants are easier to see the benefit.
It was raised that the faculty on reassign time could be done by classified staff and what is the support
that is needed for the grant to continue. Also, what facilities and support are used at the college
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including the cost and use of rooms for committees. A suggestion is an advisory process to tie to the
strategic plan and mission.
The dean in the area with consultation with the Vice President makes the recommendation for the
decision. According to Vice President Kritscher, from his Legislator visit, they want more
collaboration and grants that are regionally based. There is a move for statewide data sharing.
Faculty should not make decisions for other faculty, but as an administrative decision referencing the
college’s goals and objectives with the president for review and reassignment. The policy should be a
general policy so there is no difference between the deans.
There is a process for faculty initiated grants. The Grants Advisory is a subcommittee of PRBC and
looks at reassign time. President Sperling stated that this is a college policy issue that needs to review
criteria in considering reassignments and referencing how it meets the college’s mission, programs,
goals and objectives.
4. Faculty and Classified Prioritization Update
Tabled for the first item of the next meeting.
5. Position of Campus Safety & Security Director
E. Other Business
There was no other business.
F. Meeting Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.