College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY,

College Council
The meeting was called to order at 1:13 p.m. by President Celia Barberena.
Review of Minutes- The minutes from the May 16th, 2008 meeting were reviewed and
approved by consensus. All approved minutes are posted on the Council’s website.
Proposed Name Change of Governance Committee- Sergeant Ruben Pola, Chabot’s
new Campus Safety Director, discussed a proposal to change the name of the College
Safety & Security to College Health & Safety Committee. Ruben and Rosafel Adriano,
Nurse Practitioner at the Student Health Center, are currently serving as committee cochairs. Last Spring, Sergeant MacGreagor Wright proposed to change the committee
name so it would have a more holistic approach to safety on campus and for the
physical wellness of our students. Las Positas College changed their committee’s name,
and it brought in a broader base of staff and students to the committee. Ruben and Rosa
are seeking a wider variety of campus ideas and feedback so changing the name would
send out a positive message. The same committee charter will exist. A motion to change
the committee name to the College Health and Safety Committee was made by Dr.
Susan Sperling, seconded by Chad Mark Glen, and approved with consensus by the
Academic Cheating & Dishonesty Report Form- Ming Ho, Academic Senate
President distributed two hand-outs titled Chabot College Student Cheating Policy and
Academic Cheating and Dishonesty Report Form. A number of years ago, Chad Mark
Glen, worked with the Academic Senate to create this cheating policy which came to
Council then. The purpose of this form is to document an incident of cheating. Ming
asked for Council’s approval as this is a process that faculty would follow. A few
changes to the document were recommended (i.e., removing “informal”). President
Barberena tabled this item for the October 3rd meeting as it will need further review and
discussion before asking the Council to approve it.
Administrative Rules & Procedures #2015 Board Policy- President Barberena
shared with the Council the Board Policy that includes the review of committee make-up.
This policy is what the Council will follow.
Accreditation Self-Study Update- Faculty co-chairs, Chad Mark Glen and Jim
Matthews, updated the Council on Chabot’s Accreditation process. Jim, the new cochair,
accreditation experience as he has
been a site visitor. Jim assured the
Council that a self-study report will
be done by its deadline. The
committees have worked hard, and
some committees are a little
farther than others. We are writing a
self-study report this semester that
is based on standards from the
Accrediting Body. An on-going
dialogue has been that 80% of our
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
high school students are not prepared for college so what is the best way to engage and
increase the retention of these students. The Committee has been working with the
Basic Skills Committee toward increasing retention, and we are addressing the
committee’s needs.
The Accreditation Site Team will visit Chabot in October 2009, and will consist of 10 to
12 people. The report will be presented during their 1-1/2 day visit. In January 2010, the
Commission will give us a written report, along with feedback to the visit, and tell us what
kind of accreditation rating we have. We will have an opportunity to respond to the
report. In Accreditation, there are four standards known as: Standard One (Institutional
Mission and Effectiveness); Standard Two (A, B, C, D) (Instruction, Student Services,
and Library and Learning Resources); Standard Three (Finance, Physical Resources,
Human Resources, and Technology Resources); and Standard Four (Governance). The
Standard One report has been submitted, and the chairs are reviewing it. We are
working with Student Services on Standard Two. In our last Accreditation report, Chabot
was dinged on dealing with our A.S. Degree units and it had appeared in several of our
reports. Las Positas College also got brought into it with Chabot to make changes
because they are a part of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District. We are
working with Las Positas to collaborate on this. In Accreditation, what happens to one
college happens to the other. Gary Carter recommended that Chabot should check with
Dr. Barbara Beno’s office at ACCJC to see it a prereading of our report could be done
prior to official submission, as he knows of two colleges who took advantage of this exofficio process. In regard to the SLO issue, Chabot has until 2012 to get the SLO
process completed, but we need progress made by the visit in Fall 2009. President
Barberena stated that Chabot needs to be proficient in planning and budgeting.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Report- SLO Chair, Rebecca Otto, distributed a
hand-out titled, “Chabot College Course Level SLO Plan”. Rebecca showed a
powerpoint that showed an introduction of the membership and six objectives that need
to be accomplished. (The powerpoint presentation is attached). 1) Establishment of
college wide learning outcomes – these were achieved with college wide participation,
in 2004 and were originally called “College Wide Learning Goals”. Rebecca proposes
that the name of these goals be changed to “Institutional Learning Outcomes. 2)
Establishment of Program Level Student Learning Outcomes. Considerable
Progress has been made over time, specially during the last year. AA and AS degrees
were updated on 2007-08. The SLO Committee will clarify the language of program
level student learning outcomes during the current year. 3) Establishment of Course
Level Student Learning Outcomes. Progress has been made on this goal over the
last three years. The goal of 50+% completion has been set for October 7th, when a
whole day of conversation and
collaboration in writing course level
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
4) SLO’s for Student Services and Administrative Services has made progress. It is
likely that this task will be completed in the 08-09 year. 5) Assessment of Completing
the SLO’s cycle which is a plan to assess SLO’s and utilize the information gathered
through the assessment process for improving student learning. 6) Institutionalizing all
processes to link Curriculum, SLO’s and Program Review to the Planning and Budgeting
Dr. Susan Sperling commended Rebecca on an eloquent presentation that is easy to
understand. Rachel LePell recommended that some information about the history of the
SLO controversy at Chabot be included in the Accreditation report, to document that the
SLO discussion has been healthy. In response to Rachel’s recommendation, Dr.
Sperling felt the Accreditation Report is not the proper venue for this to be reported. She
recommended that writing an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education would be the
appropriate venue for this. Chad Glen also felt that including this would be perceived as
a negative detail in the report. Rachel recommended that we continue the SLO cycle for
topics at future Flex Days so it is a continual process. Dr. Marcia Corcoran felt that a
goal for the future is that we have a systematic way to show that it is an on going
IPBC Report- Co-chairs, Yvonne Wu Craig and Tram VoKumamoto, updated the
Council about last year’s accomplishments, and what we are looking to do this year.
Last year, IPBC adjusted the timeline so that the unit plans would cover two years – 0708 and 08-09 so that resources could be assigned in 08-09 for the prior two year
requests. Links were added on the unit plan forms so staff could access information and
data from other sources, such as CEMC. IPBC met with various committees such as the
Faculty Prioritization Committee, the Dean’s Council and CEMC to communicate
information useful to those committees. IPBC received a high return of participation.
Most divisions and disciplines completed them. They are posted on the website, along
with division deans’ summaries (deans made them available to division faculty so they
can look at the overall division summary).
Over Summer, the justification for funding requests and the amounts requested were
distributed to various governance chairs. A master list of budget requests was completed
and given to the Budget Committee so they could identify funding for these requests.
IPBC is waiting for their response. Once the list is received IPBC will communicate to the
college community on what was funded.
At the May 2008 retreat, IPBC
year which will guide strategic
distributed at Convocation.
listed top priorities themes for this
The themes were
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
Other IPBC goals include: 1) Continue communication and collaboration with other
committees; 2) Work on a strategic plan and distribute by the end of Fall. This October,
Chabot will host its community focus forums to receive business and community input. In
September, IPBC reviewed the mission, vision, and values statements and they are
appropriate. These will be reviewed annually for accuracy and appropriateness. IPBC
will send a campus wide Email in October announcing that the Office of Institutional
Research will present environmental scan data that will include community
demographics, how students are coming in, and other related data like home language
and income levels. This input will inform the planning process and the writing of the
Strategic plan.
Tram talked about the activities during Convocation. Input was received from staff and
faculty that will be utilized in the planning process. Dr. Susan Sperling stated that some
faculty feel they don’t receive a response to their unit plans, nor do they know who is
reading them and other related documents they are required to complete. Tram
responded that one of the goal of IPBC is communicate better with the college
community about how their unit plans are acted upon. As said above, IPBC created a
summary list of what came in and what was submitted to the Budget Committee, along
with columns for approval or feedback. The information would then be publicized on the
web. President Barberena said that the communication problem will be addressed this
year. President Barberena also stated that Judy Young, Co-chair of the Budget
Committee, felt that some of these requests continue to come back to the Budget
Committee although they have already been funded. Judy will research and compile a
list and communicate with those who have submitted requests twice but have already
been funded. Dr. Marcia Corcoran said the process has been streamlined and succinct
to address the purpose and audience. Jim Matthews recommended that that we use the
Education Master Plan is used as the guiding document for resource allocation and
planning. President Barberena stated that the Strategic Plan is the update of the
Educational Master Plan. Yvonne encouraged staff to continue to participate in IPBC.
Merging College Council With Other Committees- Rachel LePell recommended
IPBC and the College Faculty Prioritization Committee be merged with College Council
so that it is more efficient in Chabot’s meeting structure. This was tabled for discussion
at the October 3rd meeting for further discussion.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 p.m.
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545