Document 11545391

College Council
Thursday, July 20 t h , 2006
2:10 p.m. to 3:43 p.m. – Board Room
Dr. Carlson called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. He recognized Marcia Corcoran for
her efforts in coordinating the February 2006 Flex Day and the upcoming Flex
Emergency/Evacuation Fire Drill Procedures: Mac Wright stated that
the emergency/evacuation fire drill procedures impact the entire
campus. In November 2004, Mac developed a document that is a
synopsis of best practices from universities and colleges nationwide in
which they have implemented fire drill procedures. As a result, Mac
distributed a one-page draft document on “Planning and Scheduling a
Building Evacuation Drill”. Mac felt buy-in from all faculty and staff is
needed in order to make the process work. The drill practices this fall
will enable the college to discover its shortcomings.
This document is a draft version, and once finalized will be reviewed by
administrative staff and College Council about the planning and
implementation of a building emergency evacuation drill protocol for
each department’s buildings (as part of the emergency preparedness
plan). The Department of Campus Safety and Security Committee
recommends that all buildings have planned annual evacuation drills
(two times a year, once each for day and evening classes in Fall
Semester, and once, day and evening classes, in Spring Semester). Mac
Wright wants to schedule them at the convenience of staff availability.
He will be contacting each department to schedule a time in the third or
fourth week of Fall Semester. Dr. Carlson recommended a schedule by
building for the drill, and recommended that departments provide
Campus Safety with a list of preferred dates for the proposed drills in
Dr. Carlson will ask that faculty remove paper that covers faculty office
door windows in case of emergency. Chad stated that in the past when
asked by the campus safety director, there was little success with
faculty complying. If covered, Campus Safety and emergency personnel
would consider the office vacant and will be treated as help is not
needed. Dr. Carlson is not going to ask faculty if they will comply, but
make this a request in regard to their personal safety. Diablo Valley
College had a similar problem during the last earthquake which
necessitates this request. The deans will be requesting that faculty
remove coverings from their windows effective early Fall Semester.
25555 Hesperian Boulevard  Hayward CA 94545  Office of the President  (510) 723-6640 or 723-6641  FAX (510) 723-7126
College Council Minutes - Thursday, July 20th, 2006
Inspections, conducted by Keenan and Associates, showed things like
electric heaters under desks that could be a fire hazard, drawers
overstuffed with paper, and trophies or other heavy items stored high on
shelves could fall and endanger someone.
Convocation Week Schedule: Melinda Matsuda distributed a draft
Convocation program, which will go to print soon, for discussion. An
orientation for new adjunct faculty will be held Tuesday, August 15 t h at 5
p.m. Flex Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 17 t h , and Division Day
is scheduled for Friday, August 18 t h .
The governance process will now include an administrator assigned to
each governance committee. A special meeting with the governance
committee chairs will occur on Friday afternoon, August 18 t h . Chad
recommended that Council review the draft Flex Day list of 13
workshops being offered. He felt we may be spreading staff too thin. Six
are scheduled simultaneously. A session on marketing update may be
provided, although Dr. Carlson felt the group was too new to conduct a
workshop. The Carnegie group is considering adding a workshop. Marcia
stated it is better to offer a minimal number of workshops because some
classified staff will be working and unable to attend Flex Day. Chad
recommended including workshops on a facilities users group and model
classroom training.
Gladiator Welcome Day for New Students: Melinda Matsuda stated
Gladiator Welcome Day has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 14 t h ,
and will be held at the Cesar Chavez Mini-Court Yard and the Student
Center. Welcome Day will include information on Chabot College
programs and services, campus tours, opportunity to purchase textbooks
and student parking permits, and a free BBQ lunch.
Other Business. No other business was discussed.
College Council was adjourned at 3:43 p.m. The next meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, August 3 r d at 2 p.m. in the Board Room.
Prepared 7/20/06