College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 2nd, 2007 The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Dr. Robert Carlson. ONE-MINUTE REPORTS Melinda Matsuda discussed student retention and what is being done behind the scenes to help with retention. Rosemary Delia distributed copies of the new San Leandro Center class schedule for Spring Semester 2008, which will also be mailed to homes in San Leandro. Rosemary commended Colin Pejman on the wonderful job he did laying out and designing the brochure. Counseling and A&R staff will be at the center to help register new and returning students for Spring classes. Rosemary noted that half the Center’s current students are also taking classes at Chabot. Conley-Caraballo High School and Logan High School are sites Chabot is currently offering classes. Heidi Finberg distributed flyers for the Starlight Fall event (Saturday, November 17th), and commended staff for generous donations to the Silent Auction. There is a lot of campus support for this event. District staff have generously donated to the Auction. The Faculty Association presented the Foundation with a $500 donation for the Dr. Carlson Classified Scholarship award. The Technology Committee is slowly making progress on the technology plan. Barbara Ogman appeared at Academic Senate and spoke about the student learning outcomes committee which has charged faculty to produce a student learning outcome by the end of Fall Semester. Faculty training is being offered to help accomplish this goal, and if divisions allow Barbara to attend a division meeting, within a 30-minute session, faculty will have their SLO’s written within that time. Barbara hopes administrators will support this effort to utilize part of the division meeting for this training. Dr. Carlson recommended extending the meeting to 30 minutes for training. It was recommended that divisions schedule a special topics meeting during College Hour later this semester to accommodate training. Dr. Carlson asked administrators to consider making accommodations for training. Dr. Carolyn Arnold confirmed that it is one SLO per major course that is required. At a recent Senate meeting, the ASCC Vice President who sits as a representative on Academic Senate felt there is a lot of stress that is manifesting itself into a lack of civility in dialogue. Diane reminded all to speak civil to one another as this is a professional environment. She will be submitting a letter to staff to ensure we remain civil and professional to students. Dr. Carlson appreciated the letter and felt Senate’s taking this lead is a positive move. IPBC is working on a planning process and having discussions on the faculty prioritization process. Committees are being contacted to remind them they are charged with priority objectives for the year. Dr. Carolyn Arnold reported that submitted the Department of Labor Technology Degree program, and certificate. Yvonne will start Yvonne Wu-Craig, Grant Writer, grant for $2 million for a Radiologic an on-line health care management working on the Title III grant next Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 2nd, 2007 week. Rachel Ugale apologized for the campus wide Emails that were recently and accidentally sent to all staff about smoking areas on campus. The intent was to only poll the classified staff, and campus wide Emails were sent in error. The Budget Committee provided feedback to IPBC, and discussed the proposal for balancing the current fiscal year budget and approved that. They discussed the organizational codes, and is now currently in the process of lining it up with Las Positas College and District Office operations. Staff Development reported that the October 18th event was wonderful, and they are now working on plans for Flex Day plans now. Dr. Carlson recommended putting aside some time on Flex Day for the new president to speak, and that might be a good time to host a welcome reception. Rachel LePell reminded administration that she sent them a process of allocating adjunct faculty with staff development funds. Sally Jahnke recently published a CEMC report, and stated we have 4,500 FTES which is good. The report also included a Distance Education report for the first time, which includes an attempt at what Distance Ed is. On behalf of the Facilities Committee, Dale Wagoner reported that the central plant trenching is currently going on. At the last Facilities meeting, there was a lot of discussion about signage. In response to that, Doug Horner has mock-ups on this and we are trying to get better signage and on the entire Measure B process. The Tennis Court construction is going on, and Parking Lot J is closed relative to this project. We are trying to get Lot J open by the start of Spring Semester, a major goal and priority right now. Most of the other construction projects are in various major levels of design. The Planetarium schedule will probably start in June 2008 and will delay the process and final building by one semester. The delay was due to the planners who felt they needed to stop and look at what a large lecture hall should look like. Dr. Carlson reported that the piping going on by Building 200 will be done by the start of Spring Semester 2008, and than the chaos will move to the areas surrounding Building 1400, and when that is done, it will move to the Cafeteria and the P.E. facility. We will have the cyclone fences in place on-going while this work is being done. There will continue to be a mess, and enclosures like the cyclone fencing will remain during the building process. Heat will be limited and greatly affected in certain areas on campus. Dale Wagoner stated we blew a six-inch water main on the south end of the football field prior to the Homecoming game. Swinerton Management and P.E. staff stepped up significantly to limit and minimize damage. The incident occurred right before practice Thursday night, and we turned off the water and got the new field drained like it was supposed to. The repair was completed in time for the last home game tomorrow. MacGreagor Wright reported that safety meetings every Monday and contract management companies prescribed safety plans, and to safety issues. In the attempt to try the Safety Committee is hosting Wednesday mornings with all attending and talking about the devise new strategies for mitigating to anticipate where we might cause Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 2nd, 2007 problems for others, we publish frequent general Email notifications. MacGreagor reported there are no reports of barrier violations. The presence of the trenches has helped. The Phase I utility tent is nearly 100% completed on the trenching, and they are placing steel pipe in the ground. There will be welding in place, and you are not supposed to see the arc light. He asked staff if they do see arc light to please report it. The shielding will be 360 degrees. A recommendation on the enhanced 911 system has been made and the new proposed system will be able to identify where 911 calls are being made from on campus. We will be making a recommendation on the decision for requiring the updated system. The new student parking permits process will change effective Spring Semester 2008 and student permits will now be available for purchase on-line only. The Bookstore will no longer be selling student permits. When students register on-line, they will be asked if they would like to purchase a student permit. Once a student completes the process, the newly-purchased student permit will be mailed to the student three weeks before the new semester will begin. Quest students who register in A&R will receive assistance by On-Line Support Center staff (inside Building 100) to purchase a permit on line. There will be five information questions asked and once the purchase transaction has been made, the permit will be sent. Students who use the on-line purchase will have an opportunity to print a temporary student permit to use until the permanent permit arrives. Information on the new process will be sent next week to A&R, Counseling, and Financial Aid. The effectiveness of the One Minute reports was discussed. Consensus was the Council likes and appreciates these reports as it is a useful part of the meeting that provides an opportunity to ask timely questions and new agenda items derive from these reports for discussion later in the meeting or agendized for a future meeting. Having the reports at the first part of the meeting is helpful and informational. THREE-MINUTE REPORTS Budget: Farhad Javaheripour updated the Council on the Budget for the college. The general fund budgets are being set-up and just as soon as Farhad receives a print out, he will route it to departments. Farhad reminded departments with negative budgets that they will need to be cleared soon. The auditors will be here next week, and will be asking questions about categorical accounts. A lengthy discussion on purchasing supplies was made. Farhad was amazed by how many staff are kind and put out large amounts of purchases (i.e., $5,000 or $6,000) on their own charge cards, and then put in for reimbursement later, which can sometimes take a long period of time for reimbursement. Staff have an opportunity to order supplies from Corporate Express and receive delivery within 24 hours once the purchase order has been approved. Using a debit or “P” card was discussed at length and staff asked when this process would be implemented. There is currently no implementation date planned. Dr. Carlson will raise the issue again with the District Office about the process. Faculty Prioritization Issue– Dr. Carlson felt it is important to raise Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 2nd, 2007 the issue on what happened recently involving the faculty prioritization process. Dr. Ron Taylor had been assisting with certain positions to be allowed in, and some not be allowed in. Dr. Carlson gave Dr. Taylor the charge to do that. IPBC would manage the general flow of resources at this college based on its goals and intentions, and why it is tied to the Budget Committee and why faculty prioritization is important and why Staff Development activities are planned out. It is appropriate that the priorities for staff and faculty placement follow the goals and alignment and the direction that IPBC sets forward. Dr. Carlson asked that this happen last year, but the process did not go that way so he pressed for it to happen this year. When there are resources to contribute, it should be focused on the goals of the community and articulated through the goals of IPBC. IPBC now has four goals that are manageable and reachable, versus 25 goals from last year but were not reached. IPBC has never received the respect it should have received until now. The unit plan is the core of how we fund resources. The unit plan is the initial document that helps to guide the plan, and it must tie in with the overall goals of the institution. Without the unit plan in place it will affect the faculty prioritization process. IPBC needs to have wide campus representation and more attendance by a larger array of staff at its meetings. Dr. Carlson agendized the issue of the Faculty Prioritization process to the next College Council meeting scheduled for Friday, November 16th. Art On Campus Committee: Diane Zuliani updated the Council about the Art on Campus committee and since she made her last Council presentation, some developments have come up. Dr. Alison Lewis, a Board of Trustee, joined the Art on Campus Committee. Dr. Carolyn Arnold provided a thoughtful response to the documents, along with corrections. The committee thought that if our finalists and calls for presentation where to be made at a public forum, people could attend, but for those who are not comfortable responding at a public forum, they could complete an on-line form (to privately comment), similar to a blog. Smoking/Smoking Areas: Dr. Carlson was upset that non smokers are on the track of bringing this issue back to the surface for discussion after it took several months to resolve (the issue of specific and designated smoking areas on campus). If the construction has changed the designated smoking area, then he understands the issue. He felt it is a deep subject in many ways that took a lot of work to reach a compromise for every one to live with. He will not reinvite the problem between smokers and nonsmokers. MacGreagor stated that the Office of Campus Safety receives reports that people are rerouted into a smoking area because of the temporary construction zones. Accommodations have been offered and accepted on a new smoking area. One way to help alleviate the problem is to provider smokers with bigger ash trays, as the current trays are too small and small fires can easily get started. Smoking issues involve the newly-revised and temporary walk ways that bring people into smoking areas. A smoking structure might help retain smoke. Dale Wagoner felt the problem with smoking areas is transitory in Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 2nd, 2007 nature, and when construction changes around the campus, the problem will change, too. While he is anti-smoking, Dale felt we should not treat smokers as 21st Century lepers. There is no smoking within 50 feet of the Children’s Center, and signage will help with that. Dr. Carlson will ask Swinerton Management to look at areas where smoking areas can be relocated while construction is happening. Windy areas where smoke will blow into classrooms needs to be addressed. Pot smoking is also happening in smoking areas and needs to be addressed when assessing new smoking boundaries. While people need places to congregate, they need to be respectful in smoking areas that are located near classrooms to minimize noise. Closing a smoking area will take place near Building 600 and 700. MacGreagor will recommend closing the smoking area by the Performing Arts Center. Having a smoke-free campus makes for enforcement easy. Rachel Ugale explained that smoking areas near Buildings 600, 700, and 1100 triggered the discussion, and after Classified Senate received an overwhelming response to the Email to make Chabot a smoke-free campus. Smoking shelters might help alleviate the problem and make non-smokers feel better. Las Positas College responded to the matter by providing smoking shelters, but are not DSA-approved. Chabot will need to move smoking areas based on the current construction we are undergoing. Dr. Carlson stated Chabot will not consider this a smoke-free campus and then restart the dialogue, but we will be respectful in terms of where people smoke. MacGreagor will put the topic of smoking areas on the agenda for the next Campus Safety meeting, and they will discuss relocating the smoking areas in light of the construction areas. Marcia Corcoran recommended that before we close smoking areas, we need to create new smoking areas to help the smoking population. AGENDA ITEMS Standard I: Dialogue: Due to time constraints and because Dr. Carolyn Arnold will need a half hour to conduct a dialogue, this item has been agendized for the first part of the November 16th meeting. Council was adjourned at 3:58 p.m. kls; Revised: 11/13/07 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545