College Council MINUTES of Friday, January 19 , 2007

College Council
MINUTES of Friday, January 19th, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m. by Dr. Ron Taylor.
Marcia Corcoran reported that in Fall 2006, the Chabot College Speech & Debate team
has won over 40 individual awards and has placed no lower than 4th place at any
tournament this year. This has been one of the most successful opening campaigns in
nearly a decade. Twelve of the 14 students who have participated at a tournament this
year has brought home at least one award, and at the UOP and Delta tournaments, a
whopping 9 out of 10 students brought home at least one award, with 8 out of 10 bringing
home multiple awards. The team finished 2nd in the Community College Division, and 4th
in the "Large School Entry" division, beating UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Los Rios, Ohlone,
San Jose State, and City College of San Francisco, among others. We hope to continue
this golden season as we head towards the State Championships in March and Nationals
in April.
January 26th through 28th, Chabot will host its first ever Invitational Speech & Debate
tournament. This tournament will host schools from around the Bay Area as they
compete in Parliamentary Debate, Oratory (which includes Persuasive, Informative, and
After Dinner Speeches), as well as Oral Interpretation of Literature. Among the already
registered entrants is the University of Pacific, who has one of the top 10 Parliamentary
Debate teams in the Nation, as well as our own Chabot Gladiators who have won nearly
40 individual and team awards this year, including 2nd place at the Delta tournament in
November. Admission is free, and rounds take place campus wide, so feel free to visit the
Board Room over the weekend and Jason Ames can provide a schedule.
Staff Development is finalizing plans for Flex Day, and the theme is “Talk Matters”.
Student Services held “Help Zone”. The event was so successful that it will be repeated
again this Fall.
The Commencement Planning Committee is discussing plans for a key-note speaker.
Melinda encouraged those with recommendations should contact her now.
Tom Clark announced that the Business area experienced a 30% increase in enrollment.
Distance Education Committee Chair Jan Novak reported that they hosted a meeting this
week. They experienced a great Fall Semester, and look forward to a productive Spring
Semester. Enrollments are up 75% as compared to last Spring at this time. They are
facing 40 new proposals this semester, and it is clear with the current system they need
to devise a new plan to help improve and manage the process.
The Budget Committee will meet next week to review equipment requests for next year’s
budget. Farhad Javaheripour advised deans and those submitting unit plans that those
who have not submitted plans may be left behind as far as equipment is concerned.
Sarah Black invited all to attend Safety Committee meetings. It’s an opportunity to
provide input/ideas on safety issues/needs. The next meeting will be held Tuesday,
February 13th. The December meeting included an overview discussion on the
administrative staff’s recent simulated disaster preparedness drill, and determined
additional practice will be
needed. Additional training and a
simulated fire drill will be held
ASCC held a Board Meeting
January 17th, and planning Club Day.
Classified Senate will host an
with a guided tour of the
accompany classified staff on
off-campus afternoon Flex Day event
Oakland Museum. Gene Groppetti will
a tour of the Museum’s art gallery, than
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
MINUTES of Friday, January 19th, 2007
lead a discussion on Visual Literacy.
As noted in this HOTSHEET, Heidi Finberg reported that the Chabot Foundation is
continuing to host the Commemorative Brick Program and development of the
President’s Club. The current outreach to the business community is continuing, and
Heidi gave a presentation to the San Leandro Rotary. Plans are underway for this year’s
Blooming Affaire, scheduled for Friday, June 8th and Saturday, June 9th, with a tour of
tables Friday night, and high tea Saturday at Hayward City Hall Rotunda.
Marketing Co-Chair, Susan May, reported that the Marketing Committee has been
working on a Spring campaign funded by one-time money from the District. The
campaign included a billboard in downtown Hayward, ads on public transportation (i.e.,
AC Transit/BART trains), and ads in the Daily Review. In last week’s Daily Review, there
was an insert that listed evening/on-line classes. Susan completed a brochure for the
Music Department that is coming out January 31st, and is currently working on the
Performing Arts Center brochure. Community Education has a new website. They now
offer on-line registration. 60% of registrations are done on-line, and it seems to be
working. They will be hosting their 2nd annual Open House & Registration Friday,
February 9th and instructors who teach dance and music will perform. This free event will
be in the Little Theater.
The Technology Committee’s subcommittee devised a useful idea of developing a
business-card size document that can be kept in a faculty member’s wallet listing key
campus numbers (i.e., Media Services, Campus Safety). There will be a Furniture Fair
February 5th-9th in Building 1800 where vendors will bring samples of furniture (they will
eventually be getting) for staff to try out.
The Facilities Committee hosted an emergency meeting January 11th to discuss entrance
points for the Arts area and Athletics. tBP made tremendous improvement for the Athletic
facilities so the athletics plaza will be worked on once Facilities has met its design. The
final landscape package has been completed and is on a CD. Progress was made on the
Central Plant and how to structure it. The next Facilities meeting will be on classrooms,
and we will finalize the direction for the technology-enhanced classrooms.
Nolly Ruiz attended a conference on curriculum and learned that our Self-Study will look
at evidence of dialogue and the outcome of SLO’s. There was a spirit of sharing of
materials on assessment statewide.
IPBC met December 13th and announced that the Basic Skills Coordinator is Cristina
Ruggiero. Because Laurie Dockter did not receive feedback on the unit plan hand-out,
she will be soliciting feedback again. The next IPBC meeting will be held Wednesday,
January 24th with discussion on the plan and processing.
CEMC has been working with the deans to develop the Fall 2007 and Spring 2008
schedules. Fall 2007 was done and was brought to this committee before and some
choices were made on it. IT has finished and has been reviewed by Tram Vo-Kumamoto
and Daryl Minus for student ease and scheduling. Please forward your feedback to the
deans about this Spring’s schedule. Sally Jahnke reported that as of Sunday, January
14th, Chabot had 3870 FTEF, 183 more than January 15th, 2006. We have been
increasing on Class Web. We
are coming up on the Evening/Saturday
Enrollment. As of Sunday
night, there was a 68% fill rate, and the
College as a whole is at 71%.
The recent marketing campaign and
newspaper ads were helpful.
Chad Mark Glen reported that
changes to the A.S./A.A.
Academic Senate has been working on
Degree and working with LPC and
Committee and D.C.C. and with the
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
MINUTES of Friday, January 19th, 2007
implementation on those changes. The program introduction process was approved at
the January 16th Board Meeting, and there is a desire to increase growth and change this
semester and grow as an institution.
Dale Wagoner reported that Chabot Men’s Basketball won the Columbia Tournament.
The ASPIRE Program has relocated the former site of the Employment Services Center
(second floor, Student Center). The move was done with contributions with the evolving
Learning Connection. Replacing the ASPIRE movement is our new TRIO Grant
Educational Talent Search, getting that up and running, and searching for a new director.
Gerald Shimada asked staff to help spread the word about the director’s search.
Steve Piatetsky is working on assessment and feedback for model classrooms and will
have a round-table meeting. Details and specifications are being formatted on
classrooms and he is working with the Technology Committee. Media has been involved
with a pilot project for instruction and video, and starting one for the mobile computer cart
(will be out within two weeks).
Dr. Carolyn Arnold reported that the Grants Subcommittee met this week. Regarding the
Title III process, the Governor will fund-down the list so we do not need to rewrite our
proposal. We have identified grants that Grantwriter, Yvonne Wu-Craig, will work on this
Spring and will identify what fits into our strategic planning needs. The main points were
identified, and Yvonne has worked on funding for Daraja, as she recently found
foundation funds for Daraja. Two groups in Math-Science will take on the NSF grant
projects and to obtain scholarships for Math and Science students, and develop
improvements in courses, curriculums, and instructions in Math and Science. There is a
state grant for career technical education that we are looking at.
Dr. Ron Taylor reported that enrollment is up, but we may not make our target for the
year which is 10480 FTES. It appears to be growing this Spring and we have more latestart classes this Spring than in previous years. So far, there are 3870 FTES this Spring
for our regular credit enrollment. Dr. Taylor’s projection two months ago was we needed
to hit 4500 or close to it to avoid having to borrow from Summer. We have a few weeks
before census, and will be more certain then. At the DMC meeting this morning, it was
reported that LPC is making up the difference. The District appears to be making its
1) One Time Funds: Melinda Matsuda reported that enrollment growth initiatives are
two-year projects. There are seven different projects. At the February 6th Board
Workshop at Chabot, a presentation and an update will be given on one-time
enrollment growth initiatives. Research is developing measurable success and
outcomes. Melinda recognized Susan May and Jennifer Aries for their effective
marketing campaign (i.e., billboard, signage, public transit ads).
Student housing at CSU East Bay is a venture that is up and running, and could be
discussed at length at a later Council meeting. Chad recommended the need for an
abstract executive summary for distribution at a future Council meeting. The
proposals have been
posted on the Academic Services
website: 2006-2007 &
2007-2008, two functioning years
funding is for.
Dr. Ron Taylor reported it
favor of institutionalizing a
to maintain as marketing
budget times. However, it
sounds like District Administration is in
regular marketing budget, though hard
is usually the first to get cut during weak
takes time to build an effective
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
MINUTES of Friday, January 19th, 2007
marketing campaign, and is not a short-term process or something that happens
2) Student Learning Outcomes: Chad Mark Glen reported that Academic Senate has
worked with Dr. Taylor and Cristina Ruggiero and others who are going to coordinate
projects funded by the Basic Skills grant. A time line was drafted for a SLO
implementation strategy and coordinator leadership surrounding how Chabot will do
3) Community Open House: Susan May highlighted the campus-wide Open House
Saturday, May 12th, in conjunction with Mega Day. Departments will have an
opportunity to showcase their programs and services. All departments are
encouraged to participate by hosting an open studio, table-top demonstrations,
workshops/, student readings, or tours. Details and a registration form will be sent
shortly. Susan urged staff to think of ways their area can participate. The core
planning committee includes Bill McDonald, Susan May, Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Karen
Silva, and Katherine Tollefsen, Chair. Events lined up include the Automotive
Technology Department’s Career Day that will include tours of the Auto Shop/Lab, a
car show in the Grand Court with live music by KCRH, and the Chabot Foundation
will host a free barbecue.
Svend la Rose asked what Chabot is doing to celebrate Commencement. He felt if
the College is planning a festival at 7 p.m. with great fanfare we are lost. He shared
his idea about having a Commencement kick-off event held earlier that would include
a lecture or address, with a goal to raise funds for other events. The guest speaker
might be a student with the highest GPA, or an esteemed faculty member. Svend felt
the College needs faculty and departments that day to celebrate Commencement,
more than just walking out and having music played. Svend felt alumni and
graduates’ families could attend an afternoon event. Cynthia Stubblebine reminded
the Council that Chabot recognizes, celebrates, and honors not only transferring and
graduating students, but all students, in various ways throughout April and May with
ceremonies, recognition and pinning ceremonies, and awards programs.
Svend asked about Commencement regalia and attire. Melinda Matsuda invited
Svend to attend a College Commencement Committee meeting and share his ideas.
In response to Svend’s concerns, Dr. Taylor suggested Svend bring his questions to
the Commencement Planning Committee meeting.
Svend asked about the integration of private industry employees as community
college instructors, using CSU SLO as an example of hiring staff from private industry
to teach in that particular industry. Tom Clark stated he could identify 30 industrial
professionals who are currently teaching adjunct. Svend asked how students can
learn about a faculty member’s experience in private industry before registering for
that course. Dr. Taylor asked the Marketing Committee to use this as a suggestion
for marketing material.
2) Kathy Linzmeyer invited all to attend the Cash For College Fair, Saturday, February
Center, an annual event for students to
24th in the Performing Arts
apply for financial aid.
Students can also complete a FAFSA.
Dr. Carlson will kick off
the event. Chabot was recognized as
having the best financial
aid festival in Bay Area.
Dr. Taylor adjourned the
meeting at 3:10 p.m.
kls; 1/24/06
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
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