September 10, 2009 12 Noon, Room 1506

September 10, 2009
12 Noon, Room 1506
In attendance: See sign-in sheet
Meeting Minutes: from August 27, 2009 were distributed.
Special Reports
Doug Horner scheduled a move meeting for Wed. 10/14 at 8:30am with DovetailKent Knight to discuss IOB move.
Project Status Update
Doug Horner reviewed status of all open/active projects currently under bid or in
IOB (400)-Still on schedule for January ’10 move in. Questions surrounding
occupancy ensued. President has indicated desire to occupy a suite, along with
Vice President. Horner stated that this decision will be dependent on the outcome
of the Faculty Office study currently underway. Discussion of this relative to
Master Plan ensued. Some consensus reached on need to re-evaluate the
Master Plan soon. Horner stated that this may be able to occur under the
umbrella of a campus wide evaluation on secondary effects. Monica Munger
indicated the Language Arts Division voted unanimously in opposition to
administrative occupation of this building, as it was not the original Master Plan
design for this space. Wanda Wong indicated the Business/Tech Division had
done the same. Mark Stephens indicated that Social Science had also voiced
significant concerns over the process by which this was taking place. Issues of
shared governance were raised in the discussion. Stephens also pointed to
Spectator article that showed a President’s suite in the IOB. Nobody in the
Facilities committee had seen this document, nor were privy to any discussion
prior to “sunshining” of this proposal on 8/27. Faculty in facilities felt, in general a
lack of transparency in this process. Dave Fouquet felt that a move such as this
needed to be addressed more broadly in Facilities Cmte. because a move such
as this would have an impact on Bldg. 200, which would change the Master Plan
designation of this facility. Fouquet again promoted need to re-visit Facilities
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Facilities and Sustainability Committee Minutes
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Master Plan. Horner indicated a need to update the Educational Master Plan
prior to this undertaking.
CSSC(700)-Concerns about this facility completing on time were raised. Float
days have been lost so this project has no room for leeway, and will be tight.
Gerald Shimada asked general question about occupancy of both buildings, and
whether they would be “tested” prior to the District taking control. Horner
explained “punch list” process. Yulian Ligioso asked about any financial impact to
a delay in opening. Horner indicated on financial issues concerned the Villas, and
most Villas occupants were headed to IOB. Horner discussed the relative merits
of a phased move-in, and how this might be more effective for the College. More
discussion regarding the actual numbering of this building also ensued.
500/1900-Progressing forward. Anticipate Spring opening for both. Spring ’10
classes fully scheduled in 500. Lightly scheduled in 1900. Planetarium room will
NOT be scheduled.
2200-Under construction, still on time for 10/1 finish.
PE Complex-Still under Design. Dependant on bldg. 4000 for commencement.
4000-Still awaiting DSA approval. Currently in “back check.”
1200/1300-Architect selected, negotiations for contract expect to be completed
within next few weeks.
100-Steinberg Architects submitting 3 plans for the re-model of this building
ranging from least to most extensive. Proposals expected before end of Fall.
1700/1800-Architectural firm interviews being organized. Tram Vo-Kumamoto to
lead for the College.
300-Current Plan is to commence probable construction in Summer ’10. This will
need to be validated by the completion of IT facility at LPC.
Rumor Control
Mark Stephens asked for verification on status of Villas and Lot F. Asked whether
Lot F was being returned to College. Horner affirmed. Discussion on campus
drive. It will not continue into Lot E or F from Lot G. Shimada asked for update
on furniture issues in CSSC as discussed at 8/27. Horner indicated that Dovetail
is aware of request and is formulating the move-in plan to accommodate this
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Other Matters Initiated
Munger indicated a desire to see information on energy savings in light of all the
e-mail discussions that had been ongoing relative to this topic.
Fouquet asked how decision was made to do renovation light to the faculty office
buildings. Horner stated that it was part of the budgeting process that the Fac
Comm undertook last Fall to, in part, create matching funds for B1700/1800.
(Note: the minutes during that time indicate that the faculty offices were
underfunded for complete renovation to begin with) Dave asked if we could build
a new faculty office building with a recital/lecture hall.
Chabot College