Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Stat 226 – Introduction to Business Statistics I Consider the the following two scenarios: Spring 2009 Professor: Dr. Petrutza Caragea Section A Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-10:50 a.m. Chapter 2, Section 2.2 both are Question of interest: How strong exactly is the linear relationship between x and y ? Measuring the Strength of Linear Relationships— Correlation Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 1 / 11 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I We can describe the strength of a linear relationship numerically by the so-called correlation coefficient r : 1100 20 1000 sat 950 900 850 15 10 5 800 750 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 5 ltakers 1200 160000 1000 80000 40000 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 30 350 950 900 30 35 years experience 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 850 75 Age 300 250 800 750 750 200 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 15 sat Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) 20 400 1000 400 60000 15 1050 600 200 0 1100 800 sat Salary in Thousands salary 140000 10 TAR (in miiligrams) income 180000 100000 2 / 11 25 1050 Defn: correlation r is a numerical measure of the direction and strength of a linear relationship between two quantitative variables. 120000 Section 2.2 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Carbon Monoxide Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) and form is , but strength is certainly different for both. Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 3 / 11 Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) 20 25 30 35 expend Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 4 / 11 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Chapter 2.2 – Correlation How to compute r ? We have n observations on two variables x y 2 2 5 4 8 7 8 6 10 9 Fill x 2 5 8 8 10 12 sum 2 12 10 y scatterplot: x 1 Find the mean of x: Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) in the following table y (x − x̄) (y − ȳ ) 2 4 7 6 9 10 (x − x̄)2 (y − ȳ )2 (x − x̄)(y − ȳ ) and the mean of y: Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 5 / 11 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 6 / 11 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation What does the value of r mean? How do we interpret r ? 3 calculate standard deviations for x and y 4 the correlation coefficient is given by 1 ! (xi − x̄)(yi − ȳ ) r = n−1 sx ∗ sy Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 7 / 11 Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 8 / 11 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Section 2.2 9 / 11 Chapter 2.2 – Correlation Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 11 / 11 Stat 226 (Spring 2009, Section A) Introduction to Business Statistics I Section 2.2 10 / 11