Document 11526917

Curriculum Committee Minutes
May 1, 2007
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Rebecca Otto, Don Plondke, Norberto
Ruiz, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Skip Esquierdo, Gene Groppetti, Tim Harris, Clayton Thiel
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order without a quorum at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair
Norberto Ruiz.
Arts and Humanities Experimentals
Gene Groppetti introduced instructors Skip Esquierdo and Clayton Thiel.
Art 49.11, Individual Projects in Ceramics, 3 units
Skip explained that this course will serve as an extension of Art 16D, giving students
continued access to college ceramics facilities, and encouraging them to remain at
Chabot rather than enrolling elsewhere. In answer to Ron Taylor’s question, Skip
reported that this course differs from 16D in that it allows the student to choose the
direction of study. Norberto asked whether there is a final exam or project. Skip
replied that students will display their work in the studio, and possibly the Board
• Add “Art” to the heading (i.e., “Art 49.11”)
• Delete Expected Outcome 1; renumber.
• Revise Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress 2.b. to read
“Completion and evaluation of final Student project.”
• List Special Student Materials as “Specialized tools, clay.”
Art 49.12, Individual Projects in Sculpture
Clayton Thiel introduced this course, stating that the reasons for its creation are
similar to those mentioned for Art 49.11. He added that this course builds upon
Art 17, which is currently repeatable once. The discipline will increase the
repeatability to three times in next year’s Curriculum packet.
• Add “Art” to the heading (i.e., “Art 49.12”)
• Delete Expected Outcome 1; renumber.
• Revise Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress 2.b. to read
“Completion and evaluation of final Student project.”
• List Special Student Materials as “Specialized tools, clay.”
Art 49.10, Advanced Painting Workshop I, 3 units
Gene Groppetti reported that this painting course is designed to address the same
repeatability issues as in the ceramics courses. It was noted that the outline does not
include prerequisite classes or prerequisite skills. They will be added. Other
Curriculum Committee
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revisions were discussed. The outline will be revised and brought back to the
meeting on May 15.
MSC (Otto/Novak) to approve Art 49.11 and Art 49.12 contingent upon revisions being
Tim Harris reported that we have just hired a tenure-track Music Recording and
Technology instructor. These experimental courses will allow him to teach in his area of
expertise until permanent courses are developed. It was noted that the numbers originally
assigned to the courses have been changed due to a move from Music Applied to Music
Music 49.08, Intro to Pro Tools, 3 units
• Add “3 units” to the Catalog Description.
• Remove “basic music skills” from the Catalog Description.
• Change Methods of Presentation 3 to “Discussion/critique.”
• Write Typical Assignments as if addressing the student.
• Add a final project to Methods of Evaluating Student Progress.
Music 49.09, Sound Design and Sonic Arts, 3 units
• Remove “basic music skills” from the Catalog Description.
• Revise Music 49.18 in the Catalog Description to read “Music 49.08; remove
“Intro to Pro Tools.”
• Write Typical Assignments as if addressing the student.
• Add a final project to Methods of Evaluating Student Progress.
MSC (McLean/Plondke) to approve Music 49.08 and Music 49.09 contingent upon
revisions being made.
Social Science Presentation 49s
This item was removed from the agenda.
General Studies 99s DE
General Studies 99.02, Online Teaching Theory and Practice, 1.5 units
Jan Novak presented this course, which has been developed by the DE Committee as
perhaps the best way to provide online training to instructors. There was discussion
on how best to phrase the Catalog Description to avoid infringing on Title V
regulations regarding teacher training. It was suggested that “teaching and learning
for the college instructor” be revised to read “teaching and learning of adult
• Remove Methods of Presentation 6.
General Studies 99.03, Online Course Proposal Design, 0.5 unit
In answer to a question by Clara McLean, Jan stated that the DE Committee is not
considering requiring that online teachers take this course. Consensus was that
designating completion of the course as a requirement would be a contract issue.
Curriculum Committee
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• Remove references to “Chabot.”
• Remove Methods of Presentation 6.
MSC (Matthews/Otto) to approve General Studies 99.02 and General Studies 99.03 as
Minutes of April 3, 2007
It was noted that the wrong date (March 20) appears on the first page of the minutes;
subsequent page headers correctly identify the minutes as being of April 3.
A quorum having been achieved, it was MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to accept the minutes
of April 3, 2007, as corrected.
Good of the Order
Kaaren Krueg reported that courses being moved from one discipline to another (Art
courses to Art History and cross listed courses being moved from Art/Architecture/
Interior Design/Photography to Digital Media) should have the “May not receive credit if
xxx has been completed” statement. She has made the addition in the Catalog Addendum
and will add the statement to outlines before posting them on the web page.
Jan reported that the number of online courses processed by the DESC has almost
doubled from last fall to this fall (108 courses).
Patricia Shannon commented on the discrepancies between changes approved in
Curriculum Committee and the literature produced (i.e., schedules, catalogs, flyers). She
would like to explore ways to better coordinate this information so that it matches from
place to place. Norberto asked Ron Taylor to lead a discussion at the May 15 meeting.
Next Meeting: May 15, 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
kk 5/7/07