Document 11526861

Curriculum Committee Minutes
September 18, 2007
Members Present:
Waiz Badar (ASCC), Jaswinder Bhangal, Dmitriy Kalyagin, Michael Langdon,
Jim Matthews, Wayne Pitcher, Don Plondke, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Gene Groppetti, Diane Zuliani
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by Ron Taylor. Ron explained that
Norberto Ruiz has resigned as Curriculum Committee chair due to health issues, and he
asked Ron to start the process of finding a new chair. In the past, the committee
nominated a chair and sent the name to the Academic/Faculty Senate for ratification.
Ron added that the role of chair is somewhat daunting, with a steep learning curve. The
position receives 3.5 CAH reassigned time, but since we are in the middle of the term, it
would probably be difficult for the new chair to give up a class assignment this term.
Ernesto Victoria asked whether the committee could proceed for the rest of the semester
without a chair. The answer is “no,” because there are instances where the chair must
sign off on official documents, such as program submissions to the State.
Ron asked whether any members are interested in the position.
Jane Church replied that she has thought about chairing the committee. She
added that many Articulation Officers at other colleges are actively involved with
Patricia Shannon expressed an interest.
Jim Matthews stated that he would be interested in chairing the meetings, but
added that he feels he is not good at the minutia required of the chair.
Patricia asked whether we are in a position to ask people outside the current membership
if they are interested. She stated that she is interested in chairing the committee, but
thinks the invitation should go to everyone. Ron replied that there is a precedent;
Norberto was not a current member when he was selected, although he had been a
committee member previously. Ron suggested that it would be preferable to elect
someone who has had Curriculum Committee experience.
At the suggestion of the Committee, Diane Zuliani, Academic/Faculty Senate President,
will email faculty asking for responses from those interested. Jim will help write the
email. Diane will collect interest statements and ask those interested to attend the
Curriculum Committee meeting on September 25, where the committee will review
statements of interest and elect a chair. Jim volunteered to chair the meeting.
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Approval of Minutes of September 11, 2007
MSC (Kalyagin/Pitcher) to approve the minutes of September 11, 2007, as presented.
Arts and Humanities 49s
Gene Groppetti presented three course outlines:
• Film 49-01 – Beginning Film Production (to be offered in Spring 2008),
• Mass Communications 49.04 – Television Sports Production (to be offered in
Spring 2008), and
• Religious Studies 49.03 – The Spiritual Journey (to be offered in Fall 2008).
Jane initiated a discussion on the meaning of the experimental numbers (49 and 99),
stating that according to the catalog, 49s are non-technical-vocational [See Contemporary
Studies, Page 61] and 99s are technical-vocational [See Special Studies, Page 130]. She
questioned the use of 49 for the media courses. Gene replied that all the media courses
are a blend of the two areas, and the division has chosen to use 49 for these courses.
After discussion, consensus was to accept the numbering chosen by the division.
Dmitriy asked about the difference in units between the two media courses. Gene replied
that they were written by different faculty, and the film production course contains more
detailed lectures than the TV production course, which is more laboratory oriented.
Jim called attention to the length of the textbook list in the religious studies outline. The
committee recommended that it be limited to 3-4 typical textbooks.
MSC (Kalyagin/Pitcher) to approve the experimental courses with changes as noted
Good of the Order
Jim reported that Dave Fouquet has prepared a chart of contact hours as requested (See
minutes of September 11).
Kaaren Krueg distributed sample A.A./A.S. degree and A.S. degree program pages.
Discussion resulted in a slight reformatting to the GE units section of each. (Attached).
Wayne Pitcher asked that copies of the template be emailed to the committee members,
deans, and administrative assistants.
Jane distributed the Request for Individualized Occupational Major form as an
information item, and explained how an IOM is constructed. In the past she has built
IOMs for students requesting A.S. degrees in apprenticeship and fire technology. She is
concerned that for future IOMs the 3-unit discipline-specific requirement will need to be
Discussion included the possibility of a faculty sign-off on the form and a line on the
form to specify the discipline specific requirement. Ron added that the simple answer
might be to designate a course that fulfills one of the college-wide learning goals as
Curriculum Committee
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satisfying this requirement, and that this definition should be included on the form. Jim
suggested that Jane redesign the form and bring it back to the committee.
Consensus was that faculty should have sign-off on IOMs, and that the IOM should be an
exception, rather than a widely awarded degree.
Ron would like a summary of how many IOMs have been created in each area so that we
can determine whether there is justification for creating new A.S. degrees in these areas.
ASCC President Waiz Badar joined the meeting at 3:00. He introduced himself,
apologized for missing the beginning of the meeting, and asked if someone could fill him
in. Jim volunteered to meet with him after adjournment.
Next Meeting: September 25, 2007. Because the secretary will not be available, Jane
volunteered to take notes.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
kk 9/19/07