An Outreach Approach for empowerment and Ac2ve Ci2zenship OED Network Focus Group Workshop Hard-­‐to-­‐reach learners and youth 10 -­‐ 12 July 2014 Leicester, UK vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE The basic idea • Working locally -­‐ consul2ng, listening to and working with excluded groups and communi2es -­‐ is a key dimension of the government’s linked an2-­‐poverty and lifelong learning strategies. • A common label for this kind of work is ‘outreach’, a word which had virtually dropped out of the educa2on vocabulary but which has reappeared in a success on of influen2al reports and policy documents that have appeared since 1997 hSp:// vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE (Driving to) Empowerment ……….as the "process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or poli0cal power so that individuals, families, and communi0es can take ac0on to improve their situa0ons". Thanks to the increase of confidence, mo5va5on, self-­‐reliance, insight and understanding of the people involved in the process, empowerment is instrumental to have more control over all aspects of their own , life” (Gu2errez (1994) hSp://www.oed-­‐ vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE The OED network OED Network brings together 17 organisaFons from 14 countries. Our aim is : • to tackle the need for outreach to marginalised groups, especially migrants and ethnic minori2es, • for the development of more diversity in adult educa2on, and • especially the inclusion of learners´ voices, • And for the empowerment of its learners • to become ac2ve European ci2zens vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE Tools for Adult Staff ( OED product ) • Collec2on, Presenta2on and Analysis of Good Prac2ce Examples from Adult Educa2on Leading towards an Inclusive Society • h S p : / / w w w . o e d -­‐ n e t w o r k . e u / d o c / r e s c o u r c e s / OEDWPDIEReport_26-­‐04_final.pdf • Guidelines for Trainers and Management Staff in Adult Educa2on • hSp://www.oed-­‐­‐Methodological-­‐ guidelines_print.pdf vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE vasiliki tsekoura _ DAFNI KEK _ GREECE