Document 11526868

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 6, 2007
Members Present:
Waiz Badar (ASCC), Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Dmitriy
Kalyagin, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher,
Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Norma Ambriz, Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Debra Howell, Sally Jahnke, Christine McDaniel, Barbara Ogman, Rebecca Otto
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon.
Approval of Minutes of October 23 and October 30, 2007
MSC (Pitcher/Ozdemir) to approve the minutes of October 23 and October 30, 2007, as
Science and Mathematics Presentation (Continued)
Needed (globally throughout packet)
• Remove English 52A from advisories
• Write typical assignments as if addressing students
• Provide textbook dates
• Place “final examination” on a separate line in Methods of Evaluating Student
BIOLOGY (Continued)
Rebecca Otto reported that in response to last week’s comments, the discipline has
renumbered the proposed Biology 1A, B, C series as follows:
• Biology 2, Principles of Cell/Molecular Biology and Genetics with Lab
• Biology 4, Principles of Animal Biology with Lab
• Biology 6, Principles of Plant Biology with Lab
In further discussion on the advisability of changing rubrics to separate Chabot and Las
Positas curriculum, Jane stated that it is her understanding that the Biology 31 courses
have diverged to the point of being totally different from each other. She reiterated her
advice to follow the committee’s established practices by changing the rubric. Patricia
Shannon had hoped to discuss this at District Curriculum Council on November 2, but
there was not enough time to implement the discussion. Patricia suggested that the DCC
begin an email discussion rather than letting the subject drop.
Jim expressed the opinion that what the practice should be in the event of disagreement
between the colleges should be established by the district, not the individual colleges.
There was further discussion on the wisdom of solving the immediate problem by
changing the rubric from BIOL to BIO.
Patricia noted that she has had a number of problems in the last two years, caused by the
renumbering/re-titling of courses in her division. She thinks that we should be careful
about changing things that we don’t have to change. However, she feels that in this case
it is in the best interests of the college to make the rubric change. Dmitriy added that the
rubric change is a technical change handled mainly in the Office of Academic Services.
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It would not require retyping of course outlines or changes to the final packet, other than
adding a page requesting the change.
Biology 10, Introduction to the Science of Biology, 4 units
Revised to reflect recent knowledge and current trends in the field. Articulation
Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and accepted.
• Check the “Below-the-Catalog-Description Change” box on the Statement of
Biology 25, Human Heredity and Evolution, 3 units
Changes have been made to the course to make it more up-to-date. This is a non-lab
science class. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and accepted.
• Check the “Below-the-Catalog-Description Change” box on the Statement of
Biology 31, Introduction to College Biology, 4 units
Expected outcomes have been reduced. Topics more appropriate to student
preparation for Anatomy/Physiology/Microbiology are discussed. Ecology topics are
excluded. No changes suggested.
Biology 50, Anatomy and Physiology, 4 units
Debra Howell presented. She stated that this course is useful for Allied Health
students. No changes suggested.
Biology 149A, Science Skills – Process Skills, 2 units
Biology 149B Science Skills – Laboratory Skills, 1 unit
Courses originally presented as Biology 49.03 and 49.04. They have been
renumbered to reflect their basic skills orientation.
A.A. Degree, Biology
Revised to reflect changes to the Principles of Biology courses. Jane asked why this
is an A.A. rather than an A.S. Wayne replied that it is probably because it is
relatively low in core units, as compared to Chemistry, which is higher.
Biology 2A, 2B
The request to remove these courses does not go into effect until Fall 2009. Sally
noted that Biology 2, 4, 6 and Biology 2A, 2B should be listed in the 2008 catalog.
Kaaren requested that to avoid errors in catalog production, the request be deleted
from the final packet and brought back next year.
Microbiology 1, Microbiology, 5 units
Prerequisite skills section has been edited to remove redundancies. Jane commented
that this course has a “mirror” course at LPC. Does this change to the outline require
a rubric change? Patricia asked the discipline faculty to check the outlines and see
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how much they are out of alignment, and if the differences appear to be significant,
bring back in next year’s packet with a request for rubric change.
Physiology 1, Human Physiology, 5 units
Prerequisite skills section has been edited to remove redundancies. Patricia asked the
discipline to double check to be sure that the course content remains parallel. No
changes were suggested.
MSC (Pitcher/Matthews) to accept the Biological Sciences Curriculum Proposals
with the recommended revisions.
Social Sciences Presentation
Patricia welcomed the Social Sciences Division reps. Chair Norma Ambriz introduced
Christine McDaniel, Barbara Ogman, and Hilal Ozdemir.
Needed (globally throughout packet)
• Write typical assignments as if addressing students
• Provide textbook dates
• Place “final examination” on a separate line in Methods of Evaluating Student
Administration of Justice 90, Reserve Module A: Arrest and Control, 4 units
Administration of Justice 91, Reserve Module A: Firearms, 1½ units
Courses have been revised in accordance with Peace Officer Standards and Training
(POST) regulations.
Patricia noted an inconsistency in the spelling out of acronyms between the two
outlines. She asked Christine McDaniel to review the outlines to be sure of parallel
treatment. In answer to the question of why the courses are being offered Credit/No
Credit only, Christine replied that this is dictated by POST regulations. No other
suggestions were made.
Dmitriy initiated a discussion on Typical Textbooks. There is no textbook listed for
ADMJ 91. Kaaren noted that many music outlines do not list textbooks either. Jane
asked that the subject be clarified and guidelines included in the Curriculum
Handbook. It was also agreed that rationales for textbooks more than 5-years-old
should be noted on the outline by placing one sentence below the Typical Textbook
Barbara Ogman presented. She reported that the core courses are being updated to reflect
changes in the field, prepare for submission of an early intervention certificate in the
spring, and align our courses with other community colleges. The discipline is also
working toward the 24-unit alignment project that would facilitate transfer to CSU
institutions and encourage students to earn 4-year degrees.
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Norma noted that not all the courses being revised are included in the packet; they will be
bringing two more in December.
Barbara commented that the content of Chabot’s and LPC’s outlines is identical, but the
formatting is quite different. Patricia said that LPC’s packets feel less cumbersome at
first glance.
Patricia noted the following:
• The typical assignments seem to be very generic. She thinks that in an actual
classroom setting they would contain more detail.
• Please be sure that all the appropriate boxes are checked on the rational pages.
ECD 50, Early Childhood Principles and Practices, 3 units
• Correct Abbreviated Course Outline and Catalog Description to read, “…quality
programs that have developmentally appropriate and inclusive curriculum.”
ECD 51, Prenatal to Early Childhood, 3 units
Articulation Forms 3 and 5 were submitted and accepted. Dmitriy asked why they
are being submitted now; Barbara replied that it is because LPC is submitting.
Consensus was that ECD 51, 52, and 62 should also be added to the AA/AS
Graduation Requirements (Bring Form 1 for these course back in December with the
remaining two courses).
• Add “Prerequisite Skills: None.”
ECD 60, Introduction to the Young Child with Exceptional Needs, 3 units
• Content review for ECD 51 (include in final packet)
ECD 62, Child, Family and Community, 3 units
Articulation Form 3 submitted and accepted. No changes suggested.
ECD 67, Infant and Toddler Development and Caregiving, 3 units
• Content review for ECD 51 (include in final packet)
ECD 90, Supervised Experience, 4 units
• Rationale for textbook dates.
ECD 91, Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs, 3 units
New course. Articulation Forms 2 submitted and accepted. No changes suggested.
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Patricia asked if anyone had any philosophical problems with the Early Childhood
submissions. No one responded.
Norma presented.
Humanities 49.01, Biography of a City: San Francisco, 1 unit
New course.
• Format Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress to include both
• Include a final examination.
• Provide a rationale for the textbook date.
Humanities 49.04, Exploring Traditional Landscape Gardens, 1 unit
New course.
Physical Education 49.30, Aqua Fitness After 50, ½ unit
New course. Begoña Cirera-Perez asked whether a doctor’s clearance is requested
for older students taking Physical Education activity courses. It is.
Patricia noted that while there are many advantages to moving QUEST courses from noncredit to credit, we have to be sure that they represent the same standards (academic rigor,
etc.) as other college-level courses. She also commented that her discipline was not
approached regarding the QUEST Humanities courses.
Further discussion explored:
• Why these courses are using these rubrics,
• How that impacts other courses/programs using those rubrics,
• Whether a QUEST rubric should be established,
• Whether these courses should be moved to Community Ed,
• Whether they should be listed as General Studies,
• Whether the courses should continue to use the non-credit vehicle.
(MSC Pitcher/Matthews) to approve the Social Sciences Packet with corrections as
suggested, with the expectation that we will see Articulation Form 1 for ECD 51, 52, and
62 in December. NOTE: Patricia would like a final packet in addition to the six given
to Kaaren for distribution.
At 4:00, Patricia asked for a motion to extend the meeting by 5 minutes. MSC
Good of the Order
Jane reported that UC has accepted the courses that were resubmitted (Ethnic Studies 1
and Humanities 60) retroactive to Fall 2007.
Mathematics now has a multiple measures test that can be used to satisfy the Mathematics
graduation requirement. Tram Vo-Kumamoto has made suggestions on how to inform
students of the test’s existence. Dmitriy asked how LPC notifies their students. Ron
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commented that the process does not need Curriculum Committee approval; work with
Kaaren Krueg to include the information in the catalog.
Patricia complimented members on the amount of work accomplished at this meeting.
She added that the next two presentations are of similar size and hoped that the
committee could continue its good work.
Next Meeting: November 13, 2007, Room 2345.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
kk 11-8-07