Prescriptive AND Theory + descriptive 3 comments on declining or lower discount rates Thomas Sterner Country Agency or sector rate Long-term rate UK France Italy Germany HM Treasury Commiss gén. du Plan Central recommend Bundesmin. Finanzen Transportation Water 3.5% 4% 5% 3% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3.5% 7% Declining > 30 yrs Declining > 30 yrs Spain Netherlands Sweden SIKA* - transport EPA Norway Office of Man & Budget USA Canada Australia EPA Treasury Board Office of Best Practice 2%–3% 8% 7% Sens. check, >0% Sens check, 0.5%– 3% Theoretical approach SRTP SRTP SRTP Federal refinancing SRTP SRTP SRTP SRTP Gov borrowing SOC SRTP SOC SOC Declining rates in France and UK 4.5% 4.0% 4.0% 3.5% 3.5% 3.0% 3.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% 2.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.0% 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 100 200 300 400 500 Many Issues; Pick the important: I will focus on 2 • Discounting depends on Growth. There will be no growth in some sectors. We will not have ”more” nature nor more time for our children. • Some of the attraction of growth is that we become richer than the neighbour. This is a private motive but does not make sense socially as the whole society gets richer. • Disaggregation into Rich and Poor has effects Two sectors with diff growth rates C grows; E does not W e U (C , E )dt t 0 The appropriate discount rate r is then d U C (C , E ) dt r U C (C , E ) Relative price effect >>> Typically lowers discount in slow growth sector DISCOUNTING and relative income Ut u ct , Rt u ct , r (ct , zt ) v ct , zt du/dc captures individual partial benefit of more c. dv/dc captures total effect of more c 3 Welfare Functions Max : w u c , r (c , z ) e p T 0 d v c , z e d T 0 {c0 ,...,cT } Max : w u c , r (c , c ) e s T 0 {c0 ,...,cT } Max : w u c e d R T 0 {c0 ,...,cT } d v c , c e T 0 d Intuition Arrow Dasgupta • • • • Rat Race: Work/consume more to beat Jones. But people will be positional in future too Beat Jones’s now -->Lose in future Same optimal growth part IFF v2t (ct ) v1t (ct ) Defining degree of positionality Ut u ct , Rt u ct , r (ct , zt ) v ct , zt u2t r1t t u1t u2t r1t We find same results and more.. v1t 1 v1t 1 v1t (t ) ln t 0 ln t v10 v10 v20 t v10 s 1 t 1 0 We find same results and more.. v1t 1 v1t 1 v1t (t ) ln t 0 ln t v10 v10 v20 t v10 s • Assume increasing positionality • Then ρs > ρp 1 t 1 0 Assuming Constant Positionality • Ramsey Discount rate > Optimal Rate • ρR = ρS + v12/v1 (cg) • Generally ρR > ρS > ρp THREE relevant Discount rates 1. The Privately optimal (assuming z unchanged) 2. The Socially optimal (assuming R unchanged) 3. Ramsey Rule which decision makers use Comparing 3 discount rates p w ct 1 1 v1t p ln p ln t w c0 t v10 p v11 v12 v12 ( w c) t p = cg cg g cg p w c v1 v1 v1 v11 2v12 v22 v12 d / dt cg g cg v1 v2 v1 1 t s R cv11 / v1 g g Private < Social < Ramsey p w ct 1 1 v1t p ln p ln t w c0 t v10 p v11 v12 v12 ( w c) t p = cg cg g cg p w c v1 v1 v1 v11 2v12 v22 v12 d / dt cg g cg v1 v2 v1 1 t s R cv11 / v1 g g