College Budget Committee Tuesday, December 08, 2015

College Budget Committee
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Board Room 200
Meeting called to order at 2:08pm
Attendance: 9 members, 1 guest (see sign in sheet)
Following up from the last meeting, someone asked about the committee recommendation to the
President & College Council regarding committee membership. VP Willis stated that President
Sperling acknowledged receipt and passed it on to the Faculty Senate President, but it was not
presented nor discussed at the following College Council meeting. VP Willis said she would follow up
to see where it is, and what needs to be done in order to move forward. Director Ochoa asked about
the change to membership, and VP Willis reminded the committee that other than adding the one
additional classified seat the change was necessary, in order to match the committee’s current
practice as well as what’s listed on the website. Other than the one addition, this change was a
historical decision that was never approved through an official college process.
Action/Discussion Items:
1) Approve 11/10/15 and 11/24/15 Minutes
Minutes were approved.
2) Program Review Timeline ~ Deonne Kunkel
Deonne Kunkel provided an update to the Program Review timeline. The college wide resource
request spreadsheets have not been compiled just yet. The President’s office is now supporting the
work of the PRBC as well as the compilation and postings of all program review documents, including
the resource request spreadsheets that the Budget Committee reviews. They will be working on this
over the semester and/or holiday break. There has been overtime requested for this work. Chasity
reminded Deonne that she is available to help with this task before the Budget Committee’s next
meeting in January, if needed. Deonne recommended that we check in with the President’s office a
couple weeks before our next meeting.
Deonne asked about the technology requests that are collected through Program Review, in regards
to feedback on requests that are not approved. It was clarified that the Budget Committee does
receive that feedback from Jeannine Methe, the District Chief Technology Officer. VP Willis stated that
the campus administrators are sent a list of the requests that were not approved, in which they share
with their staff. We only publish approved requests online. If the college wide resource request
spreadsheet is ready, it will be on the agenda in January.
3) PBC Updates from College Budget Committee Members
Noell provided an update from the district PBC meeting. In regards to enrollment, we will go on
stability funding for the 16-17 fiscal year. PBC is still discussing 3 pots of money that have not gone
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College Budget Committee
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Board Room 200
through the BAM: 1.5, 4, and 2 million dollars. PBC has worked on an evaluation tool to evaluate the
work of their committee, as well as their effectiveness. Noell referred to a document they created with
rubrics for the evaluation. She will provide a link to the document and email it to Chasity. This may be
something the Budget Committee can look at, in regards to their own assessment.
Good of the Order:
1) Future Agenda Items
2) Other
Meeting adjourned at 3:08 pm.
Next Meeting: January 26, 2016
Spring 2016 Meeting Dates
February 9, 2016
February 23, 2016
March 8, 2016
March 22, 2016
April 12, 2016
April 26, 2016
May 10, 2016
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