Institutional Planning and Budget Council Meeting Notes Wednesday, August 24, 2005 Attendees Rachel LePell, Sally Jahnke, Carolyn Arnold, Rajinder Samral, Jessie Vernieri, Melinda Matsuda, Laurie Dockter, JoAnn Galliano, Jeanine Paz, Tom Clark, Ron Taylor, Jane Church, Roberto Mendez, Bob Carlson, Bob Curry, Dale Wagoner, Marge Maloney, Chad Mark Glen, Brenda Carr, Rachel Ugale, Rachel Maldinado Aziminia, Gerald Shimada. Minutes of the last meeting Minutes from both the June 23, 2005 meeting and the July 21, 2005 meeting were attached to the agenda. The June minutes were approved at the July meeting. The July minutes were approved at this meeting with one change: in the attendees paragraph, Jessica Vernieri’s title is Grant Developer/Writer. Vision Statements The President and Vice Presidents were asked prepare a vision statement to present to IPBC at this meeting. Summaries of their presentations are provided below: 1. Bob Carlson Dr. Carlson’s goal is for Chabot to survive the budget crisis while keeping our quality high. He believes the budget will not be better in the near term. The district’s budget reserve has been decreasing, and will probably be gone next year. Dr. Carlson articulated a tripartite vision: o o o How to help students survive (support, retention, etc.); Improvement of instruction/institutional improvement; and Curriculum improvement to help students learn better. Dr. Carlson asked IPBC to develop a rolling 3-year Strategic Plan, to validate planning that is already done, to cause the college to generate unit plans, to read those plans and tie them back to the strategic plan. From the 3year Strategic Plan, an annual plan must be developed. This plan is to give FOCUS to the rolling 3-year plan. This 1-year plan should have about 6 goals (3 new things and 3 things that represent continuous improvement). Dr. Carlson wants IPBC to have a focus on Staff Development (among other things). IPBC should aim some of its flexible resources on specific things that are part of the strategic plan. At this point, there are not many flexible resources, but it is a goal to have this occur at some point. While the President does have fairly complete authority to make decisions, he does decide how much of it he wants to share with IPBC and others. This council should assess and plan, make decisions, ask Dr. Carlson for help when it is needed, and should seek his opinion about big changes. 2. Ron Taylor There were several main points to Dr. Taylor’s discussion: Get Academic Services up-to-date and running smoothly; Flesh out the number of staff in Academic Services; Measure community needs and provide a sufficient array of general education, transfer courses, occupational degrees and certificates, and so forth, to maintain a comprehensive program at the college; o Increase opportunities for students in impacted courses and programs and phase out courses and programs which no longer meet community needs; o Formulate a “Chabot Approach” to learning; o Develop and market “Flagship” programs (the community decides which are our Flagship programs); o Nurture the learning process in an integrated, holistic fashion; o Evaluate distance ed offerings; o Encourage the evening classes to be more successful; and o Shift the times for course offerings when construction occurs. 3. Melinda Matsuda o o o Ms. Matsuda listed five major themes in her vision for Student Services: Any vision for student services needs to fit in with the Institutional Vision of the LearningCentered institution. Student Services has developed a framework for ongoing assessment or program review which will incorporate both student learning outcomes and program performance outcomes as the key indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of each student services unit and its impact on institutional effectiveness; o Services to support student access, retention, and success as an ongoing mantra for student services; o Strengthening relations with school and community; o Working with improvements to facilities and services accessibility through the student access center and increased online services; and o Continuing to build bridges, not only across the college, but within services as well. 4. Bob Curry o These are the main points discussed by Mr. Curry: o o o o o In the last 5 years, our unrestricted budget funds have increased by 13%, and our expenditure of these same funds has increased 24%. Most of this increase is due to benefits and other personnel costs. Benefit costs are up 65% in this time period. Our largest expense is faculty. It’s an important expenditure, because faculty teach the classes that generate enrollment (FTES), thus revenue. There is a need to evaluate programs and shift our human resources. 92% of the current budget is personnel; We must look at how we are using all of our resources. This is difficult, because we are all understaffed; We need to look at if we will need layoffs. At this point, layoffs will mean cutting of services; We need to think of ways to raise revenue. Right now, 80% of our revenue comes from apportionment. Where else could we raise income? Please consider these vision statements as a part of the background for development of our strategic plan. CEMC/DEMC Report This report was postponed until another time. Institutional Research Report Carolyn Arnold updated us about grant proposals. We are considering applying for the Title III grant again this year. Please tell Carolyn if you have input to what should be in the new student survey that she will do this year. SLOAC Committee Deans, please appoint a member of your faculty to the SLOAC Committee. Convocation “Download” -- Summary of comments: • • • • • • Generally good. People just want to sit down and do something. It’s good to have a focus on flex day. There were difficulties with Thursday. The thematic part worked. Faculty want to work on something, so the 3-day concept should involve that (meetings and work time both - alternating). Some faculty feel insulted by “the learning college” and SLOACs. They think we are already doing this. We need to explain and get people to see the difference. Homework Prior to the next meeting, please read the current 1-year and 3-year strategic plans.