Pierre LISON Nationality: Belgian Date of birth: 30.08.1982 Family status: Married Phone: +47.967.998.12 Address: Institutt for informatikk Postboks 1080 Blindern 0316 Oslo Email: plison@ifi.uio.no Professional interests Research & development in natural language processing (computational linguistics), machine learning, robotics and artificial intelligence. Education 2014 Ph.D. in Computer science at the University of Oslo, Norway. Dissertation: "Structured Probabilistic Modelling for Dialogue Management" 2008 M.Sc. in Language Science & Technology at the University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany. Specialisation: Computational Linguistics 2006 B.Sc and M.Sc (ingénieur civil) in Computer Science at the University of Louvain, Belgium. Specialisation: Artificial Intelligence 2006 Minor degree and 1st year of the M.A in Linguistics at the University of Louvain, Belgium. Work experience 2014-present Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Informatics, University of Oslo 3-years postdoctoral position funded by the Norwegian Research Council on "Dialogue Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation". Visiting Researcher at IDIAP (Swiss Federal Institute for Technology) in 2014. 2011-2014 PhD Research Fellow Department of Informatics, University of Oslo Research on spoken dialogue systems, in particular dialogue management. Doctoral dissertation successfully defended in February 2014. Thesis supervisors: Stephan Oepen, Erik Velldal and Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. 2008-2010 Researcher German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Research in human–robot interaction and spoken dialogue systems in two large EU-funded projects: CogX (2008-2012) and ALIZ-E (2010-2014). 2006-2008 Research assistant German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Research and development work for the CoSy project (2004-2008). Publications See my website for an updated list of publications. Scientific Talks & Posters See my website for an updated list of talks and posters. Awards & Funding 2015 2014-2017 September 2009 January 2008 Runner-up, E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize. Postdoctoral project on "Dialogue Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation" funded by the Norwegian Research Council (FRIPRO funding scheme). Acceptance rate: 8 %. Total budget: NOK 3.3 million. Recipient of GSCL1 Best Master Thesis Award, 1st prize. Recipient of the DAAD Award for "Outstanding academic and social achievements of foreign students"2 for the University of Saarland. Participation in committees 2010-2012 2012 Program chairs Reviewing Member of the EACL Student Board. Organisation Committee for the 8th Young Researchers Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (Seoul, South Korea). Mentoring chair for SIGDIAL 2016 (Los Angeles, USA). 2012 EACL Student Research Workshop (Avignon, France). ESSLLI 2010 Student Session (Copenhagen, Denmark). LREC 2016, VL 2015, SemDial 2015, APL 2014, SemDial 2014, EACL-SRW 2014, LREC 2014, AAMAS 2014, ESSLLI 2013, ACM TiiS (2013), IJARS (2013), MLIS 2012, LREC 2012, IJCNLP 2011, IJCAI 2011, ICRA 2011, HRI 2011, ROMAN 2010, LREC 2010. Secondary reviewer for ACL 2010 and SIGDIAL 2010. Teaching activities 1 2012 & 2014 Co-teacher for the master course "Language Technology Applications", lecturing on Spoken Dialogue Systems (50 % of course content). Spring 2014 Co-teacher for the course "Søketeknologi" (25 % of course content). 2009-2010 Lecturer for the master courses "Computational linguistics" (coordinator) and "Foundations of language science and technology" at the University of Saarland. Supervision Supervision of master theses: Sindre Vetjen (2013), MichaĆ Kosek (May 2014), Paolo Dragone (September 2015), Mathias Ramm (expected November 2016), Natalia Smirnova (expected May 2017). Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik, the German Society for Computational Linguistics. "DAAD-Preis für hervorragende Leistungen ausländischer Studierender", awarded every year in German universities by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, the German Academic Exchange Service. 2 Technical Skills Programming Long programming experience in Java and Python. Good knowledge of PHP, Javascript, C, C++, SQL, Prolog, Mozart/Oz, Shell, Matlab, R. Specialisations Artificial Intelligence: Search, constraint programming, mathematical logic, knowledge representation, planning, probabilistic modeling and reasoning, machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial neural networks, robotics. Language technology: Speech recognition & synthesis, parsing algorithms, computational semantics, information retrieval, machine learning for NLP, spoken dialogue systems, statistical machine translation. Foundations Algorithm design & analysis, formal languages, computer networks, signal processing, databases and information systems, interaction design, software engineering, agile development, high-performance computing. Language Skills Based on the conventional levels of the ’Common European Framework’ [CEF]: French: English: Norwegian: German: Dutch: Language certificates: Listening C2 C2 C1 C1 B2 Reading C2 C2 C1 C1 B2 Speaking C2 C2 C1 C1 B1 Writing C2 C2 C1 C1 B1 (native) (fluent) (very good) (good) (passive) IELTS (ranked as "expert user") for English Goethe-Zertifikat C1 (Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung) for German UiO Norskkurs trinn 3 for Norwegian Intermediate level certificate (evening class) for Dutch Miscellaneous 2002-2006 Qualified youth movement leader, responsible of several youth groups. 2003-2006 Elected co-president of the General Assembly of the Students of Louvain, representing the student interests in university boards (Academic Council, Strategic Orientation Board, Executive Board) 2007-2008 Member of the French-German theatre troupe "Le Pont". Hobbies Reading, outdoor activities, spending time with my family. Note: all the papers and talks can be downloaded at: http://folk.uio.no/plison