CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes November 4 2008 Members Present: Jas Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher, Ernesto Victoria Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Gerald Shimada Guests: Bernard Bautista, Chad Mark Glen, Dale Wagoner I. II. Call to Order In the absence of the chair, the meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Wayne Pitcher. Approval of Minutes of October 21, 2008 MCS (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the minutes of October 21, 2008, as presented. Approval of Minutes of October 28, 2008 MCS (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the minutes of October 28, 2008, as presented. III. Health/PE/Athletics Presentation Medical Assisting, AA Degree Medical Assisting, Certificate of Achievement Request to remove Health 50, Orientation to Healthcare Delivery Systems, 2 units, from the degree and certificate, thus reducing each by 2 units. Dale Wagoner reported that Health 50 has not been offered in some time, and will not be offered in the Fall. He would like to keep it in the catalog for a while longer in case someone decides to teach it. In answer to Jane Church’s question about removing inactive courses from the catalog, Kaaren Krueg explained that we did that once, for the 2006-08 catalog, but have not repeated the process. Jane suggested that this might be a discussion item for spring. Jane also commented that the courses contained in suspended programs, e.g., Design Technology, and Health Information Technology, do not appear in the catalog but are still listed on the CSU Transfer flier (#100) and in ASSIST. The committee agreed to accept changes to the Medical Assisting program “by consent.” [Health/PE/Athletics Presentation continued below as number V.] IV. Mass Communications Presentation Chad Mark Glenn distributed new materials incorporating changes noted at the last meeting. He reported that he has divided Course Content into lecture and laboratory sections, and has included the articulation forms. Curriculum Committee 11-4-08, page 2 The following proposals were identified last week as needing little or no discussion: Mass Communications 41, Introduction to Mass Communications, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 5. Jane stated that she would like approval to place Mass Communications 41 for the AA/AS General Education in Area D. Mass Communications 42, Writing for Broadcasting, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 35. Mass Communications 43, Advertising Sales and Media Management, 4 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 8. Mass Communications 50, Radio Studio Techniques, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 34. Mass Communications 60, Television Studio Techniques I, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 33A, Introduction to Television Studio Techniques. Mass Communications 61, Television Studio Techniques II, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 33B, Intermediate Television Studio Techniques. Mass Communications 62, Television Sports Production, 2 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 72. Mass Communications 63, Cable Television Station Operation, 2 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 73. Mass Communications 68, KCTH Television Experience, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 39, Special Projects in Television. A revised SLO form was submitted. MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the above courses “by consent.” Mass Communications 40, Introduction to Broadcasting, 3 units. Renumbered from Mass Communications 31. Will be submitted for CSU/GE Area D7 and UC Transfer. Michael Langdon commented that Typical Assignments are to be written as if addressing the student. Assignment “b” is correctly written; “c” could be rewritten as follows, “Write a definition of ethics and explain your individual ethics.” It was noted that two-three assignments are all that are needed. Chad replied that he would prefer more to assist adjunct instructors new to the course. Needed: Rewrite Typical Assignments as needed, following suggestions in discussion above. Chad asked whether he should try to revise typical assignments in the consent approved courses above. The committee discussed the idea. Chad suggested forwarding changes to the chair and secretary for review; they can send back to committee for another consent as necessary. MSC (Matthews/Langdon) that we allow Chad Mark Glen to look at all courses (including those approved by consent) and if he has additional changes to the typical assignments, he send them within one week to the chair, who will either approve or send back to the committee. Curriculum Committee 11-4-08, page 3 Mass Communications 44, Radio and Television Announcing/Performance, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 32. Addition of a lab hour (no change in units.) Needed: Rewrite Expected Outcomes using measurable verbs. Mass Communications 58, KCRH Radio Experience, 3 units Renumbered from Mass Communications 38, Special Projects in Radio. Units increased from 2 to 3. Chad explained that the discipline added ½ hour of lecture to the class. There was discussion on whether the number of hours constituted 3 units of work. In order to keep the class at 3 units, Chad agreed to increase the lecture portion to 2 hours. There was discussion on the notation “(May not receive credit if Mass Communications 38 has been completed four times).” Because both courses are repeatable 3 times, that notation does not work. It was decided to change the notation to “(Mass Communications 58 and 38 may be taken a combined total of 4 times).” Needed: Increase lecture hours from 1.5 to 2. Increase Typical contact hours: lecture from 26.25 to 35. Replace “May not receive credit…” in both Abbreviated Course Outline and Catalog Description with “(Mass Communications 58 and 38 may be taken a combined total of 4 times).” Mass Communications 59, Advanced KCRH Radio Experience, 3 units New course. Accreditation form submitted for CSU Transfer (Flier #100). The committee feels that the content review form for the prerequisite does not contain enough Critical and Very Helpful ratings. Chad will rethink the ratings. Needed: Increase lecture hours from 1.5 to 2. Increase Typical contact hours: lecture from 26.25 to 35. Edit content review ratings as appropriate. Mass Communications 69, Advanced KCRH Television Experience, 3 units New course. Accreditation form submitted for CSU Transfer (Flier #100). The committee feels that the content review form for the prerequisite does not contain enough Critical and Very Helpful ratings. Chad will rethink the ratings. Needed: Edit content review ratings as appropriate. MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to accept Mass Communications 40, 44, 58, 59, and 69 with the changes noted. Curriculum Committee 11-4-08, page 4 V. Health/PE/Athletics Presentation (continued) General Studies 66, Life Skills for the Adolescent, 3.5 units (presented as 4 units; see discussion below.) New course. Gerald Shimada and Dale Wagoner presented. Gerald reported that while in the past the Summer Youth Sports Program was grant funded, it no longer is. Chabot has been able to keep the program alive via on-going partnerships with Kaiser-Permanente, Team Up for Youth, California Bank and Trust, and Hayward Rotary. General Studies 66 is a pass/no pass, non-transferable, pre-collegiate course targeting low-income youth 12-17 years old. The program serves approximately 220 students. Benefit to the college of those students taking this course would be the FTES/Apportionment generated. In the past, the auditors have denied these FTES. Discussion generated the opinion that the total hours do not support 4 units; the units should be changed to 3.5. Jane asked whether the course would be in the Schedule of Classes (yes). She then asked whether there would be restrictions on enrollment. Dale replied that if it is possible to restrict enrollment we will; if not we won’t. Jane then commented that our mission is to teach 18 year olds or high school graduates. She noted that this course could be used as elective units and would generate a transcript. There was discussion on the wisdom of designing precollegiate courses. Jim noted that the state would decide whether this is a collegelevel course. Jane suggested removing the age designation from the description. Dale asked whether this course can be offered in Summer 2009. The committee agreed that it can. Needed: Change units to 3.5. Separate the lecture and laboratory content Remove “12-17 year old” from the “Designed for…” sentence in the Abbreviated Course Description and the Catalog Description. MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to accept the course with the changes recommended. VI. Good of the Order Chad Mark Glenn complimented Wayne Pitcher on the way he conducted his first meeting as chair. Jane distributed a revised Liberal Studies—Elementary Teacher Preparation AA Degree. The revision was prompted by a recent change in the lower division preparation recommended by CSUEB for transfer students. MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to add the Liberal Studies—Elementary Teacher Preparation AA Degree to today’s agenda. Curriculum Committee 11-4-08, page 5 Moved and seconded (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the changes to the degree as presented. Hilal commented on the removal of Early Childhood Development 52, Childhood and Adolescence, 3 units. She would like to see it restored as a local requirement to the degree. Jim asked whether adding it would allow the students to acquire the degree without exceeding 60 units. When it became apparent that there was not enough meeting time left to continue the discussion, Jim withdrew his motion. MSC (Victoria/Matthews) to continue discussion of adding Early Childhood Development 52 to the Liberal Studies—Elementary Teacher Preparation AA Degree at the next meeting. VII. VIII. Next Meeting: November 11, Room 1506. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. kk 11/6/08 c:\documents\word\curric\2008-2009\11-4-08.min.doc