CHABOT COL LEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes February 1, 2005 Members Present: Desmond Chun, JoAnn Galliano, Cindy Hicks, Gayle Hunt, Diana Immisch, Bill McDonald, Lupe Ortiz, Dan Raveica Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Ron Taylor Guests: Mike Absher, Debbie Budd, Tom Clark, Chad Mark Glen, Marge Maloney I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:02 by committee chair Cindy Hicks. II. Approval of Minutes of January 25, 2005 MSC (Chun/Hunt) that the minutes of January 25, 2005, be approved as presented. III. Spring Calendar of Events Cindy Hicks distributed the proposed spring calendar. The committee had no changes or suggestions. IV. Initial Review of GE Proposals For the committee’s reference, Cindy distributed the timeline for the District Instructional Programs Task Force. Cindy distributed the proposals received: • • • • American Cultures (unit neutral) U.S. History, Government, and Informed Citizenship (3 units) Health Education (3 units) Physical Education (1 unit) Cindy reviewed the proposed GE pattern, as recommended by the Curriculum Committee and approved by the Faculty Senate on September 2, 2004, and commented on how these proposals might fit into that proposal. Title 5 mandated requirements A. Language and Rationality English Composition ........................................... 3 units Communications and Analytical Thinking .......... 3 units B. Natural Science .................................................... 3 units C. Humanities ........................................................... 3 units D. Social and Behavioral Sciences ........................... 3 units (To be determined by the college) .................................... 3 units* Could be U.S. History, Government, and Informed Citizenship or Health Education 18 units Curriculum Committee 2-1-05, page 2 Proposed additions *U.S. History, Government, and Informed Citizenship or Health Education ................................ 3 units Physical Education............................................................ 1 unit 22 units Cindy advocated that instead of just approving the above proposal, the committee look carefully at the proposed additions to be sure that they are vital to the education of our students, because any additions we make to the proposed GE pattern will impact students’ time and money. Ron Taylor reported that the college adopted Learning Goals in December. They are available on the Academic Services website ( and should be considered when reading the proposals. Also to be considered are the college’s Mission, Vision, and Goals. Cindy commented that all the proposals must address these areas and proposals not addressing them, if any, may submit revisions before the next meeting. American Cultures (Suggestion that this be changed to “U.S. Cultures”—see below under U.S. History…) Mike Absher questioned the “0-3 units” listed on the American Cultures proposal. Cindy replied that it could be termed “unit neutral” because the units can be used to satisfy other requirements. Cindy stated that one of the goals of today’s meeting is to provide information for Ron Taylor and Marge Maloney to take to Friday’s District Task Force meeting. She asked if members had suggestions. JoAnn Galliano commented that students are having trouble with the availability of American Cultures courses, and it is very difficult to satisfy this requirement with a course from another college. She thinks we should provide equivalencies in the form of majors or courses of study that satisfy the requirement. Cindy has heard comments asking if we should look again at the changing world in which we live. Bill McDonald would like to see the criteria expanded to include sexual orientation. Ron asked whether our courses meet CSU’s requirements. Bill replied that we do not have articulation agreements; decisions are made on a case-bycase basis. The committee discussed whether having this as a GE requirement is the only way to address American Cultures. Ron suggested integrating the concept across the curriculum. Bill replied that in his opinion the results would be “watered down.” U.S. History, Government, and Informed Citizenship In answer to the question of how we would choose the courses that satisfy this requirement, Cindy stated that we would use the criteria listed on the proposal. Diana Immisch commented that we seem to be looking “inward” rather than “outward” in this area. Marge Maloney replied that we had to take the international Curriculum Committee 2-1-05, page 3 relations courses out of the pattern in order to have our program accepted by CSU. Discussion focused on whether there is a way to list both CSU transfer and other areas of student interest (such as local politics, international culture, or world religions) in the catalog. Cindy commented that we must address transfer students but should remember that the AA is not a transfer degree. There was discussion on the title—should it remain “U.S.” History? Consensus was that our students should have some understanding of U.S. history, government, and citizenship. Marge commented that “American” refers to the North and South American continents, not just the United States. With this in mind, it was suggested that the “American Cultures” requirement be changed to “U.S. Cultures.” Health Education Ron Taylor commented that both this proposal and the Physical Education proposal are aimed at the same goals. Regarding “Integration of mind, body, and spirit for healthy quality of life,” a discussion ensued on whether a GE Health requirement is the only way of accomplishing this goal. Ron Taylor and JoAnn Galliano spoke in favor of the requirement being appropriate for this desired outcome. The committee agreed that in order to properly consider this proposal, a broader criteria statement is needed. Dale Wagoner will be asked to expand this area of the proposal. It was suggested that the courses that meet this area should include a discussion of health in a capitalistic society and the mixed messages we give our students (i.e., Coke ads and vending machines, food served in the cafeteria, etc.). Cindy will ask Dale to provide expanded criteria; we will continue the discussion next week. Physical Education JoAnn reported that the Surgeon General’s report states that requiring students to take a physical education course leads to students continuing to maintain fitness on their own. Jane Church introduced a discussion on combining Health and PE into one area. Diana favors this approach to accommodate different personal styles. Debbie Budd commented that the division feels very strongly that the two areas should be kept separate. Ron added that any Learning Goal should be backed by both theory and practicum courses. Cindy replied that she wouldn’t want to see required courses being paired in this way as part of the GE. The committee discussed allowing students to obtain waivers if they are involved in physical activities outside of school. Bill feels that this would be hard to document. Proposals will be posted on the Curriculum Committee intranet with a cover memo outlining discussion to date and providing avenues for feedback from the college. Curriculum Committee 2-1-05, page 4 V. Announcements A joint Curriculum Committee/Senate meeting will be held on February 24. VI. Good of the Order None VII. VIII. Next meeting: February 8, 2005 The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. kk 2/3/05 c:\my documents\word\work\2-1-05.min.doc