December 8, 2011 12 Noon, Room 1506 Participants: Reference Sign-in Sheet Meeting Started: 12:05; Ended: ??? 1. Meeting Minutes from November 10, 2011 distributed 2. Special Reports A. Facility Master Plan Process Update - Doug gave update on process. Meetings at Chabot have occurred w/ Facilities Committee, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Student Senate, Administrative Staff. Input will be processed and brought back to Facilities Committee January 26, 2012 for further discussion and input. Following that will be meetings with Facilities Committee on Feb. 23 and March 22 for discussion of graphic options. Comments that Community Ed. and Security are not in Ed Plan and should be addressed in Facility Master Plan. 2. Project Status updates were gone over by Doug per the handout. 4. Sustainability Issues – we should have signage at Turner Court entrance. Rules and regulations sign is being ruined by irrigation. Waterless urinals are smelly. Floor drains smell in B400. 5. Rumor Control – Gene heard that budgets for B1200 and B1300 have been shifted away. Doug explained that budget was actually added to the B1200/1300/PAC Plaza because of unexpectedly high bids. The additional budget was moved from the unused contingencies of finished projects. Mark said he heard that B4000 was delayed because of an elevator problem. Doug explained that the elevator machine room was the problem. The Chabot College Facilities and Sustainability Committee Minutes Pg. 2 equipment was wrongly sized and code clearances were not adhered to. This is being corrected and the elevator will be re-inspected by the state inspector for a permit to operate. Dave said he heard that the LPC Child Development Center was very costly. Doug said he did not know the cost of that building. 6. Other Matters Initiated – Dawn asked if Campus Security should be moving to the CSSC? It would be a change to the master plan. What would the cost of renovation be? Is this the right time to make this move when we are between presidents? We need to make sure that we accommodate the current B700 users that would be displaced. The B700 location being considered is supposed to be community oriented. She asked that Dr. Irvin engage with current users. Chabot College