Document 11526908

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 14, 2006
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Don Plondke, Milton Rube, Norberto
Ruiz, Connie Telles, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Marge Maloney, Patricia Posada
Desre Anderes, Linda Barde, Janice Golojuch, Gene Groppetti, Barbara Ogman,
Michael Thompson
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:07 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Approval of Minutes of November 7, 2006
Kaaren Krueg reported an error in the CELT course numbers. They should be number
only, and not contain letters.
MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the minutes of November 7, 2006, as amended.
A.S. Degree
Norberto announced that a memo regarding the AS Degree has been put in faculty
mailboxes. Academic Senators are being asked to poll their divisions and bring results
back to Senate for a vote. He suggested that Division reps talk to their colleagues and tell
them to convey their opinions to their Senators.
There was lengthy discussion on the perception that the current pattern was not among
those to be considered. Moved and seconded (Church/Novak) that the Curriculum
Committee raise its concern that there is no vote available for the status quo. Milton
Rube noted that the first page of the memo contained the sentence, “Please rank the three
proposals along with keeping the existing AS degree as currently composed.” The
motion was withdrawn.
Arts and Humanities Presentation (Continued)
Gene Groppetti noted that the Graphic Design packet was sent to Fredda Cassidy at LPC,
and there was no response.
Art 57, Graphic Design Internship, 1 unit
New course. Contrary to the decision reached at the last meeting (“It was agreed to
drop the 1 hour lecture and reduce the course to 1 unit.”), Gene reported that the
discipline has decided to offer the course as 7 hours of laboratory (no lecture) for 2
Art 59, Graphic Design III, 3 units
New course. It was noted that because Digital Media 31A is prerequisite to Art 56, it
does not need to be included in the prerequisites for this course. Articulation Forms
1 and 2 were submitted. It was noted that Form 1 has two pages, and only the page
referring to the AA degree was included in the packet.
Curriculum Committee
11-14-06, page 2
• Revise prerequisite statement to read, “Prerequisite: Art 56 (completed with a
grade of “C” or higher).” on both the Abbreviated Course Description and
the Catalog Description.
• Include Articulation Form #1 for the A.S. Degree in the packet.
Graphic Design, Certificate of Completion
Revision of existing certificate incorporating new and revised courses.
Digital Design, Certificate of Completion
New certificate.
There was discussion of the differences and similarities between the two certificates.
Gene stated that the Graphic Design certificate prepares students to do paper
production; the Digital Design certificate is aimed at website production.
Norberto asked whether these certificates were kept at 16 units so that they would not
have to be submitted to the State for approval. Gene replied that it turned out to be
the case, but it was not intentional.
Graphic Design, AA Degree
Revised to include new and revised courses. No further changes were suggested.
The discipline requests that the following courses be removed from the catalog:
Art 40, Graphic Design Principles, 3 units
Art 41, Applied Graphic Design, 3 units
Art 43, Typography and Publication Design, 3 units
Art 60, Advertising Production, 3 units
Humanities 50, The Artful Life, 3 units
Gene reported that this course, which was approved last year, was submitted for
inclusion on the CSU General Breadth list. The first submission was denied, and the
discipline made minor changes and resubmitted without Curriculum Committee
review. The second submission was approved retroactive to Fall 2006, and the
discipline is submitting the revision for Curriculum Committee approval.
Jane explained how the change was processed. Jim Matthews commented that the
revised course should have come to the committee at the same time as the
resubmission was being done, not at this point.
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the revised course outline.
Milton Rube asked about Art History 6, saying that Diane Zuliani was supposed to bring
a revised description. Gene replied that Diane has been too busy to do the rewrite, but
will do it soon. There was discussion about whether the committee needs to see the
changes. It was decided that the revised outline could be included in the final packet
without review.
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11-14-06, page 3
Humanities 60, Creativity and the Community, 3 units
New course. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved.
• Revise the first sentence of both the Abbreviated Course Description and
Catalog Description to read, “The Arts as an expression of the community;
the relationship between creativity and community; the artist as the
• Change “Required Book(s) (Typical)” to “Textbook(s) (Typical)”
Humanities 68, World Mythology, 3 units
Title and number change from Humanities 28, The Classic Myths, 3 units. Minor
changes to broaden the scope of the course. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
submitted and approved. Jane suggested submitting for Area C1 on Form 3 in
addition to C2. Agreed.
• Add “(Formerly HUMN 28)” to the catalog description before the hours
• Change Expected Outcome 3 to “identify persistent signs…”
• Remove Methods of Presentation 1. Assigned readings.
• In Assignments 1a, replace the comma after “text” with a semicolon.
Humanities (General), AA Degree
Revised to accommodate numbering changes.
• Add Degree to the Dean’s Checklist
These courses have been renumbered to fit the new numbering sequence. Gene reported
that this completes the renumbering process.
Philosophy 60, Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics, 3 units
Formerly Philosophy 2. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved.
It was noted that the Expected Outcomes section needs measurable verbs. Gene will
rewrite this course, as well as 65 and 70, and will send revisions to Norberto and
Kaaren for review. If they have questions they will request that the outlines come
back to the committee.
• Add “(Formerly PHIL 2)” to the catalog description before the hours
• Rewrite Expected Outcomes using measurable verbs.
Philosophy 65, Introduction to Philosophy: Theory of Knowledge, 3 units
Formerly Philosophy 4. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved.
• Add “(Formerly PHIL 4)” to the catalog description before the hours
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Rewrite Expected Outcomes using measurable verbs.
Add dates to all textbooks.
Philosophy 70, Introduction to Political and Social Philosophy, 3 units
Formerly Philosophy 25. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and
• Add “(Formerly PHIL 25)” to the catalog description before the hours
• Rewrite Expected Outcomes using measurable verbs.
• Add publishers and dates to all textbooks.
Religious Studies 70, 3 units
New course. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved.
There was discussion on “global spirituality voices will be read…” Gene will ask
John Parente to review that wording and clarify as necessary.
• Rewrite Expected Outcome 6 to read, “evaluate the importance of a
• Rewrite Methods of Presentation 4 to read, “Demonstration of spiritual
Voting on this packet will take place on November 21.
Social Sciences Presentation
Marge Maloney introduced members of her division.
Michael Thompson presented. With the exception of an experimental course to be taught
spring semester, these are the first courses to use the Ethnic Studies designation. The
rubric will be “ES.”
Ethnic Studies 1, Introduction to Ethnic Studies, 3 units
New course. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved. It was
recommended that this course be submitted for American Cultures.
Jim asked whether ethnic groups from Europe were being excluded deliberately.
Michael replied that the discipline is trying to keep the course from becoming
“International Studies.” He said they would like to build a basic structure that
conforms to the traditional definition of “Ethnic” and might transfer to CSU and UC.
Milton initiated a discussion on whether the Typical Assignments relate closely
enough to Course Content.
• Correct unit notation in Catalog Description (3 units)
• Correct numbering on Course Content.
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Submit paperwork for American Cultures.
Ethnic Studies 2, Contemporary Ethnic Minority Families in the United States,
3 units
New course. Presented as Contemporary Ethnic Minority United States Families.
The committee recommended the wording above. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and
5 submitted and approved. It was recommended that this course be submitted for
American Cultures.
There was discussion on the terms “ethnic” and “ethnic minority” and how the
wording changes from ES 1 to ES 2. Michael reported that the terms are used
somewhat interchangeably. Consensus was that both courses should be left as
written. Jim suggested deleting the census date in Typical Assignments 1.c. to allow
more flexibility.
• Correct title throughout to read, Contemporary Ethnic Minority Families in
the United States.
• Submit Form #1 for the AS degree.
• Submit paperwork for American Cultures.
• Rewrite the rationale on Form #4, perhaps using some of the language on the
Proposal Rationale (Page 88).
Ethnic Studies 3, Muslim Experience in the United States, 3 units
New course. Presented as Introduction to Muslims in the United States. Articulation
Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved.
There was discussion on whether this course needs more substance. It was suggested
that it be rewritten using History 20 and 21 as models. A discussion ensued on
whether “Muslim” is a religion or an ethnic group. Michael replied that the focus of
the course is on the experience of these people in the United States.
• Change title as indicated above.
• Submit Form #1 for the AS degree.
• Rewrite the rationale on Form #4.
Ethnic Studies, AA Degree
Revised to align with programs offered at CSU and UC and incorporate appropriate
courses from various disciplines at Chabot. In answer to a question regarding the
number of units, Michael said that students may take either Anthropology 5 or
Sociology 3. The lead-in sentence to the 15-unit option was also revised. It was
noted that Ethnic Studies 1 and 2 would satisfy the 3-group requirement.
• Correct Core Courses to show that students may take either Anthropology 5
or Sociology 3.
• Correct introduction to options to read, “Select 15 units from the following:
At least three different racial or ethnic groups must be studied:”
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RECR 67, Activity Directors Training, 4 units
Linda Barde presented. This course combines RECR 67A and 67B, which will be
removed from the catalog. The revision reduces total units from 7 to 4, and meets
current state and federal certification requirements.
• Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: Spell out “examination(s)” in 2a
and 2d.
• Methods of Evaluating Student Progress 2b should read, “In-class
Barbara Ogman presented. She explained that the courses being presented today
have been revised to include knowledge and understanding of working with children
who have special needs in an inclusive setting rather than in special day classes. LPC
is making the same changes to their outlines.
Edna Danaher asked whether Merritt and Ohlone Colleges are making similar
changes, because she knows that Chabot has a reciprocity agreement with those
schools. Barbara replied that she doesn’t think our changes are extensive enough to
alter the agreement.
ECD 50, Early Childhood Education and Care, 3 units
Revised per discussion above. No other changes requested.
ECD 51, Prenatal to Early Childhood, 3 units
Revised per discussion above.
• Spell out “examination” in Methods of Evaluating Student Progress 2e.
ECD 60, Introduction to the Young Child with Exceptional Needs, 3 units
Revised per discussion above. Title changed from Teaching Special Needs Infants
and Preschoolers. Edna asked whether the title change would require a new course
• Spell out “examination” in Methods of Evaluating Student Progress 2d.
ECD 62, Child, Family, and Community, 3 units
Revised per discussion above. No other changes requested.
ECD 63, Early Childhood Curriculum, 4 units
Revised per discussion above. No other changes requested.
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ECD 89, Issues in Early Childhood Education, 1 unit
New course which has been offered as an experimental in the past. Request to add to
AA degree. No changes requested.
• Put request to modify the AA Degree (page 57) as a separate request at the
end of the ECD section, with its own Rationale. List on Table of Contents
and Dean’s Checklist.
ECD 95, Work Experience, 1-3 units
ECD 96, Work Experience Seminar, 1 unit
Revised per discussion above.
Don Plondke presented. The discipline is proposing four new courses and a new
Geography 21, Spatial Analysis with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 3 units
New course. Continues knowledge of GIS learned in Geography 20. Articulation
forms 1-4 submitted and approved.
There was discussion on whether this class was straight lecture or should contain
laboratory hours. It was decided to keep it as lecture and get rid of the language that
suggested laboratory activities. The same applies to Geography 22, below.
• Revise Catalog Description to read, “…quantitative techniques to multilayered thematic data. Students will acquire advanced hands-on GIS
• Revise Methods of presentation as follows:
1. Lectures
2. Learning Modules
3. Demonstrations
4. Interactive…
5. Hands-on…
6. Active learning
7. Field trips [delete parenthetical note]
• Methods of Evaluating Student Progress 2e, spell out “examination”
Geography 22, Advanced GIS Applications, 3 units
New course. Articulation forms 1-4 submitted and approved.
• Remove the sentence, “Through lectures, demonstration…applications
projects.” from the Catalog Description.
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Geography 95, Work Experience, 1-3 units
New course.
• Rewrite repeatability statement to read, “(May be repeated 3 times.)”
Geography 96, Work Experience Seminar, 1 unit
New course
• Rewrite repeatability statement to read, “(May be repeated 3 times.)”
Geographic Information Systems, Certificate of Completion
New certificate. No changes suggested.
Good of the Order:
Next Meeting: November 21, 2006
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
kk 11/16/06