COMMUNICATION BA/BS REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST (Effective Fall 2015- last updated 4/2015) • • • GPA & HOUR REQUIREMENTS Choose one of the 4 sequences to complete, must earn a C or better in your major courses. -Sequences are not formal emphases and are not printed on transcripts or diplomas. Strategic Communication Sequence 2.0 Min UofU GPA 122 Credit Hours Hours Credit Hours Earned 3505 UD Hours Needed Tier 1: Required 1 Course 3115 3550 Tier 2: Choose 5 Courses 5300 Tier 2: Choose 3 Courses * One must be 4590 or 5580 UD Hours In Progress Science, Health, Environmental, and Risk Communication Sequence 3580 5200 3610 5590 3630 5660 3670 5950 3680 *4590 CW 3690 *5580 CW 3555 4360 5115 5300 4650 5116 Tier 2: Choose 4 Courses *Two from each group 5360 5117 5365 5140 5370 5815 Writing/Reporting Visual 3520 CW 2530 3600 CW 3530 1020 5300 3635 3560 3170 5490 3655 3770 IR 3510 5520 3660 CW 4520 3580 5590 4570 4610 CW 4570 4170 5640 Tier 3: Choose 1 Course 4650 CW 5550 4570 5660 AI 3710 QI 5555 5950 WR2 4670 CW 5200 5710 QI QA Tier 4: Choose 1 Course QB 1270 QB 3140 FF 2110 3170 FF 3050 3405 SF 3115 SF or AS Tier 5: Choose 4 Additional COMM courses *Two MUST be 5000-level. RESIDENCE HOURS Min 30 Hours in Residence Last 30 hours GENERAL & BACHELOR REQS BF BF 1. CW 2. DV *3. 5__________ IR *Pick BA or BS *QI *QI Hours *BA *4. 5__________ *QI not required for BA *BA not required for BS: For questions about BA contact: Tier 3: Choose 4 Courses Tier 3: Choose 1 Course Tier 4: Choose 4 Additional COMM courses. Can be any level. 3610 1. 5770 3620 3570 Tier 4: Choose 1 Course 5540 DV 5630 5660 Tier 5: Choose 3 Additional COMM courses. *One must be a 5000-level. 1. 2. *3. 5__________ 2. 3. 4. Communication Studies Sequence Tier 1: Choose 5 Courses 1010 3115 1020 3140 1270 QB 3170 2110 3405 3050 3505 Tier 2: Choose 6 electives, can be any level. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tier 3: Choose 3 5000-level COMM electives. 1. 5__________ 2. 5__________ 3. 5__________ See reverse side for more detailed list of courses including prerequisites UD Hours Earned Tier 1: 5 Courses 3505 4580 Hours Journalism Sequence 1610 1610 Credit Hours Needed 40 Upper Division Hours Tier 1: 5 Courses 3550 Credit Hours In Progress University and Bachelor Degree Requirements For catalog year 2015-2016 and after. Contact This worksheet contains all of the degree requirements for the Communication major. Students complete one of four sequences for the major, in addition to the university and bachelor degree requirements. Use DARS with this worksheet to plan courses. A total of 14 Communication courses required. Minimum 2.75 GPA and one completed COMM course are required to declare. A maximum of 4 Communication transfer courses from another college may be counted towards the major. ELECTIVES TO CONSIDER FOR ALL SEQUENCES: CW several options DV 3070 Communication and Gender DV 3190 Intercultural Communication DV 3290 Native American Activism DV 5540 Media and Diversity IR 3770 Cross Cultural Documentary IR 5610 IT & Global Conflict IR 5620 International Communication QB 1270 Analysis of Argument QI 3710 Introduction to Quantitative Research QI 5710 Communication Research EXAMPLES OF QI COURSES THAT HAVE LIMITED PREREQs FOR BS (QI’s not required for BA): COMM 3710 Intro to Comm Research QI FCS 3210 FCS Statistics QB/QI POLS 3001 Political Analysis QB/QI SOC 3112 Social Statistics QB/QI SW 3000 Applied SW Statistics QB/QI SOC 3650 Population and Society QI/IR Strategic Communication Sequence Public relations, advertising, and integrated marketing communication. Journalism Sequence Online, broadcast, and print journalism. Science, Health, Evironmental, and Risk Communication Sequence Students can prepare for careers in public health or communication for health Tier 1: FIVE CORE COURSES or environmental organizations. Tier 1: FIVE CORE COURSES 1610 Introduction to News Writing (prereq: WTG 2010) (4) 4580 Strategic Communication Theory & Practice (3) 3505 Introduction to Media Business and Ethics - previously 1610 Introduction to News Writing (prereq: WTG 2010) (4) Tier 1: REQUIRED ONE COURSE 3505 Introduction to Media Business and Ethics - previously COMM 1500 and 3505 Living in a Media World (3) 3115 Communicating Science, Health, Environment (3) 3550 Principles of Visual Communication (3) COMM 1500 and 3505 Living in a Media World (3) Tier 2: CHOOSE 5 COURSES 3555 Digital Journalism (prereqs: COMM 1610, COMM 3550) (3) 4360 Consuming the Earth (3) 3550 Principles of Visual Communication (3) 5300 Mass Communication Law (prereqs: COMM 3505, must be a 4650 Environmental Reporting (4) CW 5300 Mass Communication Law (prereqs: COMM 3505, must declared senior/junior, recommend taking this your senior year) be a declared senior/junior, recommend taking this your 5360 Environmental Communication (3) (4) senior year) (4) 5365 Communicating Climate Change (3) Tier 2: FOUR COURSES 5370 Environmental Communication, Special Topics (1-3) *Two from each Writing/Reporting and Visual Groups: Tier 2: THREE COURSES (*One must be 4590 or 5580) 5115 Health Communication • Pick 2 courses from this list: 5116 Health, Communication, and Culture (3) *Writing/Reporting 3580 Strategic Communication, Special Topics (3) 5117 Health Campaigns, and Media (3) 3520 Radio Journalism (prereq: COMM 1610) (3) CW 3610 Internship: students must apply to this course at 5140 Communication and Aging (3) 3600 Editing Process (prereq: WTG 2010) (4) CW click on the “find an internship” 5815 Health Communication, Special Topic (3) icon. (1-6, must take for at least 1 credit to count for the 3635 Community Journalism (3) Tier 3: CHOOSE 4 COURSES major) 3655 Venceremos (3) 1020 Principles of Public Speaking (3) 3630 Absolute Communication (3) 3660 Voices of Utah (prereq: COMM 1610) (4) CW 3170 Intro to Organizational Communication (3) 3670 Principles of Advertising (3) 4610 Magazine Writing (prereq: COMM 1610) (3) CW 3510 Intro to Web Design (prereq: COMM 3550) (3) 3680 Advertising Media Analysis & Planning (3) 4650 Environmental Reporting (prereq: WTG 2010) (4) CW 3580 Strategic Communication, Special Topics (3) 3690 Making Brands Stick (3) 4670 Specialty Reporting (prereq: COMM 1610) (3-4) CW 4170 Applied Organizational Communication (prereq COMM 3170) (4) 4570 Visual Editing- Photoshop (4) *Visual 4570 Visual Editing- Photoshop (4) 5200 Persuasion & Political Communication (3) 2530 Photojournalism (prereq: COMM 1535) (4) 5200 Persuasion and Political Communication (3) 5590 Integrated Marketing Communication (3) 3530 Advanced Photography (prereq: COMM 1535) (4) 5300 Mass Communication Law (4) 5660 Media Ethics (prereq: COMM 3505) (3) 3560 Video Production I (4) 5490 Communication and Social Justice (3) 5950 Advanced Special Topics in Strategic Communication (3) 3770 Cross Cultural Documentary (3) IR 5520 Interactive Narrative (prereq: COMM 3550) (3) • Pick 1 (both courses can be taken in this tier to go 4520 TV Journalism (prereqs: COMM 1610, COMM 3555 or 5590 Integrated Marketing Communication (3) towards the 3 courses needed in this section): COMM 3560) (4) 5640 Communication Technology and Culture (3) *4590 Writing for Strategic Communication (prereqs: COMM 4570 Visual Editing (prereq: COMM 3550) (4) 5660 Media Ethics (prereq: COMM 3505 or 1500) (3) 1610, COMM 4580) (3) CW 5550 Digital Imaging (prereq: COMM 3550) (4) 5950 Advanced Special Topics in Strategic Communication (Prereq: A in COMM 4580) (3) *5580 PR Cases & Campaigns (prereqs: COMM 1610, COMM 5555 Documentary Photography (prereq: COMM 1535 or Tier 3: CHOOSE 4 COMM Electives 3505, COMM 4580) (4) CW equivalent) (4) Electives are to be taken in addition to the previously listed course requirements. 5770 Communication Design, Special Topics (3) • Four COMM Electives can be any level. Tier 3: COMPLETE ONE • Pick 1 course from this list: Tier 3: COMPLETE ONE Communication Studies Sequence 3710 Introduction to Quantitative Research 3610 Internship: students must apply to this course at A general, interdisciplinary course of study in communication – interpersonal, (prereq: QA or QB) (3) QI click on the “find an internship” organizational, rhetorical, cultural, and media studies. 5710 Communication Research icon. (1-6, must take for at least 1 credit to count for the (prereq: COMM 3710 or equivalent) (4) QI major) Tier 1: CHOOSE FIVE COURSES 3620 Student Media Practicum (1-6) 1010 Communication Matters (3) Tier 4: COMPLETE ONE 3570 Newsbreak (prereq: COMM 3560 or instructor permission) 1020 Principles of Public Speaking (3) • Pick 1 course from this list: (3) 1270 Analysis of Argument (3) QB 1270 Analysis of Argument (3) QB 2110 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3) 2110 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3) Tier 4: COMPLETE ONE 3050 Theoretical Perspectives in Communication (3) 3050 Theoretical Perspectives in Communication (3) 5540 Media and Diversity (3) DV 3115 Communicating Science, Health, Environment (3) 3115 Communicating Science, Health, Environment (3) 5630 Mass Communication History (3) 3140 Dangerous Liaisons in Relationships & Organizations (3) 3140 Dangerous Liaisons in Relationships & Organizations (3) 5660 Media Ethics (prereq: COMM 3505) (3) 3170 Intro to Organizational Communication (3) 3170 Intro to Organizational Communication (3) 3405 Rhetoric: Aristotle to #twitter (3) 3405 Rhetoric: Aristotle to #twitter (3) Tier 5: COMPLETE 3 COMM ELECTIVES 3505 Introduction to Media Business and Ethics - previously COMM 1500 and 3505 Electives are to be taken in addition to the previously listed Living in a Media World (3) Tier 5: COMPLETE 4 COMM ELECTIVES course requirements. Tier 2: CHOOSE SIX COMM Courses in Your Focus Area, can be any level Electives are to be taken in addition to the previously listed • Two COMM Electives can be any level. Tier 3: CHOOSE THREE 5000-level COMM Courses course requirements. • One COMM Elective must be a 5000-level. Plan ahead; few 5000-level courses are offered in summer. • Two COMM Electives can be any level. Use the Career & Interest Guide to select courses that will provide the best • Two COMM Electives must be 5000-level. foundation in your area of interest. Students interested in media careers are strongly recommended to take COMM 5300, Mass Comm Law.