Document 11541222

Project 3 Hands-­‐on-­‐Higgs To be delivered 30. April 2015 ¡ 
Apply the Higgs mechanism to §  An Abelian theory – U(1) ▪  Show explicitly how mass is generated §  The Standard Model ▪  Show how gauge boson masses are generated in SU(2)LXU(1)Y ▪  Discuss the the various Higgs couplings ▪  Comment on fermion mass generation ¡ 
Useful reading §  LHC discovery ▪  Science Mag -­‐ Higgs boson ▪  ATLAS Higgs Resources §  Can be used -­‐ Anatomy of EWSB ▪  (1) SM Higgs (2) SUSY Higgs ▪  Any favourite text book § 
Here you are supposed to do the detailed calculations related to the introductory lectures on SM § 
Calculate the width and branching ratio the SM Higgs decay to fermion anti-­‐
fermions and cross check with CompHEP §  Plot the branching ratio as function of the Higgs mass §  Discuss the decays into 2 gauge bosons – it is not required to do detailed calculations here § 
How is the Higgs boson produced at LHC? §  Give Feynman graphs and when possible cross sections obtained with CompHEP at 7, 8 and 14 TeV. §  Discuss in particular the 125 GeV Higgs boson observed by ATLAS and CMS §  Bosons vs fermions § 
Future important studies at a 500 GeV e+e-­‐ collider §  Discuss the Higgs program at such a facility §  In particular, study e+e-­‐ à ZH: production, signatures, signal vs SM background – no need for calculations here, CompHEP is enough. ¡ 
Browse through ATLAS Master Classes material § 
¡ Follow the Zpath § §  Invariant mass to measure known particle properties, discover the Higgs and search for exotic particles ¡ 
Access to tools (HYPATIA and OPloT) and ATLAS data § 
¡ More info
cat=local_organisation&page=measurements#atlas § § 
§  Data analysis code More information will be available on this