LC UP Part 5.xls 4000 - Unit Supplies Requests [Acct. Category 4000] Instructions: 1. There should be a separate line item for supplies needed and an amount. For items purchased in bulk, list the unit cost and provide the total in the "Amount" column. 2. Make sure you include the cost of tax and shipping for items purchased. Description Amount Vendor Example: 10 LCD bulbs (Consumable) – 10 @ $250 2500 Office Max Total 2500 Page 1 of 1 Division/Unit Language Arts/World Languages LC UP Part 5.xls 5000 - Unit Contracts and Services Requests [Acct. Category 5000] Instructions: 1. There should be a separate line item for each contract or service. 2. Travel costs should be broken out and then totaled (e.g., airfare, mileage, hotel, etc.) Description Amount Example: Welding equipment maintenance contract Vendor XYZ Maintenance and 1500 Service Total 1500 Page 1 of 1 Division/Unit Applied Tech/Welding LC UP Part 5.xls 6000 - Unit Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Instructions: 1. For each piece of equipment, there should be a separate line item for each piece and an amount. For bulk items, list the unit cost and provide the total in the "Amount" column. 2. Make sure you include the cost of tax and shipping for items purchased Description Example: Computer @ $800 each x 5 units Anatomy Models Total Amount Vendor 4000 Gateway $10,000 See Jennifer Lange 14000 Page 1 of 1 Division/Unit Science & Math/Math Learning Connection