CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes November 16, 2004 Members Present: Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Cindy Hicks, Gayle Hunt, Diana Immisch, Bill McDonald, Lupe Ortiz, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Edna Danaher, Denise Noldon, Patricia Posada, Ron Taylor Guests: Tim Dave, Gene Groppetti, Rachel LePell, Mark Schaeffer, Diane Zuliani I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:08 by committee chair Cindy Hicks. II. Physics Proposal Tim Dave reported on progress being made in resolving the Physics questions raised at the November 9 meeting. He would like to bring the revisions to the December 7 meeting along with the Mathematics revisions. Request approved. III. Approval of Minutes of November 9, 2004 MSC (Shannon/Immisch) that the minutes of November 9, 2004, be approved as presented. IV. History 5 and American Cultures proposal Bill McDonald asked that there be more about the represented groups in the Course Content and Expected Outcomes. Cindy Hicks agreed that this is a good suggestion. Lupe Ortiz reported that revisions have been made to the outline. He will ask Marge Maloney to be sure the committee gets the current version within the next couple of days. Discussion was tabled to the November 23 meeting. V. Math/Science Proposal MSC (Chun/McDonald) to approve the Math/Science proposal with corrections noted on November 9, with the exception of Math 32, Math 33, and Physics 4ABCD, which will be addressed at the December 7 meeting. VI. Arts and Humanities Presentation In answer to a question, it was noted that UC and CSU require textbook dates within the last 5 years; exceptions are made for “classic” texts. ART Dean’s Checklist: Correct Capital Outlay column for Art 13C and 13D to read “No.” Art 1, Introduction to Art, 3 units Art 2A, Introduction to Drawing, 3 units Art 2B, Drawing and Composition, 3 units Art 4, Art History—Ancient, 3 units Curriculum Committee 11-16-04, page 2 Art 5, Art History—Renaissance to Modern, 3 units Minor revisions to align with LPC. No changes suggested. Art 6, Museum Studies, 3 units Removes advisory; adds prerequisite. Discussion on recency and availability of texts. Cindy suggested that if more recent texts are not appropriate, that information should be included in the rationale. Prerequisites: It was recommended that prerequisite skills listed on the outline be those that are included in all four of the prerequisite classes, and that they are rated as critical (#1) on the content review forms. Prerequisites approved. Needed: • Revise Prerequisite Skills if needed (see above). • Update texts as appropriate. Art 11, Design, Materials, and Color, 3 units Minor revisions to align with LPC. It was noted that while this course was formerly included on the UC/GE Breadth list, it has been inadvertently removed. An outline revision would be needed to reinstate it. The discipline will rewrite the outline and bring it back to the committee on December 14. Gene Groppetti will coordinate changes with LPC. Needed: • Rewrite outline to meet UC GE Breadth criteria. Bring revision to December 14 meeting. Art 12A, Oil/Acrylic Painting—Beginning I, 3 units Art 12B, Oil/Acrylic Painting—Beginning II, 3 units Art 12C, Oil/Acrylic Painting—Advanced I, 3 units Art 12D, Oil/Acrylic Painting—Advanced II, 3 units Art 13A, Acrylic Painting—Beginning I, 3 units Art 13B, Acrylic Painting—Beginning II, 3 units Art 13C, Acrylic Painting—Advanced I, 3 units Art 13D, Acrylic Painting—Advanced II, 3 units Minor revisions to align with LPC. No changes suggested. DIGITAL MEDIA Digital Media 36A, Final Cut Express I, 1.5 units Digital Media 36A, Final Cut Express II, 1.5 units New courses. Bill McDonald asked why these are being offered as two 1.5-unit courses rather than one 3-unit course. Mark Schaeffer replied that this allows the courses to be offered for half a semester or one evening a week. He thinks that students will be more likely to try a new course if it requires a shorter time commitment. Curriculum Committee 11-16-04, page 3 Discussion on why students are required to provide their own cameras. It is cost prohibitive to supply a camera for each student, and each student must have a camera to participate in the lab activities. Also, security is an issue. Gene added that students traditionally supply their own cameras for Photography courses. These courses have been proposed for Area C of the AA Degree and CSU Transfer. The low unit value should not affect articulation. Discussion resulted in the opinion that the course as written is technical in nature, and therefore does not meet the criteria for the AA Degree. The CSU Transfer request was approved. The committee approved DIGM 36A as prerequisite to DIGM 36B. Patricia commented that the rationales for both courses are the same. She would like to see something in the rationale for DIGM 36B that indicates advancing skills. Needed: • Remove “Each student must have a digital video camera.” from the Catalog Descriptions and add it to the Abbreviated Course Descriptions (See discussion below under Photography 53A.) • Remove AA Degree paperwork from packet. • Revise the rationale for DIGM 36B to indicate advancing skills. Cindy complimented Mark on the quality of his outlines. INTERIOR DESIGN Interior Design 62, Kitchen and Bathroom Design, 3 units Updated outline. The advisory is being removed because the course currently listed is no longer in existence. Edna Danaher commented that LPC’s Interior Design 62 transfers to CSU. Gene will fill out and submit the appropriate paperwork. Needed: • Fill out and submit Articulation Form 2. PHOTOGRAPHY Photography 53A, Beginning Digital Camera Use, 1.5 units New course. Gene Groppetti reported that since this course was submitted to the committee, the discipline has decided that it should not include a lab component. Therefore, a revised outline will show the course as 1.5 hours (lecture). They have also decided to remove the repeatability statement. Diana initiated a discussion on whether the statement that students must provide their own cameras should be included in the catalog descriptions, as it is in the new Digital Media courses. Gene replied that this requirement is common with other Photography courses, and it is not noted in their catalog descriptions. Further discussion yielded the opinion that the line should be stricken from the Digital Media Curriculum Committee 11-16-04, page 4 Catalog Descriptions and added to the Abbreviated Course Descriptions for inclusion in the Class Schedule. The request for inclusion in Area C. for the AA Degree was approved. It was noted that the paperwork for the AS Degree was not included. Needed: • Fill out and submit paperwork for inclusion in the AS Degree. Photography 53B, Digital Darkroom, 1.5 units New course. Submitted for AA Degree (does not meet criteria) and CSU transfer (approved). Needed: • Remove request for AA Degree inclusion from final packet. THEATER ARTS The discipline has requested a change in rubric, to THTR, due to differences in direction of Chabot’s and LPC’s Theater Arts programs. Rachel LePell explained that Chabot is more interested in new plays than is LPC, and also wants to add other media to the program. Dean’s Checklist: Complete the entries for THTR 1. Theater Arts 1, Introduction to Acting, 3 units Number changed from Theater Arts 1A; title changed from Theory and Practice of Acting I. Bill noted that some colleges include a notation in their catalogs indicating previous course numbers. It was agreed to institute this practice at Chabot. Needed: • Add “(Formerly THEA 1A.)” as the last sentence in the catalog description. • Correct header and footer on outline. • Update textbook date. Theater Arts 2, Theory and Practice of Acting, 3 units Number changed from Theater Arts 1B; title changed from Theory and Practice of Acting II. Patricia Posada confirmed that for articulation purposes this would be a technical change. Needed: • Add “(Formerly THEA 1B.)” as the last sentence in the catalog description. • Update textbook date. Curriculum Committee 11-16-04, page 5 Theater Arts 10, Theater History and Appreciation, 3 units Title changed from Introduction to Theater Arts. Revised format. American Cultures request: Discussion of whether the course, as written, qualifies for American Cultures. It was noted that the Bibliography demonstrates the criteria more strongly than does the letter. Also, the outline doesn’t show how the American Cultures component is integrated. Rachel explained her understanding of American Cultures and how this course fulfills the requirements. Cindy suggested that Rachel talk with English and other instructors who have written successful proposals. It was agreed that the committee will try to consider a revised proposal at the December 14 meeting, subject to time constraints. Needed: • Newer dates for 1990s texts if available. Theater Arts 16, Dramatic Writing I, 3 units Title change from Introduction to Playwriting for Film, Television, and Theater. This course was presented as Dramatic Writing I: Introduction to Playwriting, Screenwriting, Writing for Media Arts. It was decided that the subtitle is unnecessary, as it repeats information contained in the catalog description. Increase in repeatability from one to three times. Needed: • Correct title on Rationale and Outline. Theater Arts 30, Emerging Work, 3 units Title change from Drama Workshop. Unit/hours change from 1-3 units, 3-9 hours laboratory to 3 units, 9 hours laboratory. It was agreed to rewrite Expected Outcome #6 using a measurable verb. Needed: • Change Expected Outcome #6 to “practice the creative processes at work.” • Change Course Content #6 to read “The creative processes” • More recent textbook date if available. Theater Arts 47, College Theater Acting, 3 units Former variable units are being changed to 3 units, and repeatability to 3 times. Needed: • Add title to Rationale. • Remove title change notation form Rationale. • Correct repeatability statement to read “May be repeated 3 times.” • Correct hours to read “9 hours laboratory.” • Add dates to textbooks. Curriculum Committee 11-16-04, page 6 VII. Good of the Order • Cindy commented that in the Spring we might want to begin a discussion of how we want to apply Title 5 criteria to requests for inclusion in our GE degree areas. • The Senate has passed a resolution that the Curriculum Committee shall review and approve changes to program admissions requirements, selection standards, and selection criteria, and that changes cannot be implemented until they have been printed in the catalog or addendum. The Nursing Program has recently changed its admission requirements without going through the above process, and is ready to send letters to students regarding the change. Cindy stated that the letters should not go out until the Committee has had a chance to review and approve the change. • VIII. IX. The deadline for getting GE Breadth and IGETC proposals to Patricia Posada is December 15. Next meeting: November 23, 2004—Business, Computer Application Systems, Computer Science presentations The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. kk 11/18/04 c:\documents\word\curric\2004-2005\11-16-04.min.doc