Document 11526827

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 13, 2009
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Barbara Ogman, Wayne Pitcher,
Patricia Shannon, Debbie, Soares, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, George Railey
Andrew Pierson, Don Plondke, Edna Rodriggs, Susan Sperling, Kip Waldo
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of September 29, 2009
MSC (Ogman/Wu) to approve the minutes of September 29, 2009, as presented.
Social Sciences Presentation
Early Childhood Development 55, The Professional Caregiver, 2 units
Early Childhood Development 77, Introduction to Social Services and Community
Resources, 2-4 units
Edna reported that the content in this course is now included in ECD 62.
Early Childhood Development 78, Language Development, 3 units
History 44, History of England, 3 units
Psychology 18, Psychology of the African American Experience, 3 units
MINOR CHANGES (Consent or FYI changes)
Wayne reported that across the board:
• Fonts should be Arial 10 pt;
SLOs need both the form and the rubric (not one or the other);
Anthropology and Geography are lacking rationales in their statement of
rationale forms;
On the Dean’s checklists, new classes should have the “changes faculty loads”
box checked.
Administration of Justice 50, Introduction to the Administration of Justice, 3 units
Administration of Justice 54, Investigative Reporting, 3 units
• Add date to text
Administration of Justice 55, Introduction to Correctional Science, 3 units
Administration of Justice 59, Child Abuse in the Community, 2 units
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Administration of Justice 60, Criminal Law, 3 units
• Correct text title to read, “Peace Officers’ Guide…”
• Provide Rationale for text older than 5 years;
• Remove “Submit for IGETC review, Fall 2009” from textbook listing;
• Update footer (typist, file name, revision date).
Administration of Justice 61, Evidence, 3 units
Administration of Justice 63, Criminal Investigation, 3 units
Administration of Justice 69, Sex Crime Investigation, 3 units
Administration of Justice 70, Community Relations, 3 units
Administration of Justice 74, Gangs and Drugs, 2 units
Administration of Justice 79, Homicide Investigation, 3 units
• Submit SLO
Administration of Justice 89, Family Violence, 2 units
Anthropology 2, Introduction to Archaeology: Prehistory and Culture Growth,
3 units
Anthropology 3, Social and Cultural Anthropology, 3 units
Anthropology 8, Native American Cultures, 3 units
Anthropology 12, Magic, Religion, Witchcraft and Healing, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 50, Early Childhood Principles and Practices, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 51, Prenatal to Early Childhood, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 52, Childhood and Adolescence, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 54, Child Health, Safety and Nutrition, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 62, Child, Family, and Community, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 63, Early Childhood Curriculum, 4 units
Early Childhood Development 69, Child Study Through Observation, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 79, Teaching in a Diverse Society, 3 units
Early Childhood Development 90, Practicum: Supervised Experience, 4 units
Title changed from Supervised Experience, 4 units
Economics 5, Economic History of the United States, 3 units
Economics 10, General Economics, 3 units
Economics 12, Consumer Economics in the United States, 3 units
Geography 1, Introduction to Physical Geography, 3 units
Geography 1L, Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory, 1 unit
Geography 8, Introduction to Weather and Climate, 3 units
Geography 20, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 3 units
History 7, U.S. History Through Reconstruction, 3 units
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History 8, U.S. History Since Reconstruction, 3 units
History 12, History of California, 3 units
Sociology 1, Principles of Sociology, 3 units
Sociology 2, Social Problems, 3 units
Sociology 3, American Cultural and Racial Minorities, 3 units
Sociology 4, Marriage and Family Relations, 3 units
Sociology 8, Human Sexuality, 3 units
Sociology 10, Introduction to Asian American Studies, 3 units
Deletions and Minor Changes were approved by consent contingent upon changes
noted on master packet and returned to the division.
Psychology – Rubric Change
The Psychology discipline would like to change their rubric from PSYC to PSY, thus
separating their curriculum from that of Las Positas. Jane sees this as being the solution
to the ongoing concern of differences between the two colleges’ curriculum. A
discussion on course alignment followed. Jane has suggested creating an intra-college
course numbering system similar to the CAN numbers. She and her counterpart at LPC,
Andrea Alvarado, may try to develop a model.
Patricia Shannon stated that she would stand for the Board’s policy that courses should
be the same district-wide, and that these types of changes do not serve the students. Jane
countered that it does not serve the students to have courses with the same rubric and
number, but different course outlines, because that situation gives the students the idea
that the courses are identical.
Moved and seconded (Victoria/Bhangal) to accept the new rubric for Psychology.
The motion carried with one abstention.
[NOTE: The Psychology courses were not included in minor changes because of the
rubric change. Not all courses listed here contain major changes.]
Psychology 1, General Psychology, 3 units
Andrew Pierson reported that the catalog description has been changed to more
closely align the course with that of LPC.
• Remove “or latest” from all textbook dates.
Psychology 2, Introduction to Psychological Methodology, 3 units
Psychology 3, Introduction to Social Psychology, 3 units
• Rewrite Catalog Description and Abbreviated Course Description as
follows: “Introduction to theories and concepts…in social settings. Topics
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Psychology 5, Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 4 units
Psychology 6, Abnormal Psychology, 3 units
Psychology 7, Introduction to Counseling Theory and Skills, 3 units
• Remove Psychology 50 from “Strongly Recommended.” It was removed
from the catalog in Fall 2003.
Psychology 8, Human Sexuality, 3 units
• Remove “or latest edition” from textbook date.
Psychology 12, Lifespan Psychology, 3 units
Psychology 25, Stress Management and Health Psychology, 2 units
Psychology 25L, Management and Health Psychology Laboratory, .5 unit
Hours increased to 1.5 to provide proper ratio to units.
• Change Typical Contact Hours to 26.25
Psychology 33, Personal and Social Adjustment, 3 units
Psychology 45, Psychology of Creativity and Innovation, 3 units
Title changed from Psychology of Creativity.
Jane commented that the above changes do not require re-articulation. She also noted
that approving the packet also approves the trans/back forms, even though the committee
has not gone over them today.
Patricia Shannon stated that there seems to be a disconnect between the assumption that
the faculty in the divisions know their subjects and the committee should rely on their
decisions and the feeling that the committee should take an in-depth look at all changes.
Jane noted that the divisions don’t “own” the G.E. areas.
Wayne summarized that the division faculty should be seen as experts in their fields and
that when they are acting in consultation with Jane, we should accept their
MSC (Ogman/Soares) to approve the Psychology courses contingent upon changes
noted on master packet and returned to the division.
Geography 19, Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences, 1 unit
Don Plondke presented. New course. Presented as Geography 20L (see below).
Discussion yielded the information that while this is a subset of Geography 20, this
is not a prerequisite or concurrent enrollment situation. Students might take either
class alone or both classes and benefit from the information gained.
Jane suggested renumbering the course to make it clear that 20 is not prerequisite to
20L. The number 19 was suggested.
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• Change course number to Geography 19.
Rewrite Catalog Description and Abbreviated Course Description to read,
“An introduction intended for students across many fields interested in the
techniques, theory…”
MSC (Ogman/Soares) to approve Geography 19 contingent upon changes noted on
master packet and returned to the division.
Early Childhood Development 61, Literature for the Young Child, 3 units
Edna Rodriggs presented. She stated that many of the changes deal with second
language learners. Literacy has become more important in ECD courses. Course
Content numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8 are new.
Early Childhood Development 64, Play: Materials and Environments, 3 units
The question of prerequisite was explored. The course outline of record, dated Fall
2002, lists ECD 51 as an advisory. Faculty have an outline dated Fall 2004 that lists
the class as a prerequisite, but a search of the Curriculum minutes and packets do not
show that outline as having been acted upon by the committee. However, past
catalogs (as well as the current one) have consistently shown the course as a
prerequisite. Because there is no record of a content review for this prerequisite
being on file, the secretary was directed to request that one.
• Include a content review for ECD 51 as prerequisite to ECD 64 in the final
Early Childhood Development 68, Program Supervision, 3 units
Prerequisite skills have been revised to match changes to ECD 62 and 63. Content
of financial management, which is covered in ECD 65, has been eliminated.
MSC (Soares/Shannon) to approve ECD 61, 64, and 68 contingent upon changes
noted on master packet and returned to the division.
Anthropology 7, Introduction to Globalization: An Anthropological Perspective,
3 units
Kip Waldo presented. New course. He reported that there is increased emphasis on
globalization: the movement of people, allocation of resources such as oil and water.
There was discussion on whether, if this is the only anthropology course a student
takes, he/she will leave with a proper grounding in the subject? The instructor thinks
so. After discussion, it was agreed that the repeatability statement should be struck.
Susan Sperling stated that when the college develops an interdisciplinary
Environmental Studies program, this course would be a fit.
• Remove “(May be repeated 3 times.)”
The last Expected Outcome, “formulate alternative strategies…,” should be
numbered “9.”
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MSC (Victoria/Ogman) to approve Anthropology 7 contingent upon changes noted
on master packet and returned to the division.
Economics 1, Principles of Microeconomics, 3 units
Economics 2, Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 units
Prerequisite of Intermediate Algebra has been added to both courses to make them
compliant with CSU transfer standards.
Wayne commented that only four prerequisite skills were checked on the content
review form and asked whether there were other skills that might be needed. There
was discussion on whether the algebra skills had been adequately incorporated into
the course content.
MSC (Shannon/Soares) to approve Economics 1 and 2 contingent upon changes
noted on master packet and returned to the division.
Good of the Order
Wayne reported that the first meeting of the CurricUNET steering committee will be
held on Friday from 10:00 – 11:30 in George Railey’s office. Wayne, Patricia Shannon,
Debbie, and Kaaren are registered to attend a conference at Ohlone College, Newark
Center, on October 29 and 30.
Patricia Shannon suggested that division reps upload their packets to Blackboard. She
will do School of the Arts. To sign on as PShannon use the password BLUHER1.
Jane reported that several submitted courses were denied UC transfer approval. Italian
was turned down for lack of a prerequisite; Music 3 due to textbook date. We have the
opportunity to submit revised outlines for another review, but the deadline is October 15.
(Jane will insert the proposed new textbook for Music 3, even though the committee has
not officially accepted the change.) At this time, she can also submit new courses for
UC approval. Jane stated that she has done 390 trans/bacc forms this year.
Next Meeting: October 20, 2009
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
kk 10/15/09