Sustainable Design for Laboratories Barry Barnet PE PE, LEED AP Issue • Commercial buildings use a lot of electric power and fossil fuel • Lab buildings can use 10 times or more energy than office buildings Lab Building Energy Usage • Higher plug loads than office buildings • Air-handling systems with 100% outside air (no recirculation) • Higher air change rates per hour (ACH) Design Variations: Traditional Strategy (In accordance with ASHRAE 90.1) System 1 (Base System) • Constant volume (CAV) with enthalpy wheel • Supply air temperature re-set during unoccupied hours System 1 ( 2 – Position) • Reduce flow during unoccupied hours System 2 (VAV) • Use U variable i bl air i volume l (VAV) with ith enthalpy th l wheel h l • Relationship between max cooling CFM and minimum ACH/make-up determines effectiveness of VAV system. Design Variations: Sustainable Strategies (In accordance with ASHRAE 90.1) System 3 (Separated Cooling & Ventilation Systems) • Bring in outside air to “ventilate and make-up”, but not to “cool” (ie: separate cooling from ventilation) • Use supplemental devices to “cool” cool (chilled beams or fan coil units) • Use dual energy recovery to produce “ventilation and make-up” air (utilizing total and sensible wheels) • Consider VAV for “ventilation and make-up air” Room by Room Calculation for Peak CFM (Typical Labs) • Cooling load from equipment • Make-up for hood exhaust • Air Ai Ch Change requirement i t (6-12 (6 12 ACH minimum) i i ) System 3 - Typical Reductions in Air-Handling System Size Traditional Design Dual Energy Recovery with Chilled Beams Test Model 2.1 CFM/SF 14 ACH 0.9 – 1.8 CFM/SF 6 – 12 ACH NJEDA Advance Care 1.8 CFM/SF 12 ACH C 0.9 CFM/SF 6 ACH C 50% Vermont Forensics 2.6 CFM/SF 17.3 ACH 1.9 CFM/SF 12.7 ACH 20% Project “Y” 3.0 3 0 CFM/SF 20 ACH 2.0 2 0 CFM/SF 13.3 ACH 33% Project “Z” (8 A/C Minimum) 2.0 CFM/SF 12 9 ACH 12.9 1.5 CFM/SF 9 7 ACH 9.7 25% Vermont Forensics: 35,000 SF of Lab in New England Project “Y”: 60,000 SF of Lab in Mid Atlantic Region Project “Z”: 45 45,000 000 SF of Lab in North Atlantic Region Reduction in Size of air Handling System 63% - 15% System 3 – Separated Cooling & Ventilation Systems Active Chilled Beam Schematic (Cooling) 68°F Primary “Neutral” Air From Air Handling g System y Primary air duct Induction nozzle 59°F Cooling Water Ceiling Chilled Beam coils Supply to room Supply to room Air Induced into Beam from Room 6 ft. To 10 ft. long x 2 ft. wide x 7 Inches Deep System 3 – Separated Cooling & Ventilation Systems Hood Exhaust Dual Air to Air Energy Recovery (Ventilation) Exhaust “Neutral” Neutral Air Supply Supply Air Air terminal units Pre-Heat Coil 71 DB 65 WB On O 52 DB 51.5 WB On O 68 On O Off O 68 DB 90 DB M h i l Mechanical Refrigeration Coil Heating Coil To Other Spaces 97 DB 79 WB 97 DB 79 WB Primary Air Cooling Water Exhaust Grilles 55 DB Off O 75 DB Sensible Wheel Typical Space Suppl. Air Supplies Active Chilled Beam Chilled Water Total Wheel Outside Air System 3 – Typical Room Ceiling Plan (w/ Chilled Beams) Chilled Beams Suppl. Air Supplies Pendant Lights Exhaust G ill Grilles NJEDA Tech IV NJEDA Tech IV Test Model – Located in Northeast U.S. 10,000 SF S Lab ((Eight lab areas on perimeter, one lab area on interior)) Assumptions: • 9 W/SF power, 1.5 W/SF of lighting, 6 ACH minimum occupied, 4 ACH minimum i i unoccupied i d • Five 6’-0” fume hoods in load driven example • Occupied 7AM to 7PM, Indoor summer 75°F, Indoor winter 70°F • Unoccupied 7PM to 7AM, Indoor summer 78°F, Indoor winter 65°F • Diversity on L&E: 50% occupied, 25% during normal occupied hours on weekend/holiday, 10% unoccupied • Diversity on People: 100% occupied, 25% during normal occupied hours on weekend/holiday, 10% unoccupied • Diversity on Hoods: 60% during occupied hours (ie: 40%reduction in airfl ) flow) • Ventilation criteria: 100% outside air Test Model: 10,000 sf Laboratory Space 70’ 25 % Glass 1 2 3 8 9 4 7 6 5 25 % Glass 143’ Simulation Results – Annual Energy - Load/ACH Driven SYSTEM MIN ACH (occ.) MIN CFM (occ.) MAX CFM COOLING MBTU PRE-HEAT MBTU RE-HEAT MBTU FAN MBTU TOTAL MBTU % ENERGY USAGE 1 1 CAV 2POS 21,000 21 000 21,000 21,000 21 000 21,000 1,881,000 1 881 000 1,601,000 54,900 54 900 53,100 729,000 729 000 712,500 1,300,000 1 300 000 876,400 3,964,900 3 964 900 3,243,000 100 82 2 2 2 2 6 8 10 12 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 1,415,500 1,461,800 1,508,200 1,554,600 38,200 41,900 45,600 49,400 510,800 561,200 611,600 662,000 674,500 724,900 775,400 825,900 2,638,900 2,789,900 2,940,900 3,092,000 67 70 74 78 3 3 3 3 6 8 10 12 9,000 9 000 12,000 15,000 18,000 9,000 9 000 12,000 15,000 18,000 1,628,400 1 628 400 1,705,400 1,782,400 1,859,400 48,400 48 400 60,000 71,600 83,200 0 0 0 0 479,400 479 400 581,500 683,600 785,700 2,156,200 2 156 200 2,346,900 2,537,600 2,728,300 54 59 64 69 Notes: 1. All three systems utilize energy recovery with wheel (or wheels) 2. Unoccupied set-back to 4 ACH (6,000 CFM) except for system 1 CAV Simulation Results: Load/ACH Driven Example 100 System 1 (CAV) % ENE ERGY USA AGE 90 80 System 1 (2 – position) 70 System 2 (VAV) 60 System 3 (Beams) 50 6 ACH 10 ACH 12 ACH 8 ACH MINIMUM REQ’D OCCUPIED VENTILATON Simulation Results – Annual Energy - Hood Driven SYSTEM HOOD DIVERSITY AVG CFM MAX CFM COOLING MBTU PRE-HEAT MBTU RE-HEAT MBTU FAN MBTU TOTAL MBTU % ENERGY USAGE 1 1 2 3 CAV 2-POS. 60% 60% 30,000 30,000 18,000 18,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 3,149,000 2,826,000 1,554,600 1,859,400 820,000 755,600 49,400 83,200 1,358,000 1,292,600 662,000 0 1,604,000 1,211,880 825,900 785,800 6,931,000 6,086,140 3,092,000 2,728,400 100 84 43 39 Notes: 1 All three systems utilize energy recovery with wheel (or wheels) 1. 2. Unoccupied set-back to 4 ACH (9,000 CFM) except for system 1 CAV) 3. ACH = 20 at full design flow = 3.0 CFM/sf (assumed) Simulation Results: Hood Driven Example 100 System 1 (CAV) % ENERGY USA AGE 90 System 1 (2 – position) 80 70 60 System 2 (VAV) 40 System 3 (Beams) 6 ACH 10 ACH 12 ACH 8 ACH MINIMUM REQ REQ’D D OCCUPIED VENTILATON Winter Water Economizer (Chilled Water) C Chiller(s) ( ) 44o F Primary Pump(s) 60o F 60o F Mixing Valve C Secondary Pump(s) 59o F C 50o F 64o F Air Handling Units Chilled Beams (Winter: Free Pre-heating of Ventilation) (Winter: Free Cooling of Interior Areas) Red = Summer Blue = Winter (40o F and below) Summer Waste-Heat Recovery (Condenser Water) Cooling Towers Condenser Water Pump(s) Chiller(s) 85o 95o Heat Ex. 82o 92o Reheat Hot Water in Summer Red = Condenser Water Blue = Reheat Hot Water Chemical Free Water Treatment for Condenser Water Combined with Storm Water Reclaim Evaporation Water Make-up p Domestic Water EPPWT Cooling g Towers Storm Water & Drips from Cooling Coils Vermont Forensics Project Estimated annual reduction in HVAC energy: 50% Estimated annual reduction in Total energy: 32% Estimated annual savings in energy costs: 21% Anticipated LEED points EA credit 1: 3-4 Conclusions • An HVAC system with separated cooling and ventilation can offer significant reduction in annual energy usage • Innovative methods for water side economizing (winter) and waste heat recovery (summer) provide additional energy savings • Physical sizes of air handling units and ductwork are significantly reduced • Chemical free water treatment and storm water reclaim can work together to reduce harmful effects to environment and reduce water usage QUESTIONS This concludes the presentation for Sustainable Design for Laboratories