Curriculum Committee Minutes
May 2, 2006
Members Present:
Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Gail Johnson-Murphy, Jim Matthews,
Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Lupe Ortiz, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Gene Groppetti, Keith Mehl, Mark Schaeffer, Jon Traugott
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of April 18, 2006
MSC (Matthews/Ortiz) to approve the minutes of April 18, 2006, as presented.
Arts and Humanities Division Presentation (for Fall 2007 implementation)
Gene Groppetti introduces Mark Schaeffer, who presented revisions to the Digital Media
program, to be implemented in Fall 2007. Mark reported that most of the changes are
minor, with the following exceptions: 1) several courses are being changed from crosslisting in Architecture/Art/Interior Design/Photography to the Digital Media discipline; 2)
a new course is being added to balance the Flash offerings.
In answer to a question from Norberto, Mark stated that he did not consult with LPC
because we share neither the rubric nor the course numbers.
DIGM 31A, Photoshop I, 1.5 units
Course is being moved from architecture, art, photography, and interior design to
digital media. Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
DIGM 31B, Photoshop II, 1.5 units
Course is being moved from architecture, art, photography, and interior design to
digital media. Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
• Correct catalog description to read, “…1 hour lecture, 2 hours laboratory.”
DIGM 32A, Illustrator I, 1.5 units
Course is being moved from architecture, art, photography, and interior design to
digital media. Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
Curriculum Committee
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DIGM 32B, Illustrator II, 1.5 units
Course is being moved from architecture, art, photography, and interior design to
digital media. Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
DIGM 34A, Flash I, 1.5 units
Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
DIGM 34B, Flash ActionScript, 1.5 units
Title change from Flash II. Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
DIGM 34C, Flash Animation Video, 1.5 units
New course. In answer to a question regarding the textbook date, Mark replied that
the text in this course is not tied to the software version.
DIGM 35A, Dreamweaver I, 1.5 units
Minor changes to outline, including catalog description.
DIGM 35B, Dreamweaver II, 1.5 units
Changes prerequisites to advisories. Minor changes to outline, including catalog
DIGM 36A, Final Cut I, 1.5 units
Title change from Final Cut Express I. Minor changes to outline, including catalog
DIGM 36B, Final Cut II, 1.5 units
Title change from Final Cut Express II. Minor changes to outline, including catalog
• Correct Title to read “Final Cut II.”
DIGM 200, Digital Media Laboratory, non-credit
New. This course was presented as DIGM 500. Gene Groppetti confirmed that it
will be converted to a 200 course. Ron Taylor noted that the state has to approve
each new non-credit course. This one may qualify as short-term vocational.
• Library consultation form.
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) to approve the packet with changes as noted.
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Information Technology Competency
Keith Mehl led the discussion. He distributed a summary paper (attached) and reported
that this presentation is information only, at the request of LPC. It is felt that there
should be some indication that students can use a computer before they receive a degree.
This requirement could be satisfied in a number of ways (via an exam or coursework)
similar to the Math requirement.
Jim reported that, although this is being discussed at the state level, it will not become a
mandate because it is non-funded.
Ron suggested looking at the proposal in the context of Learning Goals. Patricia
Shannon would like to embed the subject into Information Literacy.
In a discussion introduced by Jan Novak, it was clarified that CSU does not test incoming
students for this competency, but they do require the competency for graduation.
There was discussion on what the real goal is: How students will gain the knowledge?
Students’ ability to progress? Employability? Clara McLean commented that students
should be included in the discussion.
Good of the Order
Jan Novak asked that requests for DE courses for Spring 2007 be forwarded to the
DECSC by September 11. Please announce this date at your next division meeting.
The Ad Hoc group to approve DE courses for Fall 2006 will meet Monday, May 8, at
2:00 in Room 1506.
Norberto reported that this is the last regular Curriculum Committee meeting of the year.
He will conduct a training session on May 16 for faculty wishing to present next year.
Committee members are welcome to attend, but it is not required.
Next meetings:
May 16, 2006 (Spring training)
September 5, 2006 (Fall training)
September 12, 2006 – regular meeting [Nolly, are these right?]
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Norberto thanked the members for their service
to the committee.
kk 5/5/06