COLLEGE COUNCIL Friday, May 5 t h , 2006 2 to 3:30 p.m. Board Room MINUTES President Carlson called College Council to order at 2:02 p.m. We are going through the governance structure once again. We are revitalizing the current narrative committee document, and will be providing an updated copy over the summer. That material with corrections is circulating. Please mark up your copy of the manual and provide input to Bella Witt in the President’s Office, who will be making the changes to the final document. You will see a final draft over the summer at College Council before it gets published campus wide. I have invited the committee chairs to attend today’s College Council so they can provide an update on this year’s committees and what happened this year with you. Where is the committee and what they think about what they will be doing – an update on committee activity. 1) Governance committee): Committee Reports (Chairs or representatives from each a) Dayne Nichols, ASCC, President: Dayne distributed a written report. We have had struggles in terms of getting ASCC members who would be involved in college with committees so we attributed most to our struggle to the constitution. It limited it to when we had to stop accepting applicants as senators. We revised the constitution and bylaws to accommodate the problem, and we are in the process of doing bylaws and we will do that by the end of this semester. The revised constitution will go to the students in Fall 2006 by President Elect Bernadette Richards. We will be attending the statewide Student Senate conference this weekend, and we have been active at the state level. a) Rick Moniz (written report). A written report was distributed that Rick prepared in advanced as he could not attend College Council today. b) Wayne Phillips (Technology Committee). The year started off by taking a look at the procedures and looking at wireless network access on campus. It was an issue because it involved distric t resources and capital improvements on campus. The committee went through a soul-searching some members on for some time lamented about how it used to be on improving technology. We thought about what the structure and looked at how it can be effective. There are major areas we have impact: establishing minimum tech qualities on campus and work with District IT to establish that. For every department or program that wants new technology they should do a budget request in the unit plan. The Technology Committee wants to look at whatever you are requesting is compatible with the current infrastructure; and looking at the feasibility at how it fits on campus; looking at what other 25555 Hesperian Boulevard Hayward CA 94545 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 or 723-6641 FAX (510) 723-7126 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two departments are doing, and looking at the technology process overall; and if both are requesting video-conferencing or something similar, the possibility of doing resource sharing and looking at what is being spent. This all needs to tie into the unit plan to work in line with the budget. c) d) Nolly Ruiz (Curriculum Committee). Curriculum applies to Title V, and work with the auspices of Academic Senate. After much discussion there are four changes to the process that have been made (we are going to have a fast track process for offering courses on line). The committee is focusing on mentoring new instructors. New courses that are offered; implementation of a checks and balance system. Once a course has been approved by the Curriculum Committee, it can be offered on line. Individual instructors must be approved. We will allow experimental courses to be allowed. The deadline to accept on-line proposals for Spring 2007 is September 11 t h , 2006. The Committee has been reviewing proposals year around so this is the reason we have recommend it. We have cut off dates. The curriculum approval date for the following year is a member of the year before. We are trying to accommodate everyone’s needs by publishing dates that are published and distributed. The next training on curriculum matters will take place on May 16 t h at 2 pm. in Rm. 824. Nolly distributed a calendar of presentation events for 2006-2007. The Curriculum Committee is currently reviewing degree requirements, the writing and critical thinking of an area (language and rationality). Nolly will be sending a faculty Email that will be including the criteria for that. Every course like automotive, archery, etc., has a critical thinking area within its disciplines. The introduction of service learning occurred this year. The District level there is a reconstitution at the district-level of a like thing to review District-wide issues (i.e., AS Degree). Facilities Committee (Craig Fernandez for Tim Steele, Facilities Committee): Craig has been the consultant for construction program, DMJM employee, He has done a good job and even with the changes that are coming at the district level, Craig will be with us for one year. We have gotten very good services. He is here today because Tim Steele can’t make it. The group first focused on office and classroom standards, and now is on the preparation and education of the classrooms for all facilities having the same attributes (furniture, AV system, whiteboards, etc). The classroom subcommittee works with a consultant created standards and currently implementing standards in to four prototype classrooms 508, 904, 1814, 2205. Construction will occur in late may and early June, and faculty can test the classrooms in the summer. There will be four different types of layouts in these classrooms. We would be able to have classes take turns using the rooms during fall where faculty could share the rooms by using them a particular time period during the semester. Requests for room usage should be made through Ron Taylor. Some rooms will have simple systems to four different shades of light, etc., and this will try to capture the overall experience in the room. In each room there will be a placard on the room that will include the particulars in that particular 2 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two classroom as compared to the other classrooms so faculty could take note of that. This will grow into campus-wide standards. There is a separate committee involving office standards who is working with one consultant to come up with office standards for conference rooms, open office standards, secretarial spaced, reception areas, and general office usage. We have solicited volunteers to be a part of the user-planning group, and they will be the lead and within that lead faculty staff as a core user group. We will be working on the PE complex. The recommendations are going with selecting an architect at the May Board Meeting. Next year is the last year in Building 700, and the construction will be starting in the middle of next year. The Planetarium may be out of service too. Noise, confusion, mud, access to campus, will be issues that will affect all staff and students. We have to live with it. We will try to move people to quieter spots if possible, but there are cases that we won’t be able to do so. We have made a presentation to the facilities committees and various presentations to the secrets of this work. This brings us to the budget issues. Tim Steele mailed to faculty and staff about a week ago the latest recommendations form the ad hoc subcommittee for recommendations for budget cuts on various projects. We have solicited your comments that are due May 8 t h and we have to do those presentations to the facilities committee by the end of May. If you have input, please contact Tim Steele. The Performing Arts Center lobby is nearing completion and building 100 the art gallery entry door has been installed and it now has to be ripped out and replaced again due to shoddy work. The architecture of record and program management office have reservations about the quality of the workmanship and have requested that it be redone. The roll up door in bldg .1400 is being installed. Technical engineers will be doing soon soil samples around the college where the proposed student access center is getting located and near the instructional office building. Chad stated to Craig that everything he has heard about Craig has been exemplary and nothing but the best. Marge said that she is glad that Craig is here, too. Twelve noon on May 16 t h in Bldg. 600 the architects, LPA, will be nearing their program effort and the invitation will be made to staff and students to attend a meeting with the architects and where they are today and with the various themes they are studying. The office committee just focuses on one office, and the architects are taking that block of 100-square foot office and using it as a template to create the size of the building and different configurations for that building. My whole approach is that it has been a collaborative effort and he wants to include every one on the meetings. Unless confidentially is in the office, classified staff will be out in the open and accessible. e) Carol Baumann (Staff Development). I am not a Staff Development chair – Rosie Mogle will be soon. I am the co-coordinator along with Kip Waldo. The release time is split three ways. This year’s meeting will be held next week. I have been here since April 1989. We tried to roll over the money yearly and put staff applying for funds through a rigorous application process. Staff Development at this time consisted of an annual ice cream social. In 1992, we got a massive Title III Grant and, overnight with Staff Development the 3 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two process changed to having smart classrooms, computer labs in several locations, and the Language Arts Division went through a remodeling of philosophy and instructional workshops. We hosted the NC5 group in 1996, and we raced to get classrooms wired. 1,000 from Northern California came to Chabot for a two-day period and Steve Wozniak spoke. We were the cutting edge in the state for technology. Kip was the only coordinator at one time, forms were simplified, and staff were asked to apply for funding. The committee went through a change over the next few years and we even went through a year of informative presentations on a wide range of topics and a grant was awarded by the California Council on Humanities asking on how we did this. We hosted Healing Journeys, and we have been successful with the new faculty learning community. We have been working with cross-disciplinary work with faculty. There have been presentations, collaborations with student groups on a wide variety of themes, We have many speakers. The Chabot Book Club has been going on for two years and has been successful. We are going on reduced work load in the fall, but we know that many value this climate on this campus. We need a campus-wide vision. We want an engaged faculty and staff to help our students. We hope administrators will actively supportive of making the college experience richer for students with college events for teaching and learning. The College needs to maintain its sense of wholeness and not get wired in the procedural tasks. For new faculty coming on, we don’t schedule them for committee work during their first year and encourage them to join the new faculty-learning group. We need to encourage their participation. f) Rachel Ugale (Classified Senate): I wanted to do a classified staff handbook and we actually wanted to get the money raised this year for classified scholarships and a staff award this Fall. Dr. Carlson has been coming to our meetings and we will be electing new senators next week and that will be good to get the outgoing senators to our last few meetings of the year. At the Faculty Senate, the classified senate rep was approved and we will be attending them regularly. We presented classified staff awards at the Academic Senate Recognition Ceremony this year. We want to have continual dialog with Dr. Cota and Dr. Carlson. LPC has approached us to do a combined flex day activity with the District classified Senates in Fall or Spring. We need to bring back the Star Award and we want to continue to honor and recognize classified staff. Gerald Shimada had a comment about the recognition ceremony that he can see the intent, and I think it is important that we spend enough time to honor all of our employees. Gerald appreciated the way we honor and recognize retirees. The traditional manner in which we honor the retirees in the Board Room is a good thing and a relaxed way. g) Chad Mark Glen (Academic/Faculty Senate): We have done a lot this year. I recommend that you click on the website and that will give you an idea about what our accomplishments and progress 4 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two have been. I clicked on the website and found that we did a lot of things. h) Rich Talmo (Chabot Foundation): We started our year in July where we focused on several initiatives like increasing revenue, the marquee sign, major gifts, brick program, President’s Club, and other events. We have become event oriented and another focus is this year was to get the alumni involved. The last focus was to spend more time on outreach, chamber inclusion, and recruitment. We have 30 members over the last three years, with 20 of them as voting members. The Board has grown from four people to 30. We are seeking a more engaged board and more participatory and more active. We are not quite there, but we are getting there. We are looking at becoming self-sufficient and looking at other ways and to create creative funding sources. The good news is that the Foundation has become a credible of the philanthropic part of the local communities, we have put on some good events, and we have some influential people on the board based on community members. The program succeeds on a five to a ten year period and not on a three year time period. We feel that we are now going to be more effective in the self-succient issues. We have Blooming Affaire, On Stage has given 300 people in attendance, and they will be coming back for a fourth year in October. But we think we hit a ceiling in revenue and $50,000 in gross receipts. We had Forbidden Voices in April and it was not as well attended as we thought. We were two days after Passover and a day before the Holocaust Remembrance. We didn’t have a home run and the Jewish community did not come out. We will net a few thousand dollars and we made some new friends in the Jewish community. We are now putting our energies into Blooming Affaire’s and we secured Ron Morgan, the most sought after floral designer in the US, and we are honoring the Dvorsky’s on Friday night cocktail party. The other priorities are the marquee sign and we are working on managing the marquee sign and the basketball and football stadium that allows corporate partners to advertise on campus. We have a sales representative who has brought in new advertisers on the board, and our goal is $50,000 or possibly more. The Board is conflicted about trying to reach a balance on charitable gifts, and we have the pouring rights on campus to negotiate it this year. We are talking with Coke and Pepsi and we will sign a 3 to 5 year deal with one. We are looking for marketing dollars and will look for giveaways. We hope to put $25,000 to our bottom line. The brick program, has sold 60 bricks so far, the facilities committee won’t give us any idea on the architectural sign. Major gifts is another area we have focused on and we are asking for money for Puente Program, etc. We are prepared to submit our request to the Valley Foundation for projects in San Leandro and Union City that Dr. Carlson has created partnerships with. Homecoming was a big event last year and we think we created a kind of Midwest fall event with the BBQ, coin toss, and the marching band and we expect to do it again. This year Homecoming has been bestowed upon us October 21 s t and our On Stage Event is the following week. As we look back on our history, we have contributed $60,000 to campus programs, which we feel 5 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two good, and we have committed $40,000 to the endowment. Tri-Ced is building an educational center, a $3 million center and they have received half that funding, and San Leandro is building an educational center, and this is a $4 or $5 million center. There are two organizations in our service area looking for instructional support, and I saw it as an opportunity to help them so I offered our help. The Foundation is the owners of the project, and they will be distributing the checks. We will have an off-campus coordinator and staff that will run these two centers. There is office space in the Tri-Ced building, and there is space for a wet lab for science classes. We will begin to build curriculums there and we hope in three years that enrollment will sustain itself. i) Mac Wright (Safety & Security): The meetings are listed on the campus website. The committee is to serve as a subcommittee to the Facilities Committee on life and safety issues and assisted in the development of the security master plan and discuss ACAMS and CCTV implementation. There is a monthly dialogue on ICS, SEMS, and NIMS (National Incidents Management System) training and a federally-mandated compliance (i.e., disaster, crisis, emergency preparedness. We participate in table top campus familiarity and evacuation exercise. We have discussed the campus safety website. We have discussed the acquisition of emergency medical equipment: automated external and auto pulse. We have discussed an on-duty administrator handbook or quick reference guide, and we have discussed the purpose and process of post critical event briefings. j) Bob Curry (Chabot Budget Committee): The CBC primary goal is to work on developing a budget and become familiar with the budget campus with recommendations on directing resources or making suggestions on improvement can be done thoughtfully. We begin having budget managers make presentations to the committee and to review the purpose of their particular area and how they relate to the strategic goals of the college so they can be a tie in with budget and planning, a criticism on this college. We are trying to bring this together. We ask that augmentation requests come and be prioritized but as funds became available through one time sources or review of the budget for free up moneys so those funds could be released to those requested in the priority established. We have a criteria list that we applied to those requests. For example, safety might be an issue. We brought in the VTEA funding and budgets within the scope of the budget committee and utilizing it to review the requests for funding (VTEA). We also continued the process of having managers make presentations on their budgets. We asked for multi-year information and had the presentation done in the IT training room where we could do electronic presentations. We are prioritizing equipment and augmentation requests for this year. The process for requesting bond funds to purchase equipment will be done only once a year so all these request will be packaged and submitted by June 13 t h . Gerald stated that it is a very collegial committee and encourages staff to attend the committee. There is a need for augmentation in certain areas and there are four areas that 6 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two have legitimate needs. The issue is the funding sources. One issue needing to be addressed whenever a program is slated for expansion, but that program may be supply intensive where they use consumables (i.e., chemistry), Since our enrollment dropped by 3% which is $500,000, that is $500,000 that we won’t have next year. We will have to look at programs campus wide and how this enrollment drop will affect programs and staffing. Dr. Carlson will keep staff communicated to on proposed changes and budget status. Laurie Docktor, Chair of IPBC, and we started in Fall with the chair of Sally Jahnke. We put together unit plans in the Fall and we looked at the strategic plan 06-07 and we looked at accreditation which will be different coming up. We look at the standards to see if we covered them in our detailed strategic plan and we found things that were not in there. Right now, we are trying to include some areas we want to focus like goals and will come up with action plans for next year. One is student learning outcomes, and the needs in accreditation, and we need to look at how well we are doing it. Are we assessing it to see if they are learning those things, and are getting what they need. Another thing is retention and enrollment. Can we retain our students in one particular course, or are there ways we can ring up our enrollment. We want to increase dialogue so we can find out what all of us are doing, also Carolyn Arnold has gotten data on basic skills and equity. We want to look at our what our focus is for next year. We circulated a list to all the IPBC committee and the accreditation references that gives the standards and things that we need to address. It is very specific. Title III has been discussed at length in IPBC. Dr. Carlson wants the senates and the committees to provide representation of chairs and staff for committees for 2006-2007 so a meeting can be formed within two weeks. 2) Student Cheating Policy (Chad Mark Glen): Tabled to May 19 t h Meeting. 3) Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Hire Procedures (Chad Mark Glen). Tabled to May 19 t h Meeting. 4) Academic Senate Constitution Changes (Chad Mark Glen). Tabled to May 19 t h Meeting. 5) Living Tree Memorial For Faculty Retirees (Chad Mark Glen). Tabled to May 19 t h Meeting. 6) Title III Status Report (Jessica Vernieri and Ron Taylor). Jessica stated she and Ron have visited areas campus to discuss Title III. She distributed a document entitled 2006 Title III Grant Proposal Problem Statement and Main Activity, which is a Staff Development grant that will support student learning. The two main avenues were through the Building 100 project and through program review. Tom DeWit and Cindy Hicks have helped identify these two 7 Agenda For College Council Friday, May 5th, 2006 Page Two areas and the two most feasible avenues for improving student success. We are required to do program review for accreditation and using assessment data for student learning outcomes. Dr. Arnold appreciates Jessie and Ron. We have an incredible proposal ready for them. 8) 7) Selection on Nursing Students to the Nursing Program - I have been concerned for some time that because of the way nursing students are selected has a tendency to capture students who are on a continual wait list. The system we have for selecting students is a difficult one and it has bothered me for some time I have encouraged the Department to come up with a selection. They finish a series of prerequisites and then check to see if overall GPA, completion of general anatomy, and a certain score are done, and then they go into a barrel to be picked. We might pick some 50 students out of 400 applicants. The next year those are left go back in to the barrel. It is our responsibility to pick students in our service area. At some point, we have to say we tried to help you out, the program will be for second year students where they will get another ticket in the barrel. For the third year, there will be 15 slots set aside that only third year applicants will be eligible for the drawing. Discussion came up on last year’s change in requirements on entry into the program at the last minute. Dr. Carlson is not happy with the current process but is not empowered to make changes. Meeting Adjournment at 4:45 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Friday, May 19 t h , 2006, 2 p.m., Board Room (please submit agenda item(s) by 9 a.m., Thursday, May 18 t h ). kls 8