SuperSymmetry and Higgs Standard Model Higgs in the Standard Model Problems with the Standard Model Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) Higgs in the MSSM MSSM particle spectrum Results of SUSY searches Project Presentations Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong } Sijbrand de Jong Abdelhak Djouadi Nicolo de Groot YOU 1 Wednesday 14 Dec 10.00 - 11.00 : Lecture 1: Summary of SM (SdJ) 11.15 - 12.45 : Exo: γ gymnastics & loop calculation 13.45 - 15.15 : Lecture 2: The Higgs mechanism in the SM (Djouadi) 15.45 - 17.00 : Exo: Higgs production and decay 16.45 - 17.30 Lecture 2: Problems of the SM and SUSY solutions Thursday 15 Dec. 09.30 - 10.15 10.30 - 11.15 Lectures 3 Abdelhak Djouadi 11.30 - 12.45 Exercises 14.00 - 14.45 15.00 - 15.45 Lectures 4 Abdelhak Djouadi 16.00 - 17.30 Exercises Friday 16 Dec. 09.30 - 10.15 10.30 - 11.15 Lectures 5 Nicolo de Groot 11.30 - 15.00 Project 15.00 - 16.00 Project presentations 16.00 Drinks Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 2 • YOU are going to do the work But we are going to assist (if not insist) Each lecture session is followed by an exercise session Assistants (any ≥2 combination of): Tim Dijkstra (Hylke Kroes) Marcel van Kessel Jan Willem Wagenaar Emphasis on quantitative understanding of the MSSM Calculate Feynman diagrams etc. yourself (exercises) Determine a search strategy yourself (project) Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 3 N Number of events Measurement = L Luminosity Accelerator σ Cross section/Decay width Theory Fermi’s Golden Rule σ=∫ |M|2 dLips M: matrix elements calculable with Feynman diagrams Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 4 u u u d d d c c c s s s t t t b b b g1 g2 g3 g4 Standard Model g5 g66 g7 g8 W+ Z γ W− νe νµ ντ e µ τ Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong H 5 The U(1)×SU(2) Standard Model in a schematic form for 1 fermion type (electron) s m r e t s In following s a m mass terms are O N included “by hand’ Lagrangian invariant under the following U(1)×SU(2) transformation g1 and g2 coupling strengths of hypercharge and weak interaction Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 6 Feynman Rules: Fermions Lfermion= Ψ(iγµ∂µ-m)Ψ Fourier space pµ ↔ i∂ µ Free solutions: particles Ψ=us(p)e-ipx Dirac spinors: Anti-particles Ψ=vs(p)e-ipx mponents ! o c 4 Complication: the γ matrices Chiral projections (1±γ5)/2 g5=iγ0γ1γ2γ3 Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 7 Feynman Rules: Gauge Bosons Lgauge=−1/4FµνFµν +1/2MV2AµAµ Fµν = ∂µAν - ∂νAµ Free particle solution: Aµ=εµ e-ipx For the (MV=0) photon the qµqν term is not there εµqµ=0 for on-mass-shell photons Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 8 Feynman Rules: Fermion-Gauge Boson Interaction Lint= −e Ψ γµ Aµ (vf-af γ5) Ψ Electromagnetic coupling constant: e(mZ)≈1/128 Weak mixing angle: sW= sinθW, sin2θW≈0.21 Weak isospin: If, If3=+1/2 up quark and neutrino’s If3=−1/2 down quarks and charged leptons Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 9 Feynman Rules: Tree level example: e− e− → e− e− (Møller Scattering) q Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 10 Feynman Rules: Tree level example: e+e− → µ+µ− Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 11 Feynman Rules: Take traces Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 12 Feynman Rules: Phase Space Integration 1 Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 13 Feynman Rules: Putting it together Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 14 Exercise 1: Proof the following relations: Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 15 Exercise 1: Gamma matrices contractions and traces Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 16 Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 17 Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 18 Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 19 Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 20 Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 21 Exercise 2: Calculate Tests of the Standard Model - EPS 2005 - July 25 - Sijbrand de Jong 22