Curriculum vitae Full name Born Present position

Curriculum vitae for Truls NORBY
Full name: Norby, Truls Eivind
Born: 22 June 1955, Oslo
Present position: Professor, Dept. Chemistry, University of Oslo
Degree: Dr. Scient., Inorganic Chemistry, University of Oslo, 1986
Experience: Professor, Univ. Oslo 1995. Head of group 1997.
Established and heads top-tier research group FERMiO as of 2007, see Founded NorECs Norwegian Electro Ceramics
AS ( in 2001, commercialising equipment and materials
developed by Norwegian academic materials research. Initiator (2008)
and board member of Protia AS.
Research activities and fields of interest: Inorganic chemistry, materials science, electrochemistry.
Advanced ceramic materials, mainly oxides; their defect structure, diffusivity, electrical properties
and electrochemistry at high temperatures. Hydrogen defects. Solid electrolytes (oxygen ion and
proton conductors); Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), electrochemical reactors, pumps, sensors. Mixed
conductors and electronic conductors for membrane and electrode technologies. Nano-ionics.
Current focii: Solubility and transport of protons in oxides and phosphates. Neutral hydrogen and
hydride ions in oxides. High and intermediate temperature protonic conductors for fuel cells, sensors
and membrane reactors for chemical processes and gas separation/cleaning. Chemical diffusion of
oxygen or hydrogen through mixed conductors as membranes for separation of O2 from air or H2
from syngas. Photoeletrochemistry; defects in TiO2 photocatalysts. Thermoelectricity.
Academic and organizational involvements: Member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and
Letters (Det Norske Vitenskapsakademi), Member of.Agder Academy of Science and Letters, Editor
for Solid State Ionics 2006-. Conf. int. adv. boards: Solid State Ionics, Solid State Protonic Cond's.,
React. Solids. Member of The Hydrogen Council (RCN) 2006-, Sintef Council 2006-. Member of
“Materials, Energy and Nanotechnology (MENA)” BSc and MSc. Coordinator of EU 7FWP project
“EFFIPRO”. Leads additionally 4 national RCN research projects.
Visiting scientist: Chalmers 1993, Aveiro 2002, Sydney (UWS & UNSW) 2009
Supervision: Currently 14 PhD and 5 MSc students
Teaching: Lectures in MENA1000, MENA3200, KJM 5120, KJM-MENA4010.
5 selected recent publications among a total of around 140
* R. Haugsrud, T. Norby, “Proton conduction in rare earth ortho-niobates and ortho-tantalates”,
Nature Materials, 5 (2006) 193.
* R. Strandbakke, C. Kongshaug, R. Haugsrud, T. Norby, “High temperature hydration and
conductivity of mayenite, Ca12Al14O33”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 [20] (2009) 8938.
* T. Norby, “Protonic conduction in solids; bulk and interfaces”, in “Solid State Ionics in the 21st
Century”, S. Kim, S. Yamaguchi, J. Elliot (eds.), MRS Bull., 34 [12] (2009) 923.
* C. Kjølseth, H. Fjeld, P.I. Dahl, C. Estournés, R. Haugsrud, T. Norby, “Space charge theory
applied to the grain boundary impedance of proton conducting BaZr0.9Y0.1O3-δ”, Solid State Ionics,
181 (2010) 268.
* S. Erdal, C. Kongshaug, T. S. Bjørheim, N. Jalarvo, R. Haugsrud, T. Norby, “Hydration of Rutile
TiO2; Thermodynamics and Effects on n- and p-type Electronic Conduction”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114
[19] (2010) 9139.