Endorsement in Educational Technology Admissions Master of Education

in Educational Technology
(State of Ohio Computer and Technology Teaching Endorsement)
Master of Education
General requirements for admission to the Masters Degree in Educational Technology include;
1) a baccalaureate degree from a college or university with full academic accreditation,
2) fulfillment of College of Graduate Studies requirements ,
3) official transcripts from previously attended colleges,
4) a score of at east 47 on the Miller Analogies Test, or a score at the 50th percentile or above on the General section of the
Graduate Record Examination.
Cleveland State University Graduate Admissions Office provides detailed information on University entrance requirements
College of Education and Human Services admission requirements provides detailed information on program requirements.
Exit Requirements
Students who complete the course requirements for the Master’s Degree in Educational Technology have four exit
Portfolio (no credit)
Comprehensive Examination (no credit)
Project (one to six credits)
Thesis (one to six credits)
Portfolio Option
The portfolio is a comprehensive document based on technology artifacts submitted during specialization
coursework and or/ classroom based technology integration artifacts created by the candidate. The portfolio
artifacts are aligned with the ISTE Technology Facilitator standards. The portfolio option is the choice of most
in Educational Technology
(State of Ohio Computer and Technology Teaching Endorsement)
Comprehensive Examination Option
The written comprehensive examination is prepared, administered, and evaluated by the student’s department.
The examination is usually taken in the final semester of enrollment. Students must be registered during the
semester in which they take the examination and must have filed an application for graduation (see the Application for Graduation section in this Catalog). When the student’s completed examination has been evaluated,
the department chair certifies the results to the Associate Dean. Should the student’s comprehensive examination be judged unsatisfactory, the student is permitted to take a second examination. A third examination is not
Thesis or Project Option
M.Ed. candidates who do not take the comprehensive examination must complete either a project or a thesis as
their culminating degree activity. Students must be registered for thesis/project credit each semester (excluding
summer unless they are graduating) until the thesis or project is completed.
Thesis or Project Definitions
1. Thesis:
The thesis must be a written, in-depth, scholarly investigation of a specific area related to the major emphasis
of the student’s program of study.
2. Project:
The project is usually a manuscript that documents the application of educational theory to practice and
demonstrates capacity for evaluation and synthesis. In some instances other media (e.g., film, videotape, com
puter program) may constitute the major product, but these must be accompanied by written documenta
tion explaining the application, value, and limitations of the product. In all cases a project must include refer
ences to related works and must be presented in a form consistent with educational research publications.
Students considering the project or thesis options should speak to their advisor and then contact the Educa
tion Student Services Center in the College of Education and Human Services [ Rhodes Tower , Room 1401,
telephone (216) 687-4625] to request Thesis or Project Option guidelines. Students also should request a
copy of the Thesis and Dissertation Format Guidelines from the College of Graduate Studies [Keith Building,
Room 1150, telephone (216) 687-9370].
in Educational Technology
(State of Ohio Computer and Technology Teaching Endorsement)
Prospective students need an ID and password in order to register online. This information is available from
CampusNet or from the CSU home page. If you already have a CampusNet ID simply login and follow the online
directions to add a course. If not, select “How to login?” from the menu provided on that page.