College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 16th, 2007 The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Vice President Melinda Matsuda. AGENDA ITEMS 1. Standard I: Dialogue- Dr. Carolyn Arnold distributed guidelines for dialogue and a Summary & Discussion Questions on Dialogue. Dialogue means: The institution maintains an ongoing, collegial, selfreflective dialogue about the continuous improvement of student learning and institutional processes (Chabot College Accreditation 2009: Standard One Committee by Dr. Carolyn Arnold) The question to reflect on includes where and how often in the last year have you participated in dialogues on the improvement of student learning and/or institutional processes. Staff feedback on dialogue includes faculty are talking about student learning all the time, and with other faculty all the time. Dialogue is being done in faculty and staff offices, and through impromptu hallway conversations. Dialogue is also taking place at various campus committees. Dr. Arnold validated how much dialogue and discussion is happening campus wide on student learning and institutional processes. According to the Guide to Evaluating Institutions by WASC, dialogue means: The standards are designed to facilitate college engagement in inclusive, informed, and intentional dialogue about institutional quality and improvement. The dialogue should purposefully guide institutional change. All members of the college community should participate in this reflection and exchange about student achievement, student learning, and the effectiveness of its processes, policies, and organization. For the dialog to have its intended effect, it should be based on reliable information about the college’s programs and services and evidence on how well the institution is meeting student needs. Information should be quantitative and qualitative, responsive to a clear inquiry, meaningfully interpreted, and broadly communicated. The institutional dialogue should result in ongoing self-reflection and conscious improvement. Small group discussions focused on whether or not staff think this kind of dialogue is happening on campus. One dialogue included: The quantities of dialogues occurring in the hallways of many divisions are numerous but unaccounted for within the governance process. I personally believe that the various committees on campus are not structured for dialogue, rather focused on the tasks they are commissioned to fulfill. Feedback also was formality is not present. Is there not kind of qualitative and quantitative and we have opinions and beliefs are we using data that guides our dialogue? There is a real text to consciously improve, but without real data to do that, are we doing it? Task does relate. It was asked if institutional effectiveness meetings are all related to how can we do this better? We seem to revisit these dialogues institutional change is revisited over and over again. The issue of each year, but no action is finalized 1 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 16th, 2007 or formed. We just like to dialogue about it as we are good about dialoging. Cristina Ruggiero felt there is a lot of communication in certain areas or groups happening on campus, but there is a disconnect with solutions becoming institutionalized or practiced campus wide. People may be discussing similar or same solutions but they are not being made or institutionalized. Dr. Arnold discussed: ▪ When, how, and about what subjects have the college engaged in dialogue? ▪ How well does the college embrace and understand the purpose of the dialogue? ▪ How has the college structured its dialogue? ▪ What impact has the dialogue had on student learning? ▪ Does the dialogue lead to a collective understanding of the meaning of data and research used in evaluation of student learning? ▪ What does the current dialogue on student learning outcomes consist of at Chabot? A lot of dialogue is happening but not reaching the institutional level. In response to when, how, and about what subjects has the college engaged in dialogue, conversation will happen. Chad felt there is a concerted global effort that has been directed from the college (Vice Presidents or President), and there has been an effort to engage in a college wide dialogue. In regard to dialogue, two things are happening on campus: 1) Institutional effectiveness (how do we effectively become a college). 2) How do we make sure student learning is happening and students are learning. Melinda felt staff are overextended and with no time to discuss dialogue institutionally. Gene Groppetti felt the division structure is strong and very effective at its level and that is where dialogue occurs. Then there are meetings and you wonder if there isn’t a better way to integrate the divisions into the college structure. All subjects come up within the division level, but it was questioned whether these subjects come up at the institutional level. Institutional dialogue is limited to taking place at Convocation and Flex Day, and does not occur at any other time. Most of the communication will take place in smaller groups. Conversations take place at smaller meetings or venues, and staff are participating in the reflection even if they do not attend Convocation or College Council. Dialogue is taking place, but maybe not simultaneously or institutionally. Communication is taking place from bottom up and we are all having dialogue, but from the top down there isn’t any direction like within the Accreditation process and what way should we format our responses. The voice we use as individuals blends into a college voice within our Accreditation report and review. We need to figure out how to do this, and the process should be interactive. The top needs to come down and we will work together to form a compromise to develop an interactive process. 2 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 16th, 2007 When they bubble up to the top, they need to be widely disseminated. If communicated effectively, we could move further into stages of conversation and then make an improvement institutionally as we move toward a broad conversation. In regard to construction, Roger Noyes noticed many professors are being forced from their normal classrooms and into smaller offices or storage facilities that are make-shift classrooms. This is not an effective venue for instruction because with construction noise, inadequate signage on campus, and lack of air conditioning and heat makes for an inconducive environment. Construction has been going on for three months and no signage is on campus and this is effecting students and stressing instructors which transfer to the atmosphere of the classroom to the students. This will only worsen as time goes along and with construction. Rachel LePell felt we are talking about esoteric stuff but not paying attention to issues like construction and how it affects teaching, learning, and students. These are issues administration needs to hear. There are obstacles and a need for broader communication. It feels like an attempt for the institution (no more than who we are) to own conversations (as opposed to dialogue) that are organic and have been going on a long time and let’s talk about our work. We should be talking about our work is insulting because we naturally do that. The word organic we are using is meant to be that this is happening naturally and we are now told this conversation is to be pulled into an institutional structure and is no longer organic, confidential, or spontaneous. In regard to teaching versus learning, Diane Zuliani felt if we are talking about work, it is very difficult to continue to listen to conversations about learning that somehow proposes that teaching is not a critical precursor to that learning. If I say I am talking about teaching, it is the same thing. It is all the same package. It is a total quality management strategy used in the corporate world. Teaching and learning is a continuum. The question “What does the current dialogue on student learning outcomes consist of at Chabot?” was asked. Student Learning Outcome is a topic and a term of art used among people dedicated to the student learning outcomes movement, Gene Groppetti stated. It is difficult to look at this phrase without saying what do you mean? One side of the handout is about validating conversation and dialogue campus wide, and another attempt is looking at dialogue on how we are bringing it together in an acceptable way that moves us forward on the subject of student learning and institutional effectiveness. There is a lot of conversation centered on faculty, but faculty is just one component of the college. How do we talk about it and reflect about it and do so at a college wide level, Dr. Arnold stated. Judy Jones felt there are many aspects to student learning and wondering if one beginning point is to ask a segment of the population when discussing student learning, what are the words you are using? What will surface is a dialogue on student learning. We have ways we are all doing our part. Student Services feel they are of student learning when I visited they are so different. If you doing in the phase that goes different in regard to the discussion three other colleges, but I don’t think integrate whatever it is you are through the change, what do you do 3 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 16th, 2007 with that change in how you assess the institution? How do you use that to change the place to make it better, Dr. Carlson asked. We have tried a lot of changes at group levels, but where do we have a dialogue that says this works and how do we take it forward, Dr. Arnold stated. How do we support efforts to improve, sometimes it is in student learning and sometimes it is in terms of effectiveness of the college. Dr. Carlson stated you need to hang on to that thought and keep in mind: you described that basic skills is the entire model of the implementation of change and you described that we have been doing that within the college. We have made a conscious effort to change it and we have been in that circle for a long time, and simultaneously that is the process we are all interested in. There will be further discussion on dialogue and the accreditation process at future College Council meetings. ONE-MINUTE REPORTS Chad Mark Glen, CoChair Accreditation, is incredibly pleased and proud of our Accreditation standard chairs and cochairs, and of the work they have been doing. They met as a wider body Tuesday and had a good meeting and the work is moving forward which he is optimistic about. In regard to the Standard I Dialogue, we are trying to ensure we met our accreditation responsibilities. Melinda Matsuda stated we merged the Transfer Center and Career Center and we are now partnering with Alameda County Social Services who will be outsourcing services with a company called Rubicon, and they would provide staffing for employment services at the college (if we get the grant). On behalf of the Technology Committee, Rachel Ugale reported they are currently working on the technology plan. Classified Senate discussed the smoking areas, and SEIU has contacted other colleges about the process of a compressed schedule. Senate will be hosting their annual holiday Cookies and Cider event. Sally Jahnke distributed the enrollment report. Dr. Carlson spoke about rollbacks on summer where money was left in the pot for growth. Chabot claimed they grew, than claimed our share of growth simultaneously. Since there was money left, it would be distributed beyond growth so we had to alter our growth to get money. We are already over our growth cap and in our unfunded growth status now. The strategy was to take summer and to take more of summer back to last year and gain money that was available. It was a net gain of cash to Chabot. It stirs the pot a bit on how to fund the rest of this year and how it affects the base. We need to discuss what impacts it will have on this fiscal year with Chancellor Kinnamon and President Bob Kratochvil. On behalf of Dr. Ron Taylor, Gene $1.6 million grant that would faculty and faculty from other Hicks would become the grant is to become a state center Groppetti stated that chabot wrote a involve a small number of Chabot colleges. Tom DeWit and Cindy coordinators. The purpose of the that would also fund statewide 4 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 16th, 2007 coordination. The Distance Education Committee is focusing on current staff teaching on-line. We awarded small grants to seven on-line faculty to help them pilot new technology (focused on audio, voice over, PowerPoint). We are having forums on on-line faculty teaching. There is also one on academic integrity. We have a new on-line course that would help faculty develop an on line proposal. Institutional Research is currently developing a faculty/staff survey on Accreditation that will be distributed in February 2008. You can submit feedback on the survey through the accreditation process. Academic Senate recently endorsed a letter on civility that will be distributed to staff reminding them that it is our duty as a professional environment to remain civil to students. In regard to planning for Flex Day (scheduled for Thursday, February 14th, 2008), Staff Development has a working schedule that looks like there will be two sessions. They are also seeking proposals. Requests for proposals will soon be made by Email and campus mail. The subject of technology and training and the relationship of Staff Development and staff development funds on faculty technology training in the new Smart classrooms is a hot button that continues to come up. However, Staff Development is mixed on how to fund this type of training. A website for Media Services and funding that through Staff Development is currently at question with Staff Development. In response to Rachel LePell’s inquiry if Staff Development is obligated to fund these trainings, Dr. Carlson confirmed that technology training has always been a part of Staff Development. They have always coordinated that activity and it falls within the area of staff development. The purpose of Flex Day includes having an opportunity where we can close campus and convene all staff and faculty at one time for training. Dr. Carlson will make a campus wide announcement that Chabot will close February 14th and staff are encouraged to attend Flex Day activities. THREE-MINUTE REPORTS IPBC Planning Timeline– Cristina Ruggiero distributed an IPBC Planning Timeline (with a proposed two-year cycle). IPBC devised a strategic plan for 2006-2009 and 2009-2012. The unit plan has been moved to be completed in Spring and will consist of a two-year plan. IPCB wanted to lengthen the process as a lot of the pieces that go into the unit plan are used by various campus groups. IPBC also wants to ensure this a more meaningful and thoughtful process for Chabot. The last plan that staff created last year was rolled over. What staff will be doing this year is what is being rolled over. The 2007-2008 Unit Plan that was completed in December 2006 will be rolled over to cover the two-year period of 2007-2009. Unit Plans would be completed or updated yearly to be due every year on the Friday of the eight week in Spring Semester. Unit Plan updates are a reflection upon the past year’s activities and accomplishments from the previous Unit Plan. In addition, Unit Plan and Unit Plan Updates include the resource allocation requests for the next fiscal year and any other changes as needed. 5 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, November 16th, 2007 Deans and Area Managers will complete a Division/Area Overview synthesizing the accomplishments of the past year and prioritizing Division/Area goals for the next year. The development of the Division/Area Overview by the Dean/Area Manager in consultation with their Division/Area will serve as a feedback mechanism to their Units. IPBC will review Division/Area Overviews and a sampling of Unit Plans in order to develop the Strategic Plan and Priority Objectives and to assess prior year’s college wide accomplishments on Priority Objectives. AGENDA ITEMS Textbook Summit – Kathleen Kaser has been working with the California Association of College Stores and the California State Chancellor’s Office to begin the process of removing barriers to student access and success. Their latest endeavor includes hosting a summit of meetings to discuss textbook pricing issues for California community colleges, and to make recommendations for all colleges, that if followed, would lower textbook prices for students. With approval by President Carlson, Chabot will host the next Summit Friday, November 30th (held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) where a wide representation from various colleges statewide will attend. The Summit will be held in the Board Room and in Room 1132.This is the first meeting of this kind and may include several more in the future. The task of the summit is to have a recommendation to the State Chancellor’s Board of Trustees in March so this is an opportunity to open this dialogue. Other colleges are hosting summits, too, that will include a similar dialogue and understand what a serious problem this is. Kathleen Kaser was recognized for her support and commitment to taking on this task, and for her hard work and efforts. Kathleen has been instrumental for leading the drive to host a summit and for the textbook initiative, and none of this would be happening without her persistence. Faculty Prioritization Process– While Chabot has not heard what the state allocation is yet, the topic will be tabled to another meeting. Retirees are not happening in the Fall like they once had happened and is slowing the process. This will pick up once we know our allocation and we know who is retiring. We still need the priorities regardless. Dr. Carlson wants to see this become an ad hoc committee of IPBC. If there is a proposal to make that change, it is important that this happen. President Carlson adjourned College Council at 3:41 p.m. kls; 11/19/07 6 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545