College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, MAY 16TH, 2008 The meeting was called to order at 2:12 p.m. by President Celia Barberena. AGENDA ITEMS Reports From Shared Governance Committee Chairs: Achievements For 20072008 Distance Education Report– Jan Novak distributed her achievement reports that included the committee’s five goals and five draft goals for 2008-2009. The Committee has began working with faculty for Spring ’09 on-line courses, and feels good about what they have achieved this year. The goals will interface with the technology master plan. In response to President Barberena’s inquiry about having the necessary funds to help meet their goals, she asked if someone could put together a plan for looking at money that is being carried over, and/or seeing it if could be reallocated, or should we leave it as it is. IPBC will review unit plans and resources that are available for one-time money and make recommendations. The Budget Committee would review those recommendations to see about funding. Farhad Javaheripour will research to see if any of the one-time money is left and available, then report that figure back to President Barberena. She felt we should go on the premise that there is carry-over funds, and Farhad will report how much that figure is. It was recommended for faculty that if it is referred to in your unit plan and if this plan has a purpose that needs to be funded, request that amount to your dean and IPBC. Farhad indicated that what is available for 2008-2009 will not be determined until August. Farhad will research the figure for the current year. President Barberena is trying to promote process. Technology Committee– Mark Schaeffer has been writing a technology plan that will soon be in its final format and will be approved at the next Technology meeting. Staff can access it on the committee’s website which can also be accepted by members of College Council. It was recommended that Mark send a campus-wide Email with a link to this site so that the college community can also review it. Committee membership was discussed, and the need for increased representation and membership was made which will help accomplish committee goals. The committee would like to include representatives from IT, ITC, DSRC, student lab clerk, and the Webmaster to become committee members. President Barberena recommended that Mark send a report to Marcia Corcoran and Rachel LePell that includes Staff Development in the plan. Mark’s motion to increase membership was approved by Council. Accreditation Report– Chad Mark Glen updated Council on the standard committee. Chad which were formed this year and have either chairs or co-chairs or resource people assigned to them. The evidence has been collected, compiled, and organized. Dr. Carolyn Arnold and her staff have created and summarized student and staff surveys and information is being utilized and evidenced. Areas of improvement has been addressed in the planning agenda, and the College will use the work on the efficiencies in Fall Semester. Committees have done outlines on rough drafts are being turned in. draft in June, and Diane Zuliani how their writings are going. Report Student Services will submit their under shared governance will 1 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, MAY 16TH, 2008 submit her report by mid-July. The planning agendas for all standards are due May 22nd, and those will be used to inform IPBC’s priority objectives for next year so we are utilizing research that has been found for planning agenda items. We have also started the organization of what we will do on Convocation in regard to Accreditation. IPBC- Cristina Ruggiero discussed her year-end report. IPBC worked on establishing better working relationships with other shared governance groups. They want to integrate program review and unit plans with the output of program review with subsequent planning priorities. They started a process with creating a process map for the college to gain a better sense of input and output and to see where the gaps are on campus. IPBC worked and met with the Chancellor and President about college wide planning. They also had a regular report about the Accreditation process from Chad Mark Glen. Much of the work ahead is to establish a new strategic plan. On Wednesday, May 28th, IPBC will host a meeting and retreat from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Board Room. Cristina Ruggiero will be seeking another co-chair as she will be stepping down. Any one interested in serving as co-chair can volunteer (must be a faculty member). Dr. Carolyn Arnold commended Yvonne Wu Craig and Cristina Ruggiero for their leadership to streamlining the planning process, and it is a key piece in the plan and good to use in the Accreditation report. Academic Senate– Diane Zuliani stated that Senate is not a shared governance committee, but she wanted to share their accomplishments. The State Ten Plus One list is mandated which ensures that the agenda is full and demanding. Another accomplishment is that the SLOs helped to direct the SLO Committee to preserve the autonomy of individual faculty. There are knowledgeable faculty who are engaged on our committees, and having a new college president is another outcome. Diane spoke about the Faculty Senate’s role in Fall 2007 about the proposed Power Plants in Hayward, and their role in testifying at the Energy Commission. Ming Ho is running unopposed for Senate President for 2008-2009. ASCC- Waiz Badar reported that ASCC worked hard to improve student life with the construction being constant. The Cocurricular funds were approved for $30,000, and $40,000 for 2008-2009 was approved. Some funding will help support Fall’s Welcome Back Week, Movie Nights, Club Day, Transfer Day, Awards Banquet, Book Scholarships, and other similar events coordinated by ASCC. They voted to provide services in Psychological-Counseling in the Health Center which they are proud of. Justin Reyes is the new ASCC President for 2008-2009. There will also be a new Director of Student Life next year. Enrollment Management– Although Enrollment Management is not a shared governance committee, Sally Jahnke distributed a report on enrollments. As of today, there are 9,778 FTES, and Chabot is +205 over last year on the same date. Our goal is to reach 10,051 FTES. Tram Vo-Kumamoto reported that at Mega Day, Chabot enrolled 250 FTES within a two-hour period. In 2008-2009, Dale Wagoner will Chair CEMC. He once served as the faculty co-chair of CEMC so he has experience. Facilities Committee– Dale Council to his written report. In Wagoner reported and referred January, $69 million worth of 2 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, MAY 16TH, 2008 Measure B dollars were put under contract, and slightly over half of the Measure B construction value is now under contract. We have completed many temporary projects that put us in a position to complete the permanent projects (i.e., Villas, Soccer field, demolition of three buildings to set us up for the new buildings). Synthetic turf came in on time and under budget. The Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, May 23rd. Campus Safety– Sergeant MacGreagor Wright discussed Campus Safety’s three accomplishments: (1) Office remodeling which has enabled disabled people to enter the office thanks to extra space and accessibility. Recognition was given to Sarah Black for staying on top of this project and for making it happen. (2) Enhanced 911 System - Mike Seaton got our enhanced 911 system done and up and running. Appreciation and recognition to Mike for making this happen. Appreciation and thanks to Farhad Javaheripour for purchasing a prudent system that is effective and will be useful for Campus Safety staff. Sergeant Wright discussed the reorganization of Chabot’s Safety Committee which would include a need to have appropriate people designated to serve on the committee. With a shift toward a committee that is more of a health, wellness, and safety oriented rather than security and safety. Sergeant Wright asked the Council for feedback. He reported that the new Campus Safety Director will be Sergeant Ruben Pola. Ruben is bilingual and will be an asset to the college and to our Hispanic-serving community. An Open House to welcome Sergeant Pola will be held at noon on Tuesday, May 21st where people can meet him. He has been with the Hayward Police Department for 18 years and his specialty is “training”. Because Chabot staff have requested that they want training on how to deal with difficult people (i.e., managing the behavior of difficult people), Sergeant Pola specializes in verbal judo (i.e., tactical communications) and will be on hand to provide training as needed. Verbal judo is controlling people by redirecting their negative force – calming the other person - getting what you want without forcing others. Sergeant Wright was recognized and commended for his service to Chabot. Budget Committee– Farhad Javaheripour distributed the Budget Committees activities for 2007-2008. Three staff at Chabot were granted access (beta site for some things) to be able to enter Banner requisitions. Four staff are going to get a purchasing card to make purchases up to $950 (staff who create several requisitions/purchases through Business Services were chosen). Web For Finance training has been done for staff and administrators. Dr. Taylor recommended that the Accreditation Self Study should respond to process issues for finance. Chad Mark Glen’s reminded Council about the request (with deadline) for each shared governance process and committee to have a web presence (so all can have access on campus and the process is transparent). All agendas should be processed within 72 hours in advance on the website, which should also include committee membership on the webpage. The Budget Committee still needs to submit their committee membership for 2008-2009. Classified Senate– Isabel are being organized Fall Flex Day Also, there has been appreciation part of Classified Appreciation compression calendar meetings Braunstein reported that activities and for Convocation Day 2008. events held for classified staff as Week. Staff also participated in the and discussions. And, staff have 3 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, MAY 16TH, 2008 been represented on hiring committees. Senate is working with President Emeritus Dr. Robert Carlson to give an award in his name for classified staff. Art on Campus– Diane Zuliani stated that she took the documents to the Board in April 2008. The purpose is to enhance our campus permanently with works of art. The Board has made a generous offer of money available for this purpose. We want to conduct a call for entries for artists to blanket seven counties to communicate with artists for a public art contest and invite them to submit a proposal to the committee. The committee will choose what works for Chabot based on the artist’s proposals. Public art on campus is a luxury. Diane felt that with the 2008-2009 budget being weak, it is not the right time to display public art. We will wait for further notice from the committee, and they will stay communicated with college leadership on when the right time will be to proceed with the proposal. $500,000 was funded and set aside for this process. Increasing Student Health Fee From $13 to $14 for Spring- ASCC approved the increased Health fee which will be in alignment with Las Positas College’s health fee. This will take effect in Spring Semester 2009 and will include additional mental health services out of the Student Health Services Office. Ohlone College charges $16 per semester, and the maximum we can now charge is $17 per semester. Input and approval from Council was requested so that the recommendation can be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review and approval. This is a mandatory fee, but with a strict waiver on exceptions: due to religious reasons where you rely solely on prayer for healing, or if you are only taking off-site, weekend classes, or apprenticeship courses, you are exempt from this fee. If taking day classes, students must pay the fee because they have access to the service. Council approved the increase by consensus. Committee Membership: In regard to College Council meetings in 2008-2009, it was discussed and agreed that the committee chairs would give reports one time per semester. Council meetings in Summer 2008 would not be held, but would resume Fall meetings in September. The Council utilized the membership as listed in the Board Policy. College Council was adjourned at 4:18 p.m. kls; 5/17/08 4 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545