Document 11526923

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 8, 2005
Members Present:
Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Jim Matthews, Bill McDonald, Clara
McLean, Jan Novak, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Christine Gillis, Ken Grace, Brigitte Kouakou (ASCC), Cindy Rosa, Brian
Stewart, Jane Vallely, Dale Wagoner
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of November 1, 2005
MSC (Matthews/Chun) that the minutes of November 1, 2005, be approved as
Vote on Nursing and Dental Hygiene Proposals
MSC (Novak/McDonald) to approve the Nursing and Dental Hygiene proposals
contingent upon corrections being made as noted in the November 1 minutes.
Vote on Counseling Proposal
MSC (Novak/Matthews) to approve the Counseling proposal contingent upon
corrections being made as noted in the November 1 minutes.
Health/PE/Athletics Presentation
Health 1, Introduction to Health, 3 units
Request to offer in DE format. Dale Wagoner commented that the addition of this
course would allow students to complete the Health Ed graduation requirement
There was discussion on the option of allowing students to attend on campus lectures
that coincide with what is being taught online, and the difficulty of keeping various
sections of Health 1, taught by different instructors, moving at the same pace. The
committee recommended that the option be stricken from the DE proposal, and the
instructor make the option available to students during an on-campus class meeting.
Jan Novak asked whether we are requiring all Typical Assignments to be written as if
the student were being addressed. We are. Jan added that her understanding of the
DE process is that “online” and “hybrid” are two separate delivery plans and must be
submitted separately.
Curriculum Committee
11-8-05, page 2
• Strike “May be offered in distance education format” from the Abbreviated
Course Description.
• Correct DE statement in Catalog Description to read, “May be offered in
Distance Education delivery format.”
• Remove second bullet from #2, Course Content Delivery, on the DE Course
Proposal Form.
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as if the student were being addressed.
Health 70A, Heartsaver CPR & AED, 0.5 unit
Revised to include use of the Automatic External Defibrillator, the current Heart
Association Standard. The use of different titles in different places in the packet was
noted. The correct title is “Heartsaver CPR & AED.”
There was discussion on the hours to units ration being used. Norberto stated that we
are being funded based on a 17.5-week term, while the course is using a 16-week
term. Dale Wagoner replied that the hours are being dictated by an external agency,
and he thinks we could defend the units if we were audited.
• Change title in both the outline heading and the Course Description to read,
“Heartsaver CPR & AED.”
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as if the student were being addressed.
Health 70B, Healthcare Provider CPR, 0.2 unit
Revised to include changes to its prerequisite, Health 70A, and to meet American
Heart Association Standard. The use of different titles in different places in the
packet was noted. The correct title is “Healthcare Provider CPR.”
After discussion, units were changed to 0.2 unit.
It was noted that the change in units might affect program pages in various areas.
Kaaren Krueg will make the changes and report back to the committee.
• Change title in both the outline heading and the Course Description to read,
“Healthcare Provider CPR.”
• Change units to 0.2 unit.
• Clarify Prerequisite as follows: “Prerequisite: Health 70A or Health 60
(either within the last 2 years) or current Healthcare Provider CPR card for
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as if the student were being addressed.
Health 85, EMT Refresher, 1.5 units
Brian Stewart presented. New course being converted from an experimental.
Discussion on repeatability of the course and how it will be handled.
Bill McDonald asked how recently certification must have been granted for a student
to qualify for the refresher course (rather than taking the whole program again) and
Curriculum Committee
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suggested that the information be added to both the Abbreviated Course Description
and the Catalog Description.
• Needs a paragraph in area B of the Statement of Rationale.
• Add “May be repeated 3 times” to the Catalog Description. [Note: corrected
at the November 29 meeting.]
• Add a recency statement (see discussion above).
• Replace “EMT-1” with “EMT-Basic” throughout the outline
• Submit Library Consultation Form.
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as if the student were being addressed.
The committee requested that a revised version of the Health 85 proposal be brought
back to the next meeting.
District Instructional Programs Task Force (District Curriculum Council)
Patricia Shannon reported that the District Instructional Programs Task Force is
continuing its work. Norberto added that the group is trying to work out fundamental
differences, if any, between the AA and AS degree requirements and reach agreement
between the colleges.
There was discussion on the change in membership of the committee since its original
charge (reducing the AA degree graduation requirements) was met. The LPC Faculty
Senate has produced a draft of how the District Curriculum Council should be structured.
The Senates at both colleges will work to refine it.
Ron feels that administrators need to have a larger role on a district committee than they
do at the college level, probably including the right to vote. He thinks that without
administrator empowerment it will not be possible to reach agreement between the two
colleges. Jane agreed that the District process could be different from the College
process, and that administrators should be involved. Ron also asked the committee to
think about whether students should be included on the District Council. He said their
perspective is valuable.
Bill asked whether there would be district administrators on the Council. Ron replied
that the Vice Chancellor chairs the Council. Jim suggested invoking a term of office,
such as three years, on members to allow them to become familiar with the topics under
One-Hour Laboratory Concept
Patricia Shannon distributed a memo from the Arts and Humanities Division and initiated
a discussion on the topic of the One-hour Laboratory Concept. She stated that as
resource material (films, museum collections, etc.) are becoming available in digital
format, some faculty would like to add labs in order to incorporate this material into their
courses. She would like to build a structure for adding these labs rather than introducing
them piecemeal.
Discussion items included:
• Copyright issues;
• Licensing fees;
• The Library’s subscriptions to various databases;
Curriculum Committee
11-8-05, page 4
How these labs would enhance student learning;
Similarity to a study group or homework;
Capturing additional WSCH for additional teacher-student contact.
Bill stated that he fears adding units to existing classes would affect articulation with UC
and CSU. Jane added that these courses already articulate as they are offered and that
adding content is not going to make them more valuable.
Brigitte Kouakou suggested making the lab optional and allowing students to take it for
additional units or to take the class without lab.
Removal of Inactive Programs/Courses from the Catalog.
Bill called attention to the following action taken at the May 3, 2005, committee meeting
and asked whether it is in place.
In answer to a request by Cindy, it was MSC (Chun/McDonald) that courses and
programs that have been inactive (not scheduled; not offered; cancelled) for five
academic years should be removed from the Catalog. Disciplines should remove
inactive courses and programs from the Catalog at the time of their program
reviews. In addition, the Office of Academic Services, working with ITS, should
annually identify courses and programs that have been inactive for five years and
remove them from the Catalog. Catalog information should be regularly updated
on the web. Notification of course and program removal will be made to the
Curriculum Committee, the Dean of Counseling, the Articulation Officer, and the
Discipline Dean.
Ron reported that the Program Review committee has asked for a timeline for putting this
into action. It was suggested that before taking action, the list should be sent to the
divisions with a statement that the courses would be deleted unless the division provides
a reason why they should be kept. Jane pointed out that deletions might affect program
Good of the Order
Norberto reported that Lupe Ortiz was absent from today’s meeting because his father
was killed by a drunk driver last week. Norberto will bring a sympathy card for the
committee to sign.
Jim Matthews noticed that English 4 has been proposed for graduation requirement
Section A2. He asked that a discussion of the criteria be added to next week’s agenda.
Next meeting: November 15, 2005
Language Arts Presentation
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
kk 11/10/05 Revised: 11/30/05