CHABOT COLLEGE November 1, 2011 Members Present: Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Jim Matthews (for Debbie Buti), Jay Mumford, Catherine Pinkas, Don Plondke Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg Guests: Dmitriy Kalyagin, Patricia Shannon, Cindy Stubblebine, Anita Wah 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by the chair, Jane Church. Jane added Real Estate to the agenda. Jane displayed the revised course outline for Entrepreneurship 40, showing that course content in the laboratory is different for the first and second enrollment periods. After discussion, consensus was that leading verbs should be removed from the Course Content (Lecture) list, and the Expected Outcomes should be split into first and second enrollment periods to mirror the labs. MSC (Mumford/Matthews) to direct the chair to convey this request to Jan Novak. 2. Minutes of October 18, 2011 Kaaren reported that faculty chose to amend the Environmental Studies packet by replacing ECD 40 with ECD 54, an option that was approved at the last meeting. MSC (Cirera-Perez/Chaudhuri) to approve the minutes of October 18, 2011, as presented. 3. Calendar Jane led in by commenting on the committee’s change to a year-long curriculum calendar. She added that there has been some discussion on how Program Review fits into this. Jane met with Susan Sperling and Tram Vo-Kumamoto on October 18. She was given the link to the Program Review Calendar on the PRBC web site ( which she displayed for the committee. Susan and Tram thought Year Two might be the year in which they would be sending materials to the Curriculum Committee. There has been a suggestion that we “trick” the database by changing the dates on selected outlines that have few changes so that we don’t end up with a repeat of the 2009-10 year, in which we reviewed 400 courses. 4. SLOs Patricia Shannon distributed a draft of the college-wide assessment process. She reported that the ACCJC is holding us to full implementation of the assessment cycle by the end of the Fall 2012 semester. We have disciplines in which there are no full-time faculty, and we have no money to pay adjuncts to develop CLOs. We have developed a flattened process that uses the flex time obligation to write CLOs. In cases where an Curriculum Committee 11/1/11, Page 2 adjunct faculty member is unable to complete CLOs during flex time, we would like to use the COR Expected Outcomes as CLOs. This is an emergency solution to meeting the 2012 deadline. There were no objections to the suggestion. Due to time constraints, a discussion on the Curriculum Committee’s involvement in the SLO process was tabled to the November 15 meeting. 5. Project Management Presented by Catherine Pinkas. The Project Management program prepares students to find employment as project managers. The focus is on developing the skills to run projects from start to finish. Students learn both methodology and best practices. They will complete a review course to prepare for a certification examination. Matt Kritscher has a FIPSE grant for displaced workers such as those from NUMMI and Solyndra, and can help fund this program. Catherine stated that as far as she knows, there are no community colleges offering this program. The discipline’s advisory committee is in favor of this program. Business 89, Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control, 3 units New course. Request for CSU transfer. Business 87, Project Management Certification Exam Preparation, 3 units New course. Request for CSU transfer. Needed: • Change the course title in the Catalog Description block to match the title in the heading. Business 94, MS Project Fundamentals, 1 unit New course. Request for CSU transfer. Project Management, Certificate of Proficiency New. Consists of the three new courses above plus Business 88, for a total of 10 units. Edna reminded Catherine that the courses will be transcripted, but the certificate will not. MSC (Matthews/Cirera-Perez) to accept the Project Management packet contingent on Tech Review edits. 6. Real Estate Jay Mumford presented. Real Estate, Certificate of Proficiency New. Jay explained that many students have an educational/career goal of gaining a California Real Estate License. This new certificate of proficiency will provide students with the minimum requirements for eligibility to test for the state license. Edna called attention to page 15 of the catalog, which states that a Certificate of Proficiency must have a minimum of 10 units. This certificate, as presented, contains only 9 units. Jay solved this discrepancy by making the strongly recommended course, Real Estate 90, a required course, raising the total units to 11. Curriculum Committee 11/1/11, Page 3 Needed: • Add “Real Estate 90, Exam Preparation: State of California Real Estate Licensing Exam, 2 units” to the Core Courses. MSC (Cirera-Perez/Pinkas) to approve the Real Estate Certificate of Proficiency as amended. 7. Business Presented by Dmitriy Kalyagin. He reported that the current changes in the program reflect comments from 2010 business advisory, his work with students enrolled in the program, as well as current cuts experienced in the Business and CAS disciplines. The major goals of the changes proposed are (1) to ensure the graduates possess the skills required by the industry and (2) to guarantee students’ completion of the program in a smooth manner. Because so many of the CAS 72 series courses are being replaced in certificates and degrees, Jane suggested that the division look at the series to determine whether the courses are still viable. Accounting, AS Degree Revised degree. Replaced three 1-unit CAS courses with two 3-unit courses. Combined Options I and II, requiring students to choose three classes. Increased units from 38-39 to 41-42 to comply with Advisory Committee recommendations. Accounting Technician, Certificate of Achievement Revised certificate. Replaced three 1-unit CAS courses with two 3-unit courses. Increased units from 25 to 28. Needed: • Add the course number “58” to the listing for Introduction to Microsoft Access • Add the footnote, “*Business 7 (Accounting for Small Business) is strongly recommended before taking Business 1A.” Bookkeeping, Certificate of Achievement Revised certificate. Replaced four 1-unit CAS courses with one 3-unit course in the core and one 1-unit course in Options. No change in units. Human Resources Assistant, Certificate of Achievement Revised certificate to improve student access due to cuts in the scheduling of classes. Replaced four 1-unit CAS courses and a 3-unit course with two 3-unit courses. Decreases units from 22 to 21. Needed: • Correct the title of Business 21 to read “Human Resource Management” • Correct the title of CAS 50 to read “Introduction to Computer Application Systems” • Add the course number “58” to the listing for Introduction to Microsoft Access Curriculum Committee 11/1/11, Page 4 Business 1A, Financial Accounting, 4 units Business 2, Intermediate Accounting, 3 units Revised courses to meet industry standards; includes changes to the catalog description. Jane questioned the date on one of the textbooks in Business 2, and Dmitriy decided to delete it. Needed: • Remove Cases in Financial Reporting from the list of textbooks in Business 2. Business Administration, AS-T The Business department is proposing a change from the AA in Business Administration to and AS-T in Business Administration. Edna asked why the division-specific GE requirements for an AS degree are not included on the program page. Jane replied that local GE requirements are not allowed on an AS-T. She also noted problems with the layout of the page, and will work with Dmitriy to fit the course into the approved matrix. Needed: • Jane noted that she needs an articulation agreement for Business 14, Business Communications, with a CSU. Dmitriy has seen it listed at a CSU and will send the information to Jane. Business - Transfer, Certificate of Achievement Because Business 14 is part of the proposed Business Administration AS-T, it is being added as an option to this certificate. MSC (Pinkas/Plondke) to accept the Business proposal with revisions as noted. 8. Mathematics Indrani Chaudhuri, Cindy Sthbblebine, and Anita Wah presented. Mathematics 65L, Elementary Algebra with Laboratory, 5.5 units Revised course. Content has been split into lecture and laboratory, and textbooks have been updated. Needed: • Because Math 65A is prerequisite to 65B, it was requested that the May not receive credit statement be rewritten as follows: “May not receive credit if Mathematics 65 or Mathematics 65B have been completed.” Mathematics 47, Mathematics for Liberal Arts, 3 units New course. Replaces Mathematics 40, which will be removed from the catalog. Mathematics 43, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 4 units Minor revisions. Mathematics 49.08, Applied Algebra and Data Analysis, 6 units New experimental that might replace the two-semester developmental algebra path with a one-semester course designed to focus on skills that explicitly relate to data Curriculum Committee 11/1/11, Page 5 analysis and quantitative literacy. This path is only for students who are not majoring in mathematics, science, or engineering. Discussion included: • whether this course would meet the mathematics requirement for an associate degree, • the May not receive credit phrase, • the California Acceleration Project, and • Statway courses. Presentation to be concluded on November 15. 7. Good of the Order Jane shared the list that will be going to Board in November and also a list of new courses approved as UC Transferable for Spring/Fall 2011. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Next meeting: November 15, 2011. • • • • • Curriculum Committee’s involvement in the SLO process Mathematics Business 1B Electronics Entrepreneurship kk 11/3/11 c:\documents\word\curric\2011-2012\11-1-11.min.doc