Dolgener, Forest A., Ph.D. Professor of Exercise Science University of Northern Iowa

Dolgener, Forest A., Ph.D.
Professor of Exercise Science
University of Northern Iowa
WRC 129
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
319/273-6479 - office
319/277-5110 - home
Ph.D. University of Texas @ Austin
Exercise Physiology
M.Ed. University of Texas @ Austin
Health & Physical Education
Health & Physical Education
minor in math
University of Texas @ Austin
University of Northern Iowa
Associate Professor
University of Northern Iowa
Assistant Professor
University of Cincinnati
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Internal Medicine
Jewish Hospital
Cincinnati, OH
Program Staff
Cardiovascular Fitness Program
Jewish Community Center
Cincinnati, OH
Departments of Preventive
Medicine and Environmental and
Occupational Medicine
University of Cincinnati Medical
School, Cincinnati, OH
Fitness Assessment and Programming (undergraduate)
Applied Exercise Physiology (undergraduate)
Cardiovascular Physiology (graduate)
Advanced Exercise Physiology (graduate)
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Advanced Sport Nutrition (graduate
Dolgener, F., Whitsett, D. and Kole, T. The Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer. McGraw
Hill, 2005.
Dolgener, F. and Hensley, L. Personal Wellness. Eddie Bowers Publishing, Inc, 1998.
Refereed Journal Articles
Finn, K.J., Dolgener, F.A. and Williams, R.B. Effects of carbohydrate refeeding on
physiological responses and psychological and physical performance following
acute weight reduction in collegiate wrestlers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research, 18(2):328-333, 2004.
Erdmann, L., Hensley, L., Dolgener, F., and Graham, R. “Nonexercise Prediction of
VO2peak in Middle School-Age Boys.” Measurement in Physical Education and
Exercise Science, 3(1), 1999, pp. 37-50.
Erdmann, L., Dolgener, F., and Hensley, L. “A comparison of postexercise Heart Rates
by Telemetry and Self-Pulse Palpation in Middle-School Aged Boys.” Measurement
in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 2(4), 1998, pp. 199-204.
Terillion, K., Kolkhorst, F., Dolgener, F., and Joslyn, S. “The Effect of Creatine
Supplementation on two 700-m Maximal Running Bouts.” International Journal of
Sport Nutrition, 7(2), 1997, pp. 138-143.
Kolkhorst, F., Mittelstadt, S., and Dolgener, F. "Perceived Exertion and Blood Lactate
Concentration During Graded Treadmill Running." European Journal of Applied
Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 72(3), 1996, pp. 272-277.
Kolkhorst, F., Toepfer, T., and Dolgener, F. "Expired Air Temperature During SteadyState Running." Medicine and Science in Exercise and Sport, 27(12), 1995, pp.
Dolgener, F., Kolkhorst, F. and Whitsett, D. "Long Slow Distance Training in Novice
Marathoners," Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 65, 1994, pp. 339-346.
Dolgener, F., Hensley, L., Marsh, J., and Fjestul, J. "Validation of the Rockport Fitness
Walking Test in College Males and Females," Research Quarterly for Exercise and
Sport, 65, 1994, pp. 152-158.
Kolkhorst, F. and Dolgener, F. "Non-Exercise Model Fails to Predict Aerobic Capacity
in College Students with High VO2peak," Research Quarterly for Exercise and
Sport, 65(1), 1994, pp. 78-83.
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Dolgener, F. and Morien, A. "The Effects of Massage on Lactate Disappearance,"
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 7(3), 1993, pp. 159-162.
Dolgener, F., Hensley, L., Becker, T., and Marsh, J. "A Comparison of Bioelectric
Impedance and Hydrodensitometry in Lean Males," Journal of Applied Sport
Science Research, 6, 1992, pp. 147-151.
Dolgener, F. "Oxygen Cost of Walking and Running in Untrained, Sprint Trained and
Endurance Trained Females," Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 22,
1982, pp. 60-65.
Dolgener, F., Spasoff, T., and St. John, W. "Body Build and Body Composition of High
Ability Female Dancers," Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 51, 1980, pp.
Dolgener, F. and Baltrusaitis, S. "The Relationship Between Isokinetic Torque and the
Vertical Jump," Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 51, 1980, pp. 593-598.
Dolgener, F. and Brooks, W. "The Effects of Interval and Continuous Distance Training
on VO2max and Mile Run Time in College Males," Journal of Sports Medicine and
Physical Fitness, 18, 1978, pp. 345-352.
Dolgener, F. "Prediction of Maximal Aerobic Power in Females." Research Quarterly,
49, 1978, pp. 20-27.
Published Abstracts
Shima, C., Dolgener, F., Lund, R., Finn, K. The Influence of Caffeine on the Hydration
Status of College-Aged Females. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39,
2007, pp. S100.
Kolkhorst, F. Dolgener, F., Broshears, C., Sewell, W. and Musson, S. Effects of Prior
Supramaximal Exercise on VO2 Kinetics. Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, 31, 1999, pp. S333.
Erdmann, L., Hensley, L., and Dolgener, F. “Heart Rate Response to Self-Paced Fast
Walking in Boys of Different VO2peak..” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,
70 (1), 1999, pp. 27.
Osei, A., Kolkhorst, F., Dolgener, F., Hensley, L. “Effects of Ibuprofen on DelayedOnset Muscle Soreness and Subsequent Exercise Performance,” Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise, 30, 1998, pp. S103.
Erdmann, L., Hensley, L., Dolgener, F. “Body Composition as a Predictor of VO2max in
Boys of Higher and Lower Body fat,” Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,
29, 1997, pp.S50.
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Terrillion, K., Dolgener, F., and Kolkhorst, F. “The Effects of Creatine
Supplementationon Two 700-M Maximal Running Bouts,” Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise, Supplement, 28, 1996, pp. S36.
Voelz, J., Dolgener, F., and Kolkhorst, F. “The Effect of High-Dose Ephedrine HCL on
High-Intensity Treadmill Performance,” Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise 28, 1996, pp. S35.
Williams, R., Dolgener, F., and Kolkorst, F. "Anaerobic Performance in Sprint-Trained,
Middle Distance Trained and Untrained Women," Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise, Supplement, 27, 1995, pp. S8.
Dolgener, F. and Kolkhorst, F. "Effects of Training Frequency and Volume on
Performance in Novice Marathoners," Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, Supplement, 26, 1994, pp. S105.
Kolkorst, F., Topfer, T., and Dolgener, F. "Comparison of Expired Air Temperature
Using a Heated or Unheated Pneumotachometer," Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise, Supplement, , 1994, pp. S206.
Dolgener, F., Hensley, L., Marsh, J., and Fjelstul, J. "Predicting VO2max From a OneMile Walk test in College Students," Abstracts of Research Papers, Reston:
AAHPERD Press, 1990.
Leggett, K. and Dolgener, F. "Heart Rate and VO2 Relationship During Low-Impact
Aerobics," Abstracts of Research Papers, Reston: AAHPERD Press, 1990.
Dolgener, F. and Steele, C. "Regional Body Fatness and Serum Lipids in Females,"
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Supplement, 18, 1986, p. 59.
Larsen, C. and Dolgener, F. "Effect of Acute Exercise on Resting Metabolic Rate in
Obese and Non-Obese Females," Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,
16, 1984, p. 161.
Hensley, L. and Dolgener, F. "Physiological Determinants of Wrestling Ability,"
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 15, 1983, p. 141.
Dolgener, F. "Anaerobic Threshold of the Arms and Legs." Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise, 15, 1983, p. 109.
Dolgener, F. "The Effects of LSD Training in Females." Abstracts of Research Papers,
Reston: AAHPERD Press, 1983.
Dolgener, F., Spasoff, T., and St. John, W. "Body Build and Body Composition of High
Ability Female Dancers," Abstracts of Research Papers, Reston: AAHPERD Press,
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Dolgener, F. "Oxygen Deficit-Oxygen Repayment Relationship in Running." Abstracts
of Research Papers, Reston: AAHPERD Press, 1973.
National/Regional Research Presentations
Phillips, M., Hensley, L. and Dolgener, F. Utility of a Non-Exercise Method of
Estimating Aerobic Capacity. AAHPERD, Indianapolis, March, 2010.
Shima, C., Dolgener, F., Lund, R., Finn, K. The Influence of Caffeine on the Hydration
Status of College-Aged Females. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39,
2007, pp. S100.
Kolkhorst, F. Dolgener, F., Broshears, C., Sewell, W. and Musson, S. Effects of Prior
Supramaximal Exercise on VO2 Kinetics. Annual Meeting of American College of
Sports Medicine, Seattle, May 1999.
Erdmann, L., Hensley, L., Dolgener, F. “Heart Rate Response to Self-Paced Fast
Walking in Boys of Different VO2peak,” Annual Meeting of American Association for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Boston, April 1999.
Osei, A., Kolkhorst, F., Dolgener, F., Hensley, L. “Effects of Ibuprofen on DelayedOnset Muscle Soreness and Subsequent Exercise Performance,” Annual Meeting of
the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, 1998.
Erdmann, L., Hensley, L., Dolgener, F. “Body Composition as a Predictor of VO2max in
Boys of Higher and Lower Body fat,” Annual Meeting of the American College of
Sports Medicine, Denver, June 1997.
Terillion, K., Dolgener, F. Kolkhorst, F. "The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on
Two 700-M Maximal Running Bouts," Annual Meeting of the American College of
Sports Medicine, Cincinnati, June, 1996.
Voelz, J., Dolgener, F., and Kolkhorst, F. "The Effect of High-Dose Ephedrine
Hydrochloride on High-Intensity Treadmill Performance," Annual Meeting of the
American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinnati, June, 1996.
Williams, R., Dolgener, F. and Kolkorst, F. "Anaerobic Performance in Sprint-Trained,
Middle Distance Trained and Untrained Women," Annual Meeting of the American
College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, June, 1995.
Dolgener, F. and Kolkhorst, F. "The Effects of Training Frequency and Volume on
Performance in Novice Marathoners," Annual Meeting of the American College of
Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, June, 1994.
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Kolkhorst, F., Topfer, T., and Dolgener, F. "Comparison of Expired Air Temperature
Using a Heated or Unheated Pneumotachometer," Annual Meeting of the American
College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, June 1994.
Dolgener, F. and Ingrahm, S. "The Effect of Carbonated Beverage Consumption on
VO2max," Annual Meeting of the National Strength and Conditioning Association,
Las Vegas, June 1993.
Kolkhorst, F., Mittlestadt, S., and Dolgener, F. "Effects of Running Grade on Oxygen
Consumption at Blood Lactate Concentrations of 2.0 and 4.0 mm/l," Annual Meeting
of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, June, 1993.
Ryan, W., Herold, P., Dolgener, F., and Richards, J. "Attitudes and Opinions Regarding
Exercise Aspects of Cardiac Rehabilitation and ACSM Certification Among Cardiac
Rehabilitation Nurses in Iowa," Annual Meeting of The American Association of
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Chicago, October, 1992.
Dolgener, F., Herold, P., Ryan, W., and Richards, J. "Academic and Professional
Background, Roles, and Responsibilities of Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurses in Iowa,"
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation, Chicago, October, 1992.
Losen, K., Ryan, W., Dolgener, F. "The Validity of the Caltrac Personal Acitivity
Computer," Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Dallas,
May, 1991.
Gulick, K., Hensley, L., Dolgener, F. "The Effect of Public Cholesterol Screening
Programs on Health Behaviors," Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, San Francisco, April 1991.
Erdmann, L., Hensley, L., and Dolgener, F. "Prediction of VO2max in Boys, Ages 11 to
14 Years," Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance, San Francisco, April, 1991.
Dolgener, F., Hensley, L., Marsh, J., and Fjelstul, J. "Predicting VO2max From a OneMile Walk Test in College Students," Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, New Orleans, March, 1990.
Leggett, K. and Dolgener, F. "Heart Rate and VO2 Relationship During Low-Impact
Aerobics," Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance, New Orleans, March, 1990.
Hensley, L., Dolgener, F., Marsh, J., and Fjelstul. "Cross-validation of a One-Mile Walk
Test for Measuring Aerobic Capacity," Sixth Measurement and Evaluation
Symposium in Physical Education, Madison, October, 1989.
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Steele, C. and Dolgener, F. "Regional Body Fatness and Serum Lipids in Females,"
Annual Meeting of the American College of Sport Medicine, Indianapolis, May 1986.
Bacharach, D., Dolgener, F. and Hensley, L. "Influence of Cardiovascular Condition of
Women on Perceived Exertion During Submaximal Workloads," The Olympic
Scientific Congress, Eugene, OR, July, 1984.
Larsen, C. and Dolgener, F. "The Effect of Acute Exercise on Resting Metabolic Rate
in Obese and Non-obese Females," Annual Meeting of the American College of
Sports Medicine, San Diego, May, 1984.
Dolgener, F. "Anaerobic Threshold of the Arms and Legs." Annual Meeting of the
American College of Sports Medicine, Montreal, May, 1983.
Hensley, L. and Dolgener, F. "Physiological Determinants of Wrestling Ability," Annual
Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Montreal, May, 1983.
Dolgener, F. "The Effects of LSD Training in Females." Annual Meeting of the
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,
Minneapolis, April, 1983.
Dolgener, F., Spasoff, T. and St. John, W. "Body Build and Body Composition of High
Ability Female Dancers," Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Detroit, April, 1980.
Dolgener, F. "Oxygen Deficit-Oxygen Repayment Relationship in Running." Annual
Meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance, Minneapolis, April, 1973.