Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba Vote Match Europe 2014 Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba Good ideas catch on: online voting tools that compare one's own position with that of parties are popular today in many European countries. Now all European ‘Vote Matchers’ have been united to achieve a common purpose: to inform citizens of parties, issues, and programmes, and to get them excited about the upcoming European Parliament election. Join in! Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba European elections 2014 We are now working on a Pan European Vote Match for the elections in 2014. Participating in this project are: Austria (Wahlkabine), Bulgaria (Glasovoditel), Germany (Wahl-O-Mat), Great Britain (Vote Match), Greece, Italy (Cabine Eletorale), Latvia (…), Poland (Latarnik Wyborczy), Spain (Elecctiones) and the Netherlands (StemWijzer). If not, and you want to join us, please contact us. Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba Why Vote Match? October 2012 representatives of 10 Vote Matches from countries all over Europe met. They agreed on trying to realize a Vote Match for the European elections in 2014. At this moment the challenge is to find the necessary funding for making this ‘ pan-European’ Vote Match. The ultimate goal is to realize a Vote Match for all 27 member states of the European Union. To reach this goal, we need to find organisations in the ‘ missing’ countries to do this with us. If you work at such an organisation, please contact [link to page Contact] us and join our project. Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba Grundtvig In 2012 seven organisations who make Vote Matches in different European countries received a funding on behalf of the Grundtvig program. This program from the European Commission aims to help develop the adult education sector, as well as enable more people to undertake learning experiences, notably in other European countries. The makers of Vote Matches will meet each other several times in 2012 and 2013 to discuss current issues and to exchange experiences. Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba Aim of Vote Match Vote Match is an educational tool. It has the potential to promote European citizenship, to better inform citizens about elections for the European Parliament (EP), teach voters about the programmatic differences between the contesting parties and to increase the voter turn out. By realizing Vote Match in all EU-member states not only a network between organizations in all participating EU-countries will be established, but also a platform will appear through which all users can get acquainted to the different opinions on all important European issues in the participating countries. Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba List of all vote matches Wahlkabine Bulgaria Glasovoditel Germany Wahl-O-Mat Ireland Vote Match IE Italy Cabine Electorale Netherlands StemWijzer Polski Latarnik Wyborczy United Kingdom Vote Match UK Spain Elecctiones Latvia Austria Vote Match Europe 2014 NECE Conference Cordoba Contact us: Jochum de Graaf, Stemwijzer, Netherlands Pamela Brandt, Wahl-O-Mat, Germany