CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee May 15, 2012

Curriculum Committee
May 15, 2012
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Dona Gibson, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Jay Mumford,
Clayton Thiel, Ernesto Victoria, Linnea Wahamaki
Kaaren Krueg
Jon Palacio
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10.
Minutes of May 1, 2012
MSC (Gibson/Buti) to approve the minutes of May 1 as presented.
Jane reported that the changes to Title 5 credit course repeatability are looming. Allen
Hancock College is proposing to do a blanket process for removing only the repeatability
statement from non-repeatable courses. They have developed a form to be sent to the
Chair of the Curriculum Committee by a division designating courses that are no longer
repeatable. The form lists Course Rubric/Number and Title, and includes a number of
signoffs. Other changes to currently repeatable courses, such as leveling, either by
section or within the course outline, would require separate submissions. After action at
the Curriculum Committee level, the changes would be sent to the Board for ratification
along with other Curriculum action.
Jane suggested that we adopt a similar process to help us track which courses have been
dealt with and which still need action. Further discussion was tabled until Fall.
Committee functions
Jane distributed the draft of Tasks for the Division Representative. She would like to
add faculty consultation process to the list. Linnea said that in her division they post
new/revised outlines and send an email that says that “no response is assumed to be a yes
vote.” Jane stated that CurricUNET may solve the consultation problem, or we may
need to provide guidelines as to what constitutes consultation. Jane will draft some
guidelines. There was discussion on whether one faculty member can stop a course from
being approved. Other topics for future discussion are “Should we allow experimental
courses?” and “Should adjuncts be allowed to propose curriculum?”
Jane discussed the CurricUNET experience so far. There was discussion on how to
document that consultation took place. There was discussion on the “Hold” box on the
tree. Should there be a time limit on it, after which the course/program goes to the next
level, or should it be indefinite? Consensus that it should be indefinite.
Curriculum Committee
5/15/12, Page 2
Jane said that right now we have the ability to enter modified and new courses. People
who are working on curriculum could use CurricUNET to develop courses but not
submit them yet. If anyone has problems with CurricUNET, please email them to Jane
so that she can work on solving them.
Good of the Order
Jane sorted the spreadsheet that tracks curriculum approval dates by division, and gave
reps sheets specific to their areas. She will email the entire form to the division reps.
She also distributed a memo outlining resolutions passed at the Plenary Session of the
State Academic Senate in April.
Kaaren reported that the 2012-14 College Catalog is at the printer and should be
delivered around June 1st. The pdf version is online on the Academic Services web site.
kk 5-17-12
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.