APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS VOLUME 82, NUMBER 17 28 APRIL 2003 Prediction of large polar Kerr rotation in the Heusler-related alloys AuMnSb and AuMnSn Laila Offernes, P. Ravindran, and A. Kjekshusa) Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Box 1033, Blindern, N-0315, Oslo, Norway 共Received 4 November 2002; accepted 27 February 2003兲 Theoretical spectra for the magneto-optical Kerr effect have been obtained for the Heusler-related alloys AuMnSb and AuMnSn, and repeated calculations are performed for the isostructural PtMnSb phase. Using experimental lattice constants, our calculations predict a Kerr rotation exceeding ⫺1° in the 0.5–0.8 eV region for AuMnSb and a somewhat smaller rotation for AuMnSn. Supercell calculations indicate that half-metallic behavior can be induced on hole/electron doping in the AuMnSn1⫺x Sbx solid-solution phase for 0.50⬍x⬍0.75. © 2003 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1569425兴 Recently attention has been paid to soft ferromagnetic, Mn-based, Heusler-related alloys with the general formula TMnX (T⫽transition metal,X⫽Sb,Sn). These alloys are found to exhibit interesting magneto-optical 共MO兲 properties, like the magneto-optical Kerr effect 共MOKE兲, important in MO recording technology. MOKE is observed when linearly polarized light is reflected from a magnetized material. After reflection, MOKE is observed as the rotation of the polarization plane by the Kerr angle, K . The reflected light is also elliptically polarized, defining the Kerr ellipticity by an angle, K . In most technological applications MOKE is used in the so-called polar geometry, in which the incident light and magnetization direction are oriented perpendicular to the plane of the magnetized surface. In this geometry, the Kerr effect is given by ⫺ xy K ⫹i K ⫽ xx 冑 1⫹ 4i , 共1兲 xx where xx and xy are the diagonal and off-diagonal component of the optical conductivity, respectively. The sign convention is chosen so that K is positive for a clockwise rotation of the polarization ellipse, as viewed from the direction of the incoming beam. The sign, which is directly related to the magnetization direction, is important for applications, since small magnetic domains can be read optically and interpreted as binary numbers. One of the Heusler-related phases, PtMnSb, is regarded as a potential MO recording material and is studied extensively both experimentally1–5 and theoretically.6 –9 The exceptionally large 共for 3d phases兲 Kerr rotation angle of PtMnSb is around ⫺2° at 1.7 eV and room temperature 共almost ⫺5° at 80 K兲.3,4,10 PtMnSb has been classified as a half-metallic ferromagnetic 共HMF兲 material,6 viz. metallic behavior for the majority-spin channel and a semiconductorlike gap at the Fermi level (E F ) for the minority-spin channel. In such materials, the conduction electrons should theoretically be 100% spin polarized at E F . Highly spina兲 Electronic mail: polarized materials, like the HMFs, are incorporated in magnetic multilayers, so-called spin valves. Due to the spin dependent scattering of electrons the spin valves exhibit giant magnetoresistance and are used in magnetic recording technology.11 To ease the continuing search for good MO materials a set of guide lines has been set forward. 共i兲 One of the constituting elements should have a large magnetic moment 共e.g., Cr, Mn, or Fe兲. 共ii兲 Another constituting element should be heavy 共e.g., Pt, Au, or Bi兲 in order to exhibit large spinorbit 共SO兲 coupling. 共iii兲 There should be a strong hybridization between orbitals of the elements of type i and ii.12 Through the hybridization the SO-split bands become spin polarized, giving rise to MO-active transitions. PtMnSb clearly fulfills these criteria. Suitable MO materials must also meet several other requirements, e.g., have sufficiently large reflectivity, Curie temperature (T C ) appropriate for thermomagnetic writing, and magnetic anisotropy favoring an orientation of the magnetization direction perpendicular to the MO disk plane. Cubic PtMnSb lacks magnetic anisotropy, but this phase still remains attractive as a possible soft ferromagnetic material in multilayer structures.13 This report primarily concerns the calculated Kerr rotation spectra for AuMnSb and AuMnSn including both interand intraband contributions, but in order to facilitate comparison with earlier studies calculations have also been repeated for PtMnSb. The crystal structure of these Heusler-related alloys are of the cubic AlLiSi-type; space group F4̄3m with T in 4c, Mn in 4b, and X in 4a. 14 Compared with the Cu2 MnAl-type structure of the proper Heusler alloys, one of the four interpenetrating fcc lattices of the latter type is empty in the Heusler-related variant. An effect of this unoccupied site is to reduce the degree of overlap between the wave functions, and subsequently giving rise to narrower bands, enhanced moments, and appearance of gaps in the density of states 共DOS兲.15 The Heusler-related-type structure easily allows for structural disorder, either by the occurrence of vacancies, interchange of atoms or partial addition of atoms to the 4d site. The phases subject to this study have narrow composition ranges at 400 °C, apparently excluding the exact 1:1:1 composition.16,17 Experimental lattice parameters used in the 0003-6951/2003/82(17)/2862/3/$20.00 2862 © 2003 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 29 Apr 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 82, No. 17, 28 April 2003 Offernes, Ravindran, and Kjekshus 2863 TABLE I. Experimental lattice parameters, magnetic moments, and Curie temperatures for PtMnSb 共see Ref. 1兲, AuMnSn 共see Ref. 14兲, and AuMnSb 共see Ref. 17兲. Calculated magnetic moments, using the FPLMTO method, and unscreened plasma frequency ( P ), using the FLAPW method. Exp. a 共pm兲 Exp. F ( B /Mn) Exp. T C 共K兲 Calc. F ( B /f.u.) Calc. P 共eV兲 a PtMnSb AuMnSb AuMnSn 620.1 4.1 582 4.050 4.01 637.9 4.2 135 4.555 3.18 634.1 3.8 ⬃740a 4.089 4.63 Upper stability limit of AuMnSn. present study and magnetic moments for the phases under consideration are listed in Table I. The electronic structure calculations are performed within the framework of the generalized gradient corrected fully relativistic full-potential density-functional theory. The full potential linear muffin-tin orbital 共FPLMTO兲 calculations18 are all-electron, and no shape approximation to the charge density or the potential has been used. Spin-orbit terms are included directly in the Hamiltonian matrix elements for the part inside the muffin-tin spheres. The direction of the moment was chosen perpendicular to the basal plane 共viz. along 关001兴兲. The self consistency was obtained with 440 irreducible k points in the whole Brillouin zone and 1468 k points for the optical as well as MO calculations. The plasma frequency ( P ) used for the estimation of intraband contributions to the optical conductivity has been derived by the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method 共FLAPW兲 using the WIEN97 code.19 We have used well converged basis sets. More details about the computations will be given elsewhere.20 Calculated P values are given in Table I. The damping parameters used in the calculations of the intraband contribution for PtMnSb were chosen by fitting to the experimental curves and the thus derived parameter values were used in the calculations for AuMnSb and AuMnSn. In agreement with earlier investigations9 our tightbinding linear muffin-tin orbital calculations show full halfmetallic behavior for PtMnSb, whereas the more accurate full-potential methods reveal finite 共but very small兲 DOS values in the band-gap region for both spin channels. The FPLMTO calculated total DOSs for PtMnSb, AuMnSb, and AuMnSn are depicted in Fig. 1. The FPLMTO calculated magnetic moments are in good agreement with experimental values 共Table I兲, and the main contribution to the moments comes from the Mn atoms, as expected. The band structures of the three phases are strikingly similar with deep valleys or pseudogaps, indicating strong hybridization, characteristics of covalent bonding, and poor ductility.15 For all three phases a gap in DOS appears in the minority-spin direction in the vicinity of the Fermi level, for AuMnSb just below E F and for AuMnSn and PtMnSb just above E F ; for all owing to large exchange splitting from the Mn atoms. The gaps in DOS for AuMnSb and AuMnSn are narrower than in PtMnSb 共0.27 and 0.24 vs 0.84 eV兲. The band structures for both the gold phases are very similar, and it should accordingly, as a reasonable first approximation, be justified to treat mutual exchange of Sb and Sn atoms within the rigid-band approximation. Since there is a complete solid FIG. 1. Calculated 共according to the FPLMTO method兲 total DOS for PtMnSb, AuMnSb, and AuMnSn. The calculated DOS at E F 共in states f.u.⫺1 eV⫺1 ) is 0.10, 0.81, and 0.22 for minority and 0.80, 0.36, and 0.60 for majority spin channel of PtMnSb, AuMnSb, and AuMnSn, respectively. solubility between AuMnSb and AuMnSn,17 a range of HMF materials is likely to appear within the AuMnSb1⫺x Snx solid-solution series. Supercell calculations for x⫽0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 suggest a range of possible HMF materials for 0.50⬍x⬍0.75 共rigid-band considerations give a slightly wider range兲. The calculated Kerr rotation profile for PtMnSb is shown in Fig. 2, together with earlier calculated7–9 and experimental2–5 spectra. On considering experimental Kerr rotation spectra it should be remembered that sampledependent effects may significantly influence the spectral features. Peak positions appears to be rather sensitive to composition parameters 共stoichiometry, homogeneity, impurities, etc.兲,21 whereas the magnitude of the peaks depends on the sample preparation, in particular the annealing.4 Surface effects may in certain cases play a major role. The calculated spectra for PtMnSb 共Fig. 2兲 reproduce the magnitude and shape of the experimental curves rather well, but the calculated profiles are shifted relative to the experimental profiles. This may be due to the choice of an idealized 1:1:1 composition for the calculations. Peak positions are also sensitive to P , which in turn is directly related to the FIG. 2. Calculated 共from FPLMTO兲 polar Kerr rotation spectrum for PtMnSb. Earlier experimental and calculated spectra are included for comparison. 共Note the effect of annealing, open vs filled circles; legends on the illustration; references in parentheses.兲 Downloaded 29 Apr 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 2864 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 82, No. 17, 28 April 2003 FIG. 3. Calculated 共from FPLMTO兲 polar Kerr rotation 共solid line兲 and ellipticity 共dotted line兲 spectra for AuMnSb and AuMnSn. number of electrons at E F . This implies that impurities 共which are indirectly related to P ) may have a major effect on the peak positions in experimental spectra. It should be noted that a free-electron-like approach has been used to estimate the intraband contributions 共at 0 K兲 and broadening to account for temperature effects, and this may also cause distinctions between the theoretical and experimental spectra. Moreover, the usual density-functional-theory approach does not take into account correlation effects properly, and this may also give rise to shifts in calculated peak positions.22 The Kerr rotation and ellipticity spectra of AuMnSb and AuMnSn are given in Fig. 3. The shape of the Kerr rotation spectrum for AuMnSb resembles that of PtMnSb with one dominant peak, while the AuMnSn spectrum exhibits two, but less prominent peaks. The predicted Kerr rotation is around ⫺1.2° at 0.6 eV for AuMnSb and around ⫺0.7° and ⫺0.3° at 1.2 and 2.4 eV, respectively, for AuMnSn. The calculated maximum Kerr rotation for AuMnSb is about twice as large as for pure Co and Fe.23 Previous measurements5 indicate that the Kerr rotation profile changes continuously with composition within a solid-solution series, implying that the Kerr rotation characteristics may be tailored within series like AuMnSn1⫺x Sbx 17 or 24 Pt1⫺x Aux MnSb. The T C of AuMnSb 共see Table I兲 is far too low for thermomagnetic writing, but T C changes smoothly with x in AuMnSn1⫺x Sbx 17 共for AuMnSn above its upper stability limit of 740 K兲 and should be optimal for such a purpose at certain values of x. However, the lacking anisotropy for these cubic phases still remains as a challenge. It should be emphasized that the debate on as to what extent the half-metallic behavior of PtMnSb directly or indirectly is responsible for its unique MO properties is not yet concluded.9 It would therefore be of considerable interest to explore the MO properties of thin films of AuMnSn1⫺x Sbx to verify if the phase actually passes from a normal ferromagnetic metal to an HMF and back to a normal ferromagnet again as function of x. In order to get insight into the origin of the peaks in the Kerr rotation spectra the separate contributions Offernes, Ravindran, and Kjekshus from the diagonal and off-diagonal parts of the optical conductivity tensor has been derived as Re(⫺xy) and Re(D)⫺1 兵 D⬅ xx 关 1⫹(4 i/ ) xx 兴 1/2其 ; see Eq. 共1兲. Diagonal as well as off-diagonal elements contribute to these peaks for PtMnSb and AuMnSb. The large calculated K for PtMnSb at 1.17 eV appears because the maximum in the offdiagonal tensor element coincides with a peak in Re(D)⫺1 at this energy. The less prominent Kerr rotation peak for AuMnSb is caused by a slight relative displacement of the maxima in absolute values for Re(⫺xy) and Re(D)⫺1 around K . The relative contributions to K for AuMnSn 共with two, less pronounced peaks; Fig. 3兲 is less obvious. 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