Whiting Vita 2013 1 JASON B. WHITING CURRICULUM VITA EDUCATION Ph.D. 2001 Michigan State University Child & Family Ecology Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy M.S. 1997 Brigham Young University Marriage and Family Therapy B.S. 1995 Brigham Young University Psychology Minor: Music A.A.S. 1993 Ricks College Psychology PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 2015-­‐Present Professor Community, Family and Addiction Sciences, Texas Tech University. Responsibilities include research, instruction, advising, and supervision in the Marriage and Family Therapy program. 2010-­‐2015 Associate Professor (with tenure) 2007-­‐2012 Program Director, TTU MFT Programs Responsible for administration of MFT doctoral and master’s academic programs. 2007-­‐2010 Assistant Professor Applied and Professional Studies, Texas Tech University. 2002-­‐2007 Assistant Professor Department of Family Studies, University of Kentucky. 2002-­‐2004 Program and Clinic Director, MFT Master’s Program, UK Family Center 2001-­‐2002 Visiting Faculty Department of Family Studies, University of Kentucky. RESEARCH External Grants: Smith, D. B., & Whiting, J. B. (Co-­‐PI). Developing a brief intervention for Situation Couple Violence in clinical settings. Verizon Foundation Grant ($20,000, FY 13-­‐14). Whiting, J. B. (Co-­‐PI). Texas Healthy Marriage Initiative: Evaluation of State Relationship Education Programs and Regional Intermediaries. Texas State Health and Human Services Commission ($571,624 FY 09-­‐11). Whiting, J. B. (PI). Texas Tech Relationship Education Initiative (TTREI): Partnering with the “Twogether in Texas” Program. Texas State Health and Human Services Commission ($90,000 FY 08-­‐09). Whiting Vita 2013 2 Vail, A, (PI), Whiting, J. B., (Co-­‐PI) and Bradford, K. P. (Co-­‐PI). The Bluegrass Healthy Marriage Initiative (BHMI). Administration for Children and Families through the Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children. ($1,000,000 FY05 – 08). Internal Grants: Smith, D. B. (PI), Whiting, J. B. & Prouty, A. Neuroimaging of female victims of intimate partner violence. Texas Tech University, COHS ($10,000 FY 2013). Whiting, J. B. (PI). Safety in intimate partner relationships: Understanding the role of appraisals, distortion, and trauma. Texas Tech University, College of Human Sciences Seed Grants ($9500 FY 07-­‐09). Whiting, J. B. (PI). Appraisal distortions, contempt and intimate partner aggression: Gender differences and psychological effects. University of Kentucky Health Education through Extension Leadership (HEEL) grant. ($21,350 FY06-­‐07). Heath, C. J., (PI), Bradford, K. P., & Whiting, J. B. (Team Members). The Effects of marriage on economic well-­‐being of families in Kentucky. University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. ($13,000 FY04-­‐05). Heath, C. J., Bradford, K. P., Whiting, J. B., & Brock, G. Marriage attitudes of Kentuckians. Funded by University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture. ($3,900 FY04). Whiting, J. B. (PI). Foster parent training, stresses and burnout. Funded by UK Human Environmental Sciences ($6000 FY02-­‐03). Whiting, J. B. Member of the Research Advisory Group for the “Twogether in Texas” initiative. 2008-­‐present. Proposals in Preparation Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B. Violence intervention: The effects of a structured protocol in clinical populations. Federal grant (R15 mechanism, NIH). In preparation. Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B. Prouty, A., Shumway, S. Neuroimaging of female victims of intimate partner violence. Federal grant (R15 mechanism, NIH). In preparation. Other Proposals Submitted: Whiting, J. B., & Merchant, L. V. (2013) How Couples Desist from Violence: A Grounded Theory. Federal grant, NSF. (Dissertation award, NSF, $30,000 – not funded). Whiting, J. B., & Bradford, K. P. The role of appraisal distortion and denial in treatment for violence and substance abuse: The development of an intimate partner assessment interview. Federal grant (R03 mechanism, NIDA). Submitted. (requested $136, 000. Not funded – preparing for resubmission). Heath, C. J., Bradford, K. P., Whiting, J. B., & Cozart, D. The Kentucky Families and Communities Initiative (KFCI). Submitted through the Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children for funding under the Administration for Children and Families’ Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Community Demonstration Initiatives Announcement ($14,800,000 FY 06-­‐11 – not funded). Hallam, R. (Co-­‐PI and Project Director), Grisham-­‐Brown, J. (Co-­‐PI) & Whiting, J. B. (Co-­‐ PI). LINKing with Families: Promoting LINKages among Families and Head Start Whiting Vita 2013 3 Programs to Enhance Early Literacy Skills for Head Start Children. Federal grant submitted to the Administration for Children, Youth and Families Head Start Bureau. ($1,098,304, requested FY04-­‐07 – not funded). Smith, D. (PI) & Whiting, J. B. (Co-­‐PI). Overcoming the Cinderella myth: Interviews with successful stepmothers. 2-­‐Year Federal grant submitted to the National Institute of Health (R03 grant). ($133,437 requested FY04-­‐05 – not funded). PUBLICATIONS *Indicates Graduate Students [number following indicates journal ranking per TTU guidelines] Refereed journal articles: Porter*, R., Harris, S. M., Whiting, J. B., Rappleyea, D. L., Crabtree, S., & Brown*, M. (in press). Perceptions of personal safety among lower income relationship education participants: A grounded theory study. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy. [3] Cravens, J. D., Whiting, J. B., & *Aamar, R. (in press). Why I stayed/left: An analysis of voices of intimate partner violence on social media. Contemporary Family Therapy. [3] Einerson*, L., & Whiting J. B. (in press). The personal wellbeing index and clinical significance. The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society. [3] Oka,* M., Whiting, J. B., & Reifman, A. (2015). Observational research of negative communication and self-­‐reported relationship satisfaction. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 43, 378-­‐391. [3] Whiting, J. B., & Cravens, J. D. (2015). Escalating, accusing and rationalizing: A model of distortion and interaction in couple conflict. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy. [3] Cravens, J. D., & Whiting, J. B. (2015). Fooling around on Facebook: The perceptions of infidelity behavior on social networking sites. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy. [3] Merchant*, L.V. & Whiting, J.B. (2015). Challenges and retention of domestic violence shelter advocates: A grounded theory. Journal of Family Violence, 30. 467-­‐478. DOI 10.1007/s10896-­‐015-­‐9685-­‐y [4] Karakurt, G., Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B. (2014). Impact of intimate partner violence on women's mental health. Journal of Family Violence, 29, 693-­‐702. [4] Whiting, J. B., Parker*, T., & Houghtaling*, A. (2014). Men’s perceptions of their violent behavior: A study of responsibility and impact. Journal of Family Violence. DOI 10.1007/s10896-­‐014-­‐9582-­‐9 [4] Cravens,* J. D., & Whiting, J. B. (2014). Clinical Implications of Facebook Infidelity: Where Facebook fits in. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 1-­‐15. doi:10.1080/81926187.2013.874211. [3] Perez*, C. Brown*, M. D. Whiting, J. B., & Harris, S. T. (2013). Experiences of Latino couples in relationship education: A critical analysis. The Family Journal, 21, 377-­‐ 385. DOI: 10.1177/1066480713488525. [3] Whiting Vita 2013 4 Fife, S. T., Whiting, J. B., Bradford, K. P. & Davis, S. D. (2014). The therapeutic pyramid: A common factors synthesis of techniques, alliance, and way of being. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 40, 20-­‐33. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12041. *[Winner of the JMFT Best Article of 2014 Award; nominated for the 2015 NCFR Reuben Hill award for outstanding article contributing to theory and research and featured on the Texas Tech Research Facebook page. Was the 4th most downloaded article from JMFT in 2014] [5] Oka,* M. & Whiting, J. B. (2013). Bridging the clinician-­‐researcher gap with systemic research: The case for process research, dyadic, and sequential analysis. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 39, 17-­‐27. [5] Cravens*, J. D., Leckie*, K., & Whiting, J. B. (2013). Facebook infidelity: When poking becomes problematic. Contemporary Family Therapy, 35. 74-­‐90. DOI 10.1007/s10591-­‐012-­‐9231-­‐5 *[Received press coverage in numerous outlets including Psychology Today.com; Lubbock Avalanche-­‐Journal, Cosmopolitan.com, as well as TTU Today, radio and blog posts] [4] Thompson*, S. G., Smith, D., Whiting, J. B., & Bradford, K. (2013). Synergists and Qualities Salient to Low-­‐Income Parents’ Positive Assessment of Marital Health. Marriage and Family Review, 49, 148-­‐176. [4] Schramm, D., Harris, S. M., Whiting, J. B., Hawkins, A., Porter*, R. D. & Brown*, M. D. (2013). Counting the economic cost of divorce: A Texas case study. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 54. 1-­‐24. DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2012.725354 [4] Szarzinski*, A., Porter*, R., Whiting, J. B., & Harris, S. T. (2012). Low-­‐Income mothers in marriage and relationship education: Program experiences and beliefs about marriage and relationships. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 11. 322-­‐ 342. DOI: 10.1080/15332691.2012.718972. [3] Wilkins*, E., Whiting, J. B., Watson, M. Moncrief, A. & Russon, J. (2012). Residual effects of slavery: What clinicians need to know. Contemporary Family Therapy. DOI 10.1007/s10591-­‐012-­‐9219-­‐1. [4] Whiting, J. B., Oka, M.* & Fife, S. T. (2012). Appraisal distortions and intimate partner violence: Gender, power, and interaction. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-­‐0606.2011.00285.x [5] Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., Karakurt, G., Servino, D*., & Oka, M*. (2012). The self assessment of future events scale (SAFE): Assessing perceptions of risk for future violence in intimate partner relationships. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-­‐0606.2012.00319.x [5] Brown*, M., Banford*, A., Mansfield*, T., Smith, D., & Whiting, J. B., & Ivey, D. (2012). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and perceived safety as predictors of dyadic adjustment: A test of mediation and moderation. American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 349-­‐362. [3] Whiting, J. B., Smith, D. S. Oka, M.* & Karakurt, G. (2012). Safety in intimate partnerships: The role of appraisals and threat. Journal of Family Violence 27(4), 313-­‐320. [4] Whiting Vita 2013 5 Oka*, M., & Whiting, J. B. (2011). Contemporary MFT theories and intimate partner violence: A review of systemic treatments. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 10, 34-­‐52. [3] Lee, R. E. & Whiting, J. B. (in press). Young foster children’s voices: Narratives about parent-­‐child relationships. Child & Youth Care Forum. [3] Whiting, J. B., Simmons, L. A., Havens, J., Smith, D., & Oka*, M. (2009). Intergenerational transmission of violence: The role of self appraisals and mental health factors. Journal of Family Violence, 24, 639-­‐648. [4] Carlton*, E., Whiting, J. B., Bradford, K. P., Dyk, P. H., & Vail, A. (2009). Defining factors of successful university-­‐community collaborations: An exploration of one healthy marriage project. Family Relations, 58, 28-­‐40. [4] Whiting, J. B., Bradford, K. P., Vail, A., Carlton*, E., & Bathje, K. (2009). Developing a domestic violence protocol for marriage education: Critical components and cautions. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 8, 181-­‐196. (Special Issue: Best-­‐Practices Innovations in Couple and Relationship Education). [3] Simmons, L. A., Havens, J. R., Whiting, J. B., Holz*, J. L. & Bada, H. (2009). Illicit drug use among women with children in the United States: 2002-­‐2003. Annals of Epidemiology, 19(3), 187-­‐193. [5] Brock, G. W., Whiting, J. B., Fife, S. T., & Matern*, B. (2009). Integrity of the marriage and family therapy research literature: Perceptions and recommendations. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 35, 248-­‐252. [5] Whiting, J. B. (2008). The role of appraisal distortion, contempt and morality in couple conflict: A grounded theory. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34, 44-­‐57. [5] Weir, K., Fife, S. T., Whiting, J. B., & Blazewick*, A. (2008). Clinical training of MFTs for adoption, foster care, and child development settings: A comparative survey of CACREP, COAMFTE, and CSWE accredited programs. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 19, 277-­‐290. [3] Whiting, J. B., Huber*, P. T., & Koech*, A. (2007). Foster parent pre-­‐service training programs: A content analysis of four common curricula. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 20(3) 64-­‐72. [3] Whiting, J. B., & Huber.* P. T. (2007). Significant stress and real rewards: The ecological and ambiguous experiences of foster parents. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 20(2), 9-­‐20. [3] Lee, R. E., & Whiting, J. B. (2007). Foster children’s expressions of ambiguous loss. American Journal of Family Therapy, 35. 417-­‐428. [3] Whiting, J. B., Smith, D., Barnett*, T. & Grafsky*, E. (2007). Overcoming the Cinderella myth: A mixed methods study of successful stepmothers. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 47. 95-­‐109. [3] Fife, S. T., & Whiting, J. B. (2007). Values in family therapy research and practice: An invitation for reflection. Contemporary Family Therapy, 29, 71-­‐86. [4] Whiting, J. B. (2007). Authors, artists, and social constructionism: A case study of narrative supervision. American Journal of Family Therapy, 35. 139-­‐150. [3] Whiting, J. B., Nebeker, R. S., & Fife, S. T. (2005). Moral responsiveness and discontinuity in therapy: A qualitative study. Counseling and Values, 50, 20-­‐37.[3] Whiting Vita 2013 6 Whiting, J. B., & Lee, R. E. (2003). Voices from the system: A qualitative study of foster children’s stories. Family Relations, 52. 288-­‐295. [4] Whiting, J. B., & Crane, D. R. (2003). Distress and divorce: Establishing cutoff scores for the marital status inventory. Contemporary Family Therapy, 25 (2). 195-­‐205. [4] Lee, R. E., Jager, K. B., Whiting, J. B., & Kwantes, C. M. (2000). Clinical assessment using the clinical rating scale: Thomas and Olson revisited. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 26. 535-­‐537. [5] Whiting, J. B. (2000). The view from down here: Foster children’s stories. Child & Youth Care Forum, 29. 79-­‐95. [5] Lee, R. E., Jager, K. B., Whiting, J. B., & Kwantes, C. M. (2000). The factor structure of the Beavers interactional scales. Contemporary Family Therapy, 22. 81-­‐90. [4] Publications under review: Goodsell, T., Whiting, J. B. (2015). An Aristotelian view of the family. DuPree*, D. G., Whiting, J. B., & Harris, S. T. (2013). Effectiveness of state-­‐supported relationship education for ethnically and economically diverse couples. In submission. Morgan*, M., & Whiting, J. B. (2013). Experiences of African American graduate Students: The influence of self esteem and coping styles. Submitted for review. Smith, D. B., Houghtaling*, A.W., Whiting, J. B., Oka*, & M., Brown*, M. (2012). The relationship between couples’ agreement about intimate partner violence and relationship adjustment, psychological distress, and post-­‐traumatic stress disorder symptoms. In second review. Bradshaw*, S., & Whiting, J. B. (2014). Human agency in contemporary family therapy. Submitted for review. Books: Whiting, J. B. (in process). Love me true: Recognizing and reducing distortion and deception in your relationship. Lee, R. E., & Whiting, J. B. (Eds). (2008) Foster Care Therapist Handbook: Relational Approaches to the Children and their Families. Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America. Book Chapters: Whiting, J. B. (in press). Domestic Violence. In Carlson, J. & Dermer S. (eds) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling. Invited. Whiting, J. B., & Smith, D. B. (in press). “I didn’t hurt you, but if I did I had a good reason!” Denial and distortion in abusive couples. In Weeks, G. B., Fife, S. T. & Peterson C. (eds), Techniques for the Couple Therapist: Essential Interventions From the Experts. New York. Routledge. Invited Chapter. Smith, D. B., & Whiting, J. B., (in press). Safety considerations and assessment for couples with physical aggression. In Weeks, G. B., Fife, S. T. & Peterson C. (eds), Techniques for the Couple Therapist: Essential Interventions From the Experts. New York. Routledge. Invited Chapter. Whiting Vita 2013 7 Cravens, J. D., & Whiting, J. B. (2015). Couples’ Communication of Rules and Boundaries for Social Networking Site Use. In Bruess, C. (ed). Pp. 289-­‐312. Family Communication in a Digital Age. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Merchant, L. V., & Whiting, J. B. (2014). Discovering Compassion for Victims of Domestic Violence. In Bean, R., Davis, S., & Davey, M. (eds) Clinical Supervision Activities for Increasing Competence and Self-­‐Awareness. (pp. 255-­‐262). Wiley. Cravens, J. D., Whiting, J. B., & Mansfield, T. (2014). Discovering Acceptance and Nonjudgment Through Mindfulness. In Bean, R., Davis, S., & Davey, M. (eds) Clinical Supervision Activities for Increasing Competence and Self-­‐Awareness. (pp. 27-­‐32). Wiley. Bradford, K. & Whiting, J. B. (2011). The scope and impact of violence in the family. In A. Hawkins (ed.) Successful Marriages and Families (2nd ed). (pp. 249-­‐263). Invited chapter. BYU Press. Lee, R. E., & Whiting, J. B. (2008). The culture and environment of foster care. In R. E. Lee & J. B. Whiting (Eds.) Foster Care Therapist Handbook: Relational Approaches to the Children and their Families. (pp. 1-­‐16). Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America. Whiting, J. B. & Seita, J. (2008). The perspective of the consumer: Foster children tell us what they need. In R. E. Lee & J. B. Whiting (Eds.) Foster Care Therapist Handbook: Relational Approaches to the Children and their Families. (pp. 63-­‐82). Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America. Huber*, P. T., & Whiting, J. B. (2008). Supporting the work of foster parents. In R. E. Lee & J. B. Whiting (Eds.) Foster Care Therapist Handbook: Relational Approaches to the Children and their Families. (pp. 293-­‐306). Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America. Whiting, J. B. (2003) Religious Groups. In J. R. Miller, L. B. Schiamberg, R. M. Lerner, & P. Anderson (Eds.) Human Ecology Encyclopedia. Denver: ABC-­‐CLIO. Lee, R. E., & Whiting, J. B. (2003). Foster Care. In J. R. Miller, L. B. Schiamberg, R. M. Lerner, & P. Anderson (Eds.) Human Ecology Encyclopedia. Denver: ABC-­‐CLIO. Other Publications: Whiting, J. B., & Merchant, L. M. (2014). Intimate partner violence: The role of distortion and desistance. NCFR Family Focus, FF61, 9-­‐11 (invited). Schramm, D., Harris, S. M. & Whiting, J. B. (2011). Counting the Economic Cost of Divorce in Texas. White paper for Health and Human Services Commission. Report. Whiting, J. B., Burnham, D., & Feldman, D. (2008). Intimate partner violence: How does cooperative extension respond? (UK Extension Publication) Koech*, A., Whiting, J. B. & Feldman*, D. (2007, February). Intimate partner violence: The role of denial and distortion. KAMFT Newsletter, 1, 4-­‐5. Whiting, J. B. & Huber*, P. T. (2005, June). The unique lives of foster parents. NCFR Report, 50(2), F11-­‐F12. Heath, C. J., Bradford, K. P., Whiting, J. B., Brock, G. B., & Foster*, S. (2004). The Kentucky Marriage Attitudes Study 2004 Baseline Survey. Report. Whiting Vita 2013 8 Whiting, J. B., & Fife, S. T. (2002). [Book Review for: Take Back your Marriage, W. Doherty, 2000; Should We Stay Together?, J. Larson, 2000; The Divorce Remedy, M. Weiner-­‐Davis, 2001]. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 28 (3). 383-­‐387. Whiting, J. B., Stacks, A. M., & Lee, R. E. (2001). Incorporating adult attachment into MFT theory and practice. The International Connection, 14. 12-­‐15. Whiting, J. B. (1999). Constructive co-­‐parenting: Remaining a positive parent after divorce and remarriage. Michigan Family Law Journal, Spring. 42-­‐46. Manuscripts in Preparation for Publication Conflict & Violence Whiting, J. B., Harris, S. F., Oka*, M, & Cravens,* J. D. (2014). Overcoming Aggression & Abuse: Principled Nonviolence in Intimate Relationships. In Submission. Daire, A., Whiting, J. B., Carlson, R. (in preparation). A Domestic Violence Protocol Readiness Model: A guide for establishing domestic violence protocols for couples counseling and relationship education intervention. Smith, D., Brown*, M. D., & Whiting, J. (in preparation). Trauma symptoms and perceived safety as predictors of dyadic adjustment: A comparison of clinical and community samples. Feldman*, D., & Whiting, J. B. (in preparation). Abuse, control, and batterer intervention programs: Implications for marriage and family therapists. Marital Education & Conflict Porter, R., Whiting, J. B., Harris, S. D., Brown, M. D., & Rappleyea, D. (in preparation). Perceptions of safety and violence among relationship education participants: A grounded theory. Brown*, M. D., Harris, S., Whiting, J. B., Rappleyea, D. R. (in preparation). Couples’ reports of MRE: Initiative and impact. Wilkins*, E. J., Porter*, R., Whiting, J. B., & Wampler, R. (in preparation). Therapists’ encounters with resistance in the provision of community based therapy: A phenomenological study. Bradford, K., & Whiting, J. B. (in preparation). Marital skills and virtues as predictors of conflict. Bradford, K. & Whiting, J. B., Vail, A. & Johnston*, J. (in preparation). Individual adjustment, contempt, and psychological control as predictors of marital adjustment. Process & Conceptual Research Whiting, J. B., & Fife, S. T. (in preparation). Values and assumptions in qualitative research: A deconstruction of philosophy and methods. Whiting, J. B., & Smith, D. B. (in preparation). The status of systems theory: A dialogue about relevance and application in current MFT practice. Davis, S. D., Whiting, J. B., & Piercy, F. P. (in preparation). Deconstructing co-­‐ construction: An inductively derived common factors approach to the co-­‐ construction process in MFT. Whiting Vita 2013 9 Natrajan, R., & Whiting, J. B. (in preparation). Systems theory and MFT training: A study in clinical and conceptual competence. Wilkins*, E., Whiting, J. B., Watson, M., & Moncrief, A. (in preparation). A Delphi study of the residual effects of slavery. TEACHING Courses Taught at TTU: IS 1100 – Raider Ready / Freshman Seminar CFAS 4331 – Introduction to Family Therapy MFT 6313 -­‐ DSM 5 – Psychopathology and MFT (Created) MFT 6342 – Mindfulness and Wellness in MFT (Created) MFT 6342 – Family Violence (Created) MFT 5302 – Family Therapy II – Intergenerational Theories MFT 6311 – Contemporary Theories in MFT MFT 6323 – Qualitative Research Methods in MFT MFT 7000 – Research Experience in MFT MFT 6393 – Clinical Practicum in MFT Courses Taught at UK: FAM 787 -­‐ Supervised Experience in Marriage and Family Therapy FAM 776* -­‐ Use of the DSM in MFT Assessment FAM 776* -­‐ Family Violence FAM 776* -­‐ Family Play Therapy FAM 776* -­‐ Culture and Gender FAM 686 -­‐ Theory and Method in Marriage and Family Therapy FAM 657 -­‐ Family Systems Theory FAM 640 -­‐ Use of the DSM in MFT Assessment of Psychopathology and Violence (Created) FAM 554 -­‐ Working with Parents FAM 495 -­‐ Independent Work in Individual and Family Development FAM 357 -­‐ Contemporary Adolescence FAM 252 -­‐ Introduction to Family Science *Seminar Courses Other Teaching Experience Department of Nursing – University of Michigan-­‐Flint. 1999-­‐2001 NUR 305 -­‐ Professional Nursing Concepts for Families NUR 306 -­‐ Professional Nursing Practice for Families Department of Family Sciences, Brigham Young University. 1996-­‐1997 FS 303 -­‐ Parenting (3 sections) Other Teaching Whiting Vita 2013 10 • • Experience as a Lab Instructor and Graduate Teaching Assistant for 7 courses at Michigan State University and Brigham Young University. 1995-­‐2001 Invited to give guest lectures on various topics to undergraduate and graduate classes including: violence and abuse, family theories, family assessment, family systems, qualitative research methods, spirituality and therapy, the profession of marriage and family therapy, and effective interviewing techniques. 1997-­‐ present GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISING Student Role Doctoral Students Rachael Dansby Chair Brie Turns Chair Haley Pettigrew Chair Jenna Chang Chair Luke Einerson Chair Lisa Merchant Chair Devin DuPree Chair Jaclyn Cravens Chair Status PhD 1st Year PhD 2nd Year PhD 2nd Year PhD 3rd Year PhD 3rd Year PhD Defended -­‐-­‐ 2015 PhD Defended – 2014 PhD Defended – 2013 Asst. Prof. CFAS Texas Tech U. Carlos Perez Chair Matthew Brown Chair Ty Mansfield Chair Rob Porter Martha Morgan* Chair Chair PhD Proposed -­‐-­‐ 2014 Instructor at BYU PhD Defended -­‐ 2011 PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 Sara Blakeslee* Chair PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 Erica Wilkins* Chair Megan Oka* Chair PhD Defended – 2011 Asst. Prof CFT – Drexel PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 Heather Austin Alex Schmidt Joanna Mendez Ashlee Miller Amber Anderson Chris Bedard Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member PhD Proposed – 2015 PhD Proposed – 2015 PhD Proposed -­‐-­‐ 2015 PhD Proposed -­‐-­‐ 2015 PhD Defended -­‐ 2014 PhD Proposed -­‐-­‐ 2015 *(Winners of the SAMHSA/AAMFT Minority Fellowship) PhD Defended – 2013 Assistant Professor -­‐ LCU PhD Defended -­‐ 2012 Asst. Prof. MFT – U. of Houston Asst. Prof. MFT Alliant U. Asst. Prof MFT – ACU 10-­‐14 Asst Prof of MFT – Utah State Whiting Vita 2013 11 Hannah Korkow Amanda Szarzynski Amanda Harrington Adam Munk Brandy Lucas Damon Rappleyea Adam Froerer Matthew Jordan Mark White Austin Houghtaling Vidan Gonthier Master’s Students Kaitlin Milstead Haley Pettigrew Josh Novak Nick Hayes Randi Etheredge Adam Bertoch Gabe Barron Raquel Cruz Kristin Tovar Lauren McCown Kerri Neuman Michelle Davis Rina Smith Rebecca Crandall Sarah McCallum Kelly Hesse Grad Students -­‐ UK Paul Huber Alice Koech Greg Thompson Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Co-­‐Chair Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member External Member – Santa Barbara Graduate Institute PhD Proposed -­‐ 2014 PhD Defended -­‐ 2013 PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 PhD Defended -­‐ 2008 PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 PhD Defended -­‐ 2009 PhD Defended -­‐ 2009 PhD incomplete PhD Defended -­‐ 2009 PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 PhD Defended– 2009 Thesis Committee Thesis Chair Thesis Committee Member Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Co-­‐Chair (former) Co-­‐Chair (former) Co-­‐Chair MS – 2nd Year MS – Defended -­‐ 2013 MS Graduated – 2012 MS 1st Year MS 1st Year MS 1st Year MS 2nd Year MS 2nd Year MS Graduated -­‐ 2014 MS Graduated -­‐ 2013 MS Graduated -­‐ 2013 MS Graduated – 2012 MS Graduated – 2012 MS Graduated – 2012 MS Graduated -­‐ 2011 MS Graduated -­‐ 2010 PhD PhD Defended -­‐ 2010 PhD Defended– 2009 Asst. Prof HDFS – Lamar Univ. Derek Feldman Co-­‐Chair MS Erik Carlton Thesis Chair MS Defended–2007 Tammy Barnett Chair MS Defended–2004 Linda Klos Committee Member MS Defended–2004 Mary Ruth Isaacs Committee Member MS Defended–2004 • Past advisor to 8 M.S. MFT (non-­‐thesis) students, and on 14 MFT (non-­‐thesis) committees. Whiting Vita 2013 12 Undergraduate Advisees: • Averaged 15-­‐18 undergraduate students per semester at UK. MEETINGS, PRESENTATIONS, CONSULTATIONS, ETC. Refereed Conference Presentations: Aamar, R. Cravens, J. D., Whiting, J. B. (2015, September) The Lived Experience of Obesity: A Phenomenological Study. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National Conference in Austin, TX. Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., Crane, J., Felderhoff, K., Stapp, A. (2015, September). Couple Communication Patterns and Intimate Partner Violence. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National Conference in Austin, TX. Merchant, L., Whiting, J. B., (2015, November). Desistance from Domestic Violence. Paper presentation at the NCFR National Conference in Vancouver, BC. Szarzynski, A., Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., Ko, M., & Banford, A. (2014, October). Structural Equation Model with Military Spouses. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National Conference in Milwaukee, WI. Brown, M., & Whiting, J. B. (2014, October). Stress on parents of a child with Autism. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National Conference in Milwaukee, WI. Smith, D. B, Whiting, J. B., Prouty, A. Crane, J. & Huffhines, L. (2014, October). Neural Responses to Conflict Stimuli in Female Victims of IPV. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National Conference in Milwaukee, WI. Mendez, J., Williams, D. & Whiting, J. B. (2014, October). Undocumented and Educated: The Insider’s Experience of DREAMERs. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National Conference in Milwaukee, WI. Cravens, J. D. & Whiting, J. B. (2014, November). Fooling Around on Facebook: A Story Completion Method. Paper presentation at the NCFR National Conference in Baltimore, MD. Cravens, J. D. & Whiting, J. B. (2014, November). Couples Communication of Rules and Boundaries for the Internet. Paper presentation at the NCFR National Conference in Baltimore, MD. Whiting, J. B., & Cravens, J. D. (2013, November). Escalating and Accusing: A Model of Distortion and Blame in Couple Conflict. Paper presentation at the NCFR National Conference in San Antonio, TX. Cravens, J. D., & Whiting, J. B. (2013, October). Facebook Infidelity: Clinical differences of internet infidelity. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Portland, OR. Whiting, J. B., & Cravens, J. D. (2013, October). Escalation, distortion and couple interaction: A process study. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Portland, OR. Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., Pettigrew, H., Merchant, L. (2013, October). A brief intervention for situational IPV in clinical couples. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Portland, OR. Whiting Vita 2013 13 Wilkins, E., Whiting, J. B., Davey, M. (2012, September). Residual Effects of Slavery and gender roles. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Charlotte, NC. Cravens, J. D., Leckie, K., & Whiting, J. B., (2012, September). Facebook and Infidelity: When Poking becomes Problematic. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Charlotte, NC. Cravens, J. D., Whiting, J. B., & Smith, D. B. (2012, September). Predicting violence with assessment instruments. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Charlotte, NC. Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., Brown*, M. D. (2011, September). A dyadic model of violence perpetration and victimization. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Fort Worth, TX. Karakurt, G., Smith, D. Whiting, J. B. (2011, November). Impact of intimate partner violence on women's mental health. Paper presentation at the NCFR national conference, Orlando, FL. Oka, M., Whiting, J. B. Karakurt, G., & Smith, D. (2010, September). Process Research on Covert Aggression in Couple Conflict. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Whiting, J. B., Harris, S. F., Smith, D., Dial*, S., & Anderson*, A. (2010, September). Nonviolence in Intimate Relationships: A Grounded Theory. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Harris, S. F., Whiting, J. B., Roberts, K., Higgenbotham, B., Daire, A. (2010, September). MFTs Involved in Healthy Marriage Initiatives: Panel. Workshop at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., & Karakurt, G. (2010, September). Intimate partner violence and PTSD: Dyadic analysis. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Blakeslee* S. B., Whiting, J. B., Bitar, G. (2010, September). Relational Components of Women’s Recovery in Aftercare. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Porter, R. D.* Harris, S. M., Houghtaling, A. W*., Rappleyea, D. L., & Whiting, J. B. (2010, September). Effectiveness of short term relationship education programs. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Brown, M. D*., Banford, A. J*., Mansfield, T. R*., Whiting, J. B., Smith, D. B., & Ivey, D. C. (2010, September). PTSD Symptoms, perceived safety, and dyadic adjustment. Poster presentation at the AAMFT National conference, Atlanta, GA. Boden*, J. S., Whiting, J. B., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2009, November). What Advice are Premarital Couples Receiving about Marriage?: A Qualitative Study. Poster presented at the International Association of Relationship Research, Lawrence, Kansas. Fife, S. T., Whiting, J. B., Davis, S. D., & Bradford, K. (2009, November). Techniques, the Therapeutic Relationship and the Therapist’s Way of Being. Paper presentation at the NCFR national conference, San Francisco, CA. Whiting Vita 2013 14 Thompson*, S. G., Smith, D., Whiting, J. B., & Bradford, K. (2009, July). A Grounded Theory Study of Low-­‐income Caucasian Parent’s Healthy Marriages. Poster presentation at the Smart Marriages national conference, Orlando, FL. Bentley,* G., Boden* J., Jackson, S., & Whiting, J. B. (2009, November). Great Start: A cost-­‐effective curriculum for a healthy marriage initiative. Poster presented at the NCFR national conference, San Francisco, CA. Karakurt, G., Smith, D. Whiting, J. B. (2009, November). Aggression, safety and future events in intimate relationships: A symposium on violence and relationship dynamics. Symposium presentation at the NCFR national conference, San Francisco, CA. Thompson*, S. G., Whiting, J. B., Smith, D., & Bradford, K. (2009, July). Promises we have kept: Marital character strength development in low-­‐income white couples. Poster presentation at the Smart Marriages national conference, Orlando, FL. Whiting, J. B., Smith, D. B., Oka,* M., & Servino,* D. (2009, October). Safety in relationships: The role of appraisals and threat. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Sacramento, CA. Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B., Servino,* D. & Oka,* M., (2009, October). The development of the Safety Assessment of Future Events (SAFE). Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Sacramento, CA. Servino*, D., Porter*, R. D., Whiting, J. B., Fife, S. T., Cobb, N. (2008, October). Perspectives of change in therapy: A phenomenological study. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Memphis, TN. Feldman*, D. B., Whiting, J. B. & Werner-­‐Wilson, R. (2008, October). Men’s positioning within discourses of responsibility. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Memphis, TN. Whiting, J. B., Oka*, M., Parker*, T. P., Houghtaling*, A. W. (2008, October). Appraisal distortion in violent couples: Sex differences. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Memphis, TN. Bradford, K., Whiting, J. B. (2008, October). Do relational virtues reduce the risk of violence? Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Memphis, TN. Servino*, D., Porter*, R., Whiting, J. B., Fife, S. T., & Cobb, N. (2008, March). Therapist and client perspectives of change in couples therapy: A phenomenological study. Poster presentation at TAMFT annual conference, Galveston, TX. Whiting, J. B., Oka*, M., Houghtaling*, A., & Parker*, T. (2008, March). Appraisal distortions in violent relationships: Gender, power, and interaction. Poster presentation at TAMFT annual conference, Galveston, TX. Simmons, L. A., Havens, J. R., Whiting, J. B., Holz*, J. & Bada, H. (2007, November). The prevalence and correlates of illicit drug use among women with children in a national sample. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association national conference, Washington, DC. Whiting, J. B., & Feldman,* D. (2007, October). Recognizing violence & abuse: What MFTs need to know and do. Workshop (2 hour) at the AAMFT national conference, Long Beach, CA. Whiting Vita 2013 15 Bradford, K. Whiting, J. B., Johnston*, J., & Carlton,* E. (2007, October). Marital satisfaction, individual distress & intimate justice. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Long Beach, CA. Weir, K., Fife, S. F., & Whiting, J. B. (2007, October). Training of MFTs in adoption, foster care, and children. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Long Beach, CA. Feldman,* D., Whiting, J. B., & Ho,* M. (2007, October). Abuse and its cognitive effects: Appraisal distortions. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Long Beach, CA. Bradford. K., Whiting, J. B., LaCoursiere, J., Veldorale-­‐Brogan, V., & Roberts, M. (2007, October). Readiness for relationship change and individual and couple adjustment. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Long Beach, CA. Feldman*, D. & Whiting, J. B. (2007, February). Men’s violence against women in intimate partner relationships: What MFTs can learn from batterer intervention and critical studies of men and masculinities. Workshop presentation at the KAMFT state conference, Louisville, KY. Whiting, J. B., Simmons, L. A., & Fresh*, K. (2006, October). Transmission of violence: Personal protective factors as mediators. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Austin, TX. Whiting, J. B., Bradford, K., Roberts*, M., & Carlton*, E. (2006, October). The importance of having a violence protocol in marriage education. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Austin, TX. Fife, S. T. Whiting, J. B., & Wilde, B. (2006, October). Therapist’s and client’s way of being as a factor of change. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Austin, TX. Whiting, J. B. (2005, November). Distortion and morality in intimate partner conflict: A grounded theory. Paper presented at the NCFR national conference, Phoenix, AZ. Huber,* P. T., Koech,* A., & Whiting, J. B. (2005, November). Foster parent preservice training curricula: A content analysis. Poster presentation at the NCFR national conference. Phoenix, AZ. Brock, G. B., Michaels, M., Bradford, K. B., & Whiting, J. B. (2005, October). Thinking about retiring: What are the real issues for MFTs? 2-­‐Hour Workshop at the AAMFT national conference, Kansas City, KS. Whiting, J. B., Eyre,* E. L., & Vann,* J. (2005, October). Relational conflict: The role of perceptual distortion and morality. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Kansas City, KS. Whiting, J. B., & Huber,* P. T. (2004, November). Foster parenting: From the insider’s perspective. Paper presented at the NCFR national conference, Orlando, FL. Whiting, J. B., & Fife, S. T. (2004, September). Character and competence: Morally responsive therapists. 2-­‐hour Workshop at the AAMFT national conference, Atlanta, GA. Whiting, J. B. (2004, September). Foster parents: Stresses and satisfaction in the system. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Atlanta, GA. Whiting Vita 2013 16 Natrajan, R., & Whiting, J. B. (2004, September). Training competent systemic therapists: Student perspectives. Poster presentation at the AAMFT national conference, Atlanta, GA. Smith, D., Whiting, J. B., Alexander, K. & Marchara,* M. (2003, November). Overcoming the Cinderella myth: Interviews with successful stepmothers. Poster presented at the NCFR national conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. Whiting, J. B., Koech,* A., & Joy,* J. D. E. (2002, October). Race and Foster care: Children’s perspectives on cross cultural placement. Poster presented at the AAMFT national conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brock, G. W., Matern,* B., Whiting, J. B., & Fife, S. T. (2001, October). Research integrity attitudes and behavior of MFTs. Poster presented at the AAMFT national conference, Nashville, Tennessee. Lee, R. E., Stacks, A. M., Whiting, J. B., & Latty, C. R. (2000, November). Attachment and dyadic functioning in clinical populations. Poster session presented at the AAMFT national conference, Denver, Colorado. Whiting, J. B., & Lee, R. L. (1999, October). What’s happening to me? Foster children’s perceptions. Poster session presented at the AAMFT national conference, Chicago, Illinois. Lee, R. L., Whiting, J. B., & Jager, K. B. (1999, October). The factor structure of the Clinical Rating Scale and the Beavers Interactional Scales when used in clinical practice. Poster session presented at the AAMFT national conference, Chicago, IL. Whiting, J. B., & Crane, D. R. (1996, October). Identifying couples at high risk for divorce: Using the Marital Status Inventory in research and clinical practice. Poster session presented at the AAMFT Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Whiting, J. B., & Crane, D. R. (1996, November). Gender differences in divorce prediction: Using the Marital Status Inventory in research and clinical practice. Poster session presented at the NCFR Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. Invited Workshops or Presentations: Smith, D. B., Whiting, J. B. (2015, September). Domestic Violence – Roundtable discussion for MFTs. Invited discussion at the AAMFT national conference, Austin, TX. Wampler, K., Whiting, J. B., Holtrip, K. (2012, September). Mentorship competency: Growing professionals at all levels. Invited panel discussion at the doctoral educator’s summit. Charlotte, NC. Whiting, J. B., Anderson, S. D., Bartle-­‐Haring, S. & Hodgson, J. (2011, September). Effective collaboration with Graduate Assistants. Workshop at the Doctoral Educator’s Summit, Fort Worth, TX. Whiting, J. B., & Davis, S. D. (2011, September). Co-­‐Creating the supervisory relationship: Pitfalls and promising practices. Invited workshop at the AAMFT National conference, Fort Worth, TX. Whiting, J. B. (2010, July). Relationship Education: Research Update. Invited discussion leader for the AAMFT Research Conference, Washington, DC. Whiting Vita 2013 17 Whiting, J. B. (2010, May). Intimate Partner Violence: A Guide for Professionals. Continuing Education Modules (taped lecture and handouts) created for Health.edu for use in medical and professional settings. Whiting, J. B. (2008, September). Research and Education on Domestic Violence. Invited committee member for the 10-­‐year plan for reducing DV in Texas, at the Texas Council on Family Violence, Summit, Dallas, TX. Whiting, J. B., Bradford, K., & Carlton, E. (2008 and 2007, July -­‐ Invited). Domestic violence: Keep it safe. Workshop presentations at the Smart Marriages national conferences, Denver, CO, and San Francisco, CA. Other Conference Presentations: Whiting, J. B., (2012, January). Wellness, professionalism and burnout. Family Therapy Symposium, Lubbock TX. Whiting, J. B., (2011, January). Mindfulness practices: Integrating the personal and professional realms. Family Therapy Symposium, Lubbock TX. Whiting, J. B., Smith, D. B. (2009, April). Domestic violence: Assessment and intervention strategies. Family Therapy Symposium, Lubbock TX. Whiting, J. B., (2008, August). Domestic violence: Understanding and Intervening. Invited workshop at the Cooperative Extension Conference, Lubbock, TX. Whiting, J. B., Burnham, D., & Feldman*, D. (2007, February). Domestic violence: How should cooperative extension respond? Invited workshop at the Charting our Course, Kentucky State Extension Conference, Lexington, KY. Whiting, J. B. & Forgue, R. (2003, November). Decision making in relationships. Workshop presented at the Healthy Marriages: Issues related to Poverty Conference, Lexington, Kentucky. Whiting, J. B., & Lee, R. L. (1999, March). Foster children’s experience. Poster session presented at the Empowerment of Michigan Families and Communities “Dialogue with Legislators” Conference, Lansing, Michigan. Media Consultations: • KLBK interview – Discussing love languages and martial differences. (May 2015). • Guest on KCBD, Channel 11 News – Discussing long lasting relationships, domestic violence, and family therapy (various dates, 2008). Lubbock, TX. • Guest on 96.9 FM Morning show – Discussing topic of family stress and the holidays. (December 14, 2004), Lexington, KY. • Invited Seminar Presentation: Clinical issues for foster children and foster parents. Presented to the Kentucky Adoption Coalition (July 22, 2004), Louisville, KY. • Participated in local television interviews for Insight Cable in December 2002 (related to the UK Family Center, and mental health issues for children). SERVICE AND RECOGNITION MFT Program Director – Highlights of Administration Activities: Whiting Vita 2013 18 • • • • • • • • • Wrote MFT Self Study, led program in preparations for Site Visit and reaccreditation (2010). Updated all program policies (e.g., dissertation, quals documents) for doctoral program revision to new standards, 2009-­‐2010. Contracts and Resources Secured for MFT Program • Growing Graduate Programs for TTU MFT Programs. Awarded through the TTU Graduate School. ($14,650 FY 08-­‐09). • Growing Graduate Programs for TTU. Awarded through the TTU Graduate School. ($15,650 FY 08-­‐09). • Team Building for the MFT Program. Awarded through the COHS. ($4316, FY 08). Reconfigured Master’s curriculum and develop new TTU Master’s program (2008). (Enrollment grew from 2 students in 2007 to 25-­‐27 in 2012). Revised Master’s curriculum and policies at UK (to change from 2 ½ year to 2 year program) 2003-­‐2004. Oversaw EAP contracts and services, 2002-­‐2004. Oversaw all admissions of students, all student inquiries, 2002-­‐2004; 2007-­‐pres. Assisted in writing the APS Department Self Study – 2008-­‐2009. Revision of clinic intake data to increase research usage -­‐ 2003; 2007. Committee Service: Texas Tech University • University Senate Member. 2015-­‐Present. • University Task Force on Appointments, Evaluation and Mentoring. 2015-­‐ Present. • University: Tenure Hearing Committee, 2011-­‐present. Participated in a hearing convened during May-­‐June 2012. • University: Graduate Review Team Member for Educational Psychology and Leadership, 2011. • College: Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2012-­‐present. • College: Curriculum Committee, 2007-­‐present. • College: Teaching Effectiveness Committee, 2010-­‐2012. • College: Research Committee, 2012-­‐present. • Department: Personnel Committee, 2014-­‐present. • Department: Tenure Review Committee, 2010-­‐present. • Department: Third-­‐Year Review Committee, 2013. • Department: Executive Committee, 2007-­‐2012. • Department: Graduate Coordinating, 2007-­‐2012. • Department: Search Committees, various years. • Program: Scholarship Committee, 2008-­‐present. University of Kentucky • University: Work-­‐Life Task Force Member, 2004-­‐2007. Whiting Vita 2013 19 • • • • • • Department: Search committees, various years. Department: Self Study committee, Fall 2004. Department: Curriculum committee, 2004 – present. Department: Chair’s advisory committee, 2002-­‐2004. Department: Program development committee, 2002-­‐2003. Department: Restructuring proposal writing committee, 2002-­‐2003. Outreach: • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in TX, part time therapeutic services (including some pro-­‐bono and reduced-­‐fee). • Instructor -­‐ 8 week Marriage Enrichment courses (volunteer) for church/community, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, 2012-­‐2014. • Multiple community and church presentations given on family issues. • LDS Church Education System, Volunteer teaching of three 200-­‐400 level classes for college-­‐aged students (1999-­‐2001) and of high school students (2003-­‐2004). • Member of the Kentucky state Mental Health Consortium 2002-­‐2004. Awards and honors: • Article of the year, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 2014. • Faculty Development Leave – Awarded for research and writing on couples, aggression and distortion. Spring 2014. • Outstanding Researcher – TTU / Faculty Distinguished Research Award (Barnie Rushing) – College of Human Sciences. 2012. ($2000) • College of Human Sciences nominee for the Chancellor’s Excellence in Research Award. 2009. • School of Human Environmental Sciences Centennial Future award. 2007. • UK Faculty Futures Award ($5073). November 2004. • UK Summer research fellowship award ($6000). Summer 2003. • Dissertation Fellowship award, Family and Child Ecology, Michigan State University ($700). 2001. • Eagle Scout. 1987. Editorships and reviewer service: • Editorial Advisory Board – Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2009 – present. • Editorial Advisory Board – Contemporary Family Therapy, 2012 – present. • Editorial Board – The Qualitative Report, 2006-­‐present. • Reviewer – Journal of Family Theory and Review – 2014 (2x). • Reviewer – Journal of Marital and Family Therapy – Yearly. • Reviewer – Journal of Marriage and Family – 2009, 2011. • Reviewer – Journal of Social and Personal Relationships – 2009, 2013. • Reviewer – Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy – 2009, 2010, 2013. • Reviewer – Contemporary Family Therapy – 2012, 2013, 2014. Whiting Vita 2013 20 • Reviewer – Adoption Quarterly (special issue) – 2012. Other Professional Service • Tenure and Promotion review for faculty at the University of Kentucky. 2014 • Tenure and Promotion review for Michigan State University. 2014. • Advisory Council – Institute for Child and Family Studies. 2012-­‐present. • Tenure and Promotion review for U. of Minnesota. July 2012. • Chair and Coordinator. MFT Doctoral Educator’s Conference. Fort Worth, TX. September 2011. • Invited committee member for the 10-­‐year plan for reducing DV in Texas, at the Texas Council on Family Violence, Summit, Dallas, TX. • AAMFT Site Visitor, 2009-­‐2012. o Site Visit – Nova Southeastern University (PhD). March 2010. • Abstract reviewer, AAMFT national conferences, 2002-­‐present. • Abstract reviewer, NCFR national conference, Various Years. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Professional Meetings Attended: • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) National Conferences, Yearly. • National Council on Family Relations (NCFR), Various Years. • Smart Marriages National Conference, Various Years. • MFT Doctoral Educators Conference (Invited). Various Years. • AAMFT Research Conference (Invited). Reno, NV. July 2002. • Kentucky Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (KAMFT) conferences, 2002-­‐2007. • Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (TAMFT) conferences, various years. • NIH Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration. (Louisville, KY) June 2002. • USDA – CSREES Grant Writing Conference (Washington DC). September 2005. Clinical Experience • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Texas, #201217. • MFT practice: Private Practice – part time in Lexington, KY & Lubbock, TX. 2003-­‐ present. • American Association for Marital and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Approved Supervisor. • AAMFT Clinical Member. • Family Therapist for Child & Family Services Capitol area; MSU Family & Child. Clinic; Lansing School District; Aspen Achievement Academy; and BYU Clinics 1996-­‐2001. Whiting Vita 2013 21 Professional Organizations: • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) • National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) • Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society PERSONAL INTERESTS • Married with children. • Songwriting and music (guitar). • Racquetball, poetry, and drawing.