Document 11526903

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 10, 2006
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Don Plondke, Bernadette Richard
(ASCC), Milton Rube, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon, Connie Telles, Ernesto
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Patricia Posada, Ron Taylor
Jason Ames, Ceiny Carney, Marcia Corcoran, Cristina Moon, Steve Woodhams,
Francisco Zermeño
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:06 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of October 3, 2006
MSC (Matthews/Novak) that the minutes of October 3, 2006, be approved as presented.
CSU Unit Limits
Members reported their divisions’ preferences regarding unit limits on the CSU Transfer
List (Flier 100). No divisions expressed an interest in keeping the limits. MSC
(McL/Matthews) that we remove all unit limits from the CSU Transfer List.
Language Arts Presentation
Clara McLean distributed a revision to the Spanish 50B course outline. Marcia Corcoran
introduced the packet.
Steve Woodhams presented.
English 11, Introduction to Creative Writing, 3 units
Minor revisions have been made to the course outline, including more recent texts.
Articulation requests: Forms 1, 3, and 4 were submitted. The course is already
included on the CSU Transfer List (Form 2).
There was discussion on what the prerequisites for creative writing classes are at UC.
It was suggested that lack of a prerequisite might keep UC from articulating English
Clara would like to submit the course as written and see what happens. She said that
if the course is rejected, the division might consider a revision. Jane expressed the
opinion that the course would not be accepted system wide, but that individual
students might be granted credit on a case-by-case basis.
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10-10-06, page 2
English 12, The Craft of Writing—Fiction, 3 units
Articulation Form #4 submitted. The course is already on the AA/AS, CSU Transfer,
and CSU GE Breadth lists. The same concerns as those listed for English 11 were
English 13, The Craft of Writing Poetry, 3 units
Referring to the advisory for this course, Jane lead discussion on English 1A and
52A. She stated that the two are not comparable, because English 1A has a
prerequisite and English 52A does not. There was discussion on the general lack of
prerequisites for writing and literature courses. Ceiny Carney stated that instructors
sometimes recommend that students take literature classes for added practice in
reading and writing.
Patricia Shannon questioned whether we are doing our students a disservice by not
forcing them to take the basic sequences in English and Math before they are allowed
to move on. The diversity of our students and the variety of their needs was noted.
Patricia Posada commented on the age of the textbooks.
• Consider listing newer textbooks.
Ceiny Carney presented English 52A, 52B, and 70. She stated that the intent is to
strengthen these courses to benefit students who are enrolled in Certificate programs. It
was suggested that a notation that the courses are “career oriented” be included in the
catalog descriptions.
English 52A, Essentials of Communication, 3 units
Patricia Shannon commented that it isn’t clear what audience is being addressed.
Ceiny replied that the audience is changing. More students are now declaring that
they intend to transfer than in the past.
English 52B, Responding to Literature, 3 units
Needed: Revise date to Fall 2007.on both first page and header.
English 70, Report Writing, 3 units
There was discussion on upcoming changes to community college system office
directives on English graduation requirements. If English 70 prerequisites are not
made comparable to English 1A, there is a possibility that the course may not be
viable as a graduation option in one to two years. Edna noted that we need to look at
the language of the initiative to see how it will affect our degree requirements.
Norberto added that the systems office should be issuing an advisory this year.
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Cristina Moon presented
Chinese 50A, Conversational and Cultural Chinese, 3 units
Chinese 50B, Conversational and Cultural Chinese, 3 units
Cultural component added. Units increased from 2 to 3. Articulation Form 3 (CSU
GE Breadth) submitted.
It was suggested that a better title might be “Chinese Conversation and Culture”
because there is not a language called “Cultural Chinese.” Jim asked whether
students know whether the courses are being taught in Mandarin or Cantonese, and
suggested putting the information in the catalog descriptions.
Marcia added that the division would be bringing forth “Heritage” classes aimed at
people who already speak a language and teaching them more about their culture.
Discussion of the articulation request. Jane does not think that the courses will be
approved for GE Breadth (See Good of the Order). She added that when she reads
the outlines she sees mostly mechanical aspects rather than cultural. Patricia
Shannon suggested looking at how the target institutions are treating their language
classes. It was ascertained that the discipline would like to add the classes to the
CSU Transfer list, also. Appropriate paperwork will be submitted.
• Check the Articulation Request box on the rationales
• Revise titles to “Chinese Conversation and Culture”
• Revise the catalog descriptions to state which dialect (Mandarin or
Cantonese) is being taught.
• 50B: Add “Prerequisite: Chinese 50A” to the catalog description..
• 50B: Add Prerequisite Skills (the outcomes from 50A).
• Under Textbooks, capitalize “beginning” in the first title.
• 50B: Complete a content review for the prerequisite.
• Complete Articulation form 2 for both classes.
Francisco Zermeño presented.
Spanish 50A, Conversational and Cultural Spanish, 3 units
Spanish 50B, Conversational and Cultural Spanish, 3 units
Jane commented that CSU is unlikely to accept the courses without a writing
component. She noted the difficulty we had getting Spanish 1A and 1B on the CSU
GE Breadth list.
• Check the Articulation Request box on the rationales
• Revise titles to “Spanish Conversation and Culture”
• Complete Articulation form 2 for both classes.
Kaaren Krueg commented that she does not see growth from the A course to the B course
in either Chinese or Spanish. The outlines are virtually the same for both A and B.
Francisco will address the concern.
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Spanish 2A, Intermediate Spanish, 4 units
Articulation form submitted for Area A.2 of the AA degree.
• Revise Prerequisite Skills so that they are identical to the Expected Outcomes
listed on the outline of record for 1B. (outline available on line.)
Spanish 2B, Advanced Spanish, 4 units
Articulation form submitted for Area A.2 of the AA degree.
There was discussion regarding the Expected Outcomes. It was suggested that
“beyond the entering level” be added to Outcome 1. Also, it was noted that the
typical assignments were the same on both outlines.
• Change date at top of outline to Fall 2007.
• Revise Prerequisite to read, “Spanish 2A completed with…”
• Prerequisite Skills: add #6 from Expected Outcomes of 2A.
• Revise Outcome 1 to read “speak and write Spanish beyond the entering
• Differentiate Typical Assignments between Spanish 2A and 2B.
• List textbooks as “date or most recent edition.”
Clean copies of revised foreign language outlines will be distributed at the next meeting.
Jason Ames presented
Speech 11, Intercultural Communication, 3 units
Course is being proposed for American Cultures. There was discussion on whether
the catalog description and course content adequately reflect the American Cultures
experience. Patricia Shannon suggested using wording similar to the last sentence in
the description of Humanities 65. It was also suggested that the groups listed in
Course Content be expanded (see below). Jason said he would make the suggested
Jason stated that he had worked in conjunction with Las Positas to revise this outline.
Jane noted that because it is a shared course, the outlines must be identical, so any
changes must be reflected in both outlines.
It was also noted that not everyone had the same version of the outline. Jason will
bring clean copies to next week’s meeting.
• Revise catalog description as discussed above.
• Add to Course Content: “e. Other underrepresented groups.”
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Clara presented
ESL 127, ESL Pronunciation Lab, ½ unit
Adding 1 repetition, in order to give students more practice time. Adequate resources
exist to support the repetition. No changes suggested.
Good of the Order
Jane Church will be giving a session on course transferability to CSU, Thursday,
October 12, at 12:00 noon in the Board Room.
Norberto distributed LPC’s draft proposal for the AS Degree. They would like Area E to
be a local option defined by discipline-level faculty. He asked that reps take this
suggestion back to their divisions and bring feedback to the committee.
Next Meeting: October 17
College Hour Workshop: October 12, Board Room
The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m.
kk 10/18/06