Joint College Council & PRBC Chabot College – Room 405

Joint College Council & PRBC
Chabot College – Room 405
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Council Members Present:
Susan Sperling, President
Stacy Thompson, Vice President of Academic Services
Matthew Kritscher, Vice President of Student Services
Marcia Corcoran, Dean At Large
Laurie Dockter, Academic Senate President
Andrew Pierson, Faculty Association Representative
Deonne Kunkel, Planning, Review and Budget Council (PRBC) Chair
Council Members Not Present:
Connie Willis, Vice President of Administrative Services
Gordon Watt, Classified Senate President
Chasity Whiteside, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Representative
Jesse Esquire, Student Senate President
Carolyn Arnold, Kate Dolorito, Tim Dave, Heather Hernandez, Kristin Lima, Rachael TupperEoff, Dale Wagoner, Christine Warda, Jeremy Wilson, Wanda Wong, Yvonne Wu-Craig
Minute Taker:
Kirti Reddy, Executive Assistant to the Office of the President
A. Meeting Called to Order
President Sperling called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
B. Discussion Items
1. Update on Educational Master Plan
Joan Chaplick, MIG Inc., presented and gave an update on the Chabot College Rough
Draft Educational Master Plan Framework [Attachment 1]. They presented to the
Academic Senate the prior week and incorporated changes into the current draft. They
have also extended the deadline for comments from June 1st to June 15th.
Chabot College
College Council Minutes – April 29, 2015
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The Comment Card is available on the District website as a Word document [Attachment
2]. They would like at least 100 comment cards. The President’s Office will assist in
emailing the link.
Staff gave feedback on linking the Strategic Plan and the Educational Master Plan.
Community feedback was provided from those who participated in the Planning
Charrette at the District Office on February 20, 2015. The District plan comes from the
Chancellor’s vision and the charrette.
2. Update on Shared Governance Revisions and Recommendations
President Sperling discussed the revision of the Shared Governance structure and
processes. The plan is to synthesize input gathered from three days of shared governance
workshops. There were 20-25 people across from different segments of the college
community that attended. The Faculty Senate through their leadership also participated
in other meetings and will be convening a workgroup. Veronica Martinez, Instructor,
Communication Studies will be assisting the President’s Office over the summer to
collate feedback from governance groups. The proposals will go back to the Shared
Governance Committees for first reading and responses. There will also be a second
reading with responses. Jim Matthews suggested that the final draft of our updated
documents should come to College Council, which brings together leadership from all the
constituent groups, for final consultation and recommendation.
The process has been outlined to share out to the Divisions and then the College. The
President would like to follow a similar pattern as the development of the Educational
Master Plan.
President Sperling shared information on the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership
Initiative (IEPI) group. Since the faculty are not here during the summer, the hope is to
have the visit in the fall. Details will be provided as it becomes available.
C. Action Items
1. Institutional Effectiveness Indicators
Carolyn Arnold, Coordinator of Institutional Research, presented that the State is
requiring the College to have institutional effectiveness goals by June 15, 2015
[Attachment 3]. Two are required—course completion rates and accreditation status.
The State is concerned that too many Colleges are receiving accreditation sanctions.
There is a new division in the State Chancellor’s Office for monitoring. We are only
looking at what is required by June 15th. The proposed goals have gone through
PRBC and the Academic Senate. Dr. Arnold is proposing that our goal for course
completion be a rolling five-year average of 60%. Our accreditation status goal
would of course be to have our accreditation reaffirmed. There are also several
optional goals, and we will not be setting them since we need more time to consider
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and discuss them. It is something to consider during next year. She requested that
College Council approve her proposal for submission.
The Council approved that Dr. Arnold submit the two required Institutional
Effectiveness Indicator goals as discussed.
President Sperling discussed her experience at the ACCJC Symposium that she
attended in San Diego the previous week.
2. PRBC Budget Allocation Statement
PRBC Chair, Deonne Kunkel, presented The Planning, Review and Budget
Council’s Program Review Synthesis Statement on Resource Allocation
[Attachment 4]. It needs to be documented that it was presented to College
Council. Two different PRBC work groups crafted statements to inform
prioritization after the council read and synthesized all Program Reviews and they
were combined to form a general statement regarding resource needs. The
statement addresses concerns regarding replacing positions being cut, retirements
and balancing faculty hires with support needs. It was requested that the item
come back after further discussion at the May 6th PRBC meeting for strategic goal
D. Other Business
There is a formal proposal on hiring of at least fifteen classified positions coming through
classified leadership. It will be presented to College Council when finalized. The Dean’s
Summary is where they have input on which positions they prioritize and then work with
their Vice Presidents. The classified professional work with the Vice Presidents and the
E. Meeting Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m.