Centennial Honors College Western Illinois University Undergraduate Research Day 2014

Centennial Honors College
Western Illinois University
Undergraduate Research Day 2014
Poster Presentation
Time Delay Between Molecular Maser Flares of
Methanol and Hydroxyl
Daniel M Halbe
Faculty Mentor: Esteban D. Araya
In 2012, Al-Marzouk and collaborators reported the detection of a hydroxyl (OH) maser
toward the massive star forming region IRAS 18566+0408. This source is the only
region where periodic flares of formaldehyde and methanol masers have been seen.
The data reported by Al-Marzouk et al. (2012) suggest a three month delay between the
methanol and formaldehyde maser flares with respect to OH flares. Here we report
follow-up observations with the Arecibo Telescope to confirm the occurrence of OH
flares and the delay with respect to methanol flares. We detected a new flare event and
confirmed the delay between the flare peaks. The delays could be caused by the 3-D
distribution of the masers with respect to the source that triggers the variability.