Obligatory Exercises II 11.05.2012 to be delivered 21.05.2012 @ 12:15 Farid Ould-­‐Saada 5/10/12 1 The top quark decays into a W boson and and a b-­‐quark. Justify this. (Consider the CKM mass matrix). Feynman graph of decay and interaction at work? Assuming the top width to be ~1.5 GeV Estimate the lifetime of the top quark If QCD color interactions can be characterized by the fly-­‐by time of 2 hadrons (time needed to exchange gluons) What is the ratio of lifetime to interaction time for top quarks? Compare to the properties of b-­‐quarks and draw conclusions. Top-­‐pair production in hadron colliders proceed through p + p →t + t + X ; p + p →t + t + X where X stands for any other hadrons ensuring necessary conservation of various quantum numbers Draw possible Feynman diagrams Compare p-­‐p and p-­‐antip € 5/10/12 2 Because of the rapid fall-­‐off in parton distribution functions f(x) with increasing x, where x is the fraction of the hadron momentum carried by the interacting parton, the peak of the production cross section occurs essentially at threshold What is the typical momentum of the b-­‐quark? What are the typical x values of the colliding partons that can produce top-­‐ pairs at the Tevatron and at the LHC Tevatron : LHC : ▪ Hint: show that the center of mass energies of the hadron-­‐hadron and parton-­‐parton systems are related by ▪ s = 2TeV s = 7TeV ; 14TeV sˆ =€x a x b s What could be the signature of top-­‐pair production at the LHC? Comment the ATLAS event display below (think of which particles are detected by ATLAS) €found to be heavier than expected when B-­‐Bbar The top quark was mixing was first observed in the 198os. How come? 5/10/12 3 5/10/12 https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasPublic/EventDisplayPublicResults#Top_events 4 Consider the ground states of the following nuclei: 23 Na; 37 Cl; 41 Ca 11 17 20 What are the expectations for spin, parity and magnetic moment on the basis of the single-­‐particle shell model? Compare to the experimental values. Make use of the energy-­‐levels of Figure 7.4 as well as appendix E.3 The ground state of 13756Ba has spin-­‐parity JP=3/2+.The first excited states have JP=1/2+ and JP=11/2-­‐. According to the shell model, what assignments would be expected for these states? Make a thorough discussion. 5/10/12 5 Read Section 8.4 (pp. 278-­‐293) Summarize (max 2 pages, including figures) one of the 2 sub-­‐sections www.howstuffworks.com Medical imaging using ionizing radiation (8.4.2) OR Magnetic resonance imaging (8.4.3) 5/10/12 http://photosmedical.blogspot.com/ 6