Chabot College Student Characteristics Learning Connection Students vs. Non-Learning Connection Students Fall 2009 Total Students Learning Connection num pct 1,915 100% Non-Learning Connection num pct 8,325 100% Gender Female Male Unknown num 1,167 715 33 pct 61% 37% 2% num 4,585 3,591 149 pct 55% 43% 2% Race-ethnicity African-American Asian-American Filipino Latino Middle Eastern Native American Pacific Islander White Other Unknown num 341 404 143 565 4 9 46 275 26 102 pct 18% 21% 7% 30% <1% <1% 2% 14% 1% 5% num 1,374 1,406 827 2,293 29 62 232 1,458 110 534 pct 17% 17% 10% 28% <1% 1% 3% 18% 1% 6% Age 19 or younger 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50 or older num 502 402 317 246 228 141 79 pct 26% 21% 17% 13% 12% 7% 4% num 2,662 1,611 1,313 1,085 936 442 276 pct 32% 19% 16% 13% 11% 5% 3% Student Type Full-time 12 or more units Part-time 6 to 11.5 units .5 to 5.5 units num pct num pct 1,088 57% 1,837 22% 611 216 32% 11% 3,303 3,185 40% 38% Enrollment Status First time any college First time transfer Returning transfer Returning Continuing In High School Learning Connection num pct 331 17% 155 8% 126 7% 20 1% 1,271 66% 12 1% Non-Learning Connection num pct 1,955 23% 834 10% 811 10% 75 1% 4,611 55% 38 <1% Student Ed Level In High School Freshman (< 30 units) Sophomore (30-59 u.) Other undergraduate AA/AS degree BA/BS or higher deg. num 42 968 445 264 95 101 pct 2% 51% 23% 14% 5% 5% num 124 5,327 1,434 680 327 433 pct 1% 64% 17% 8% 4% 5% Enrollment Pattern num Day only 982 Both Day and Eve/Sat 872 Evening or Eve/Sat 60 Saturday only Independently Scheduled 1 pct 51% 46% 3% 0% <1% num 4,376 2,931 736 28 254 pct 53% 35% 9% <1% 3% Educational Goal Transfer (with/without AA/AS) AA/AS only (not transfer) Occupational certificate or job training Personal development (intellectual/cultural, (basic skills, GED) Other or Undecided Unknown pct num pct num 1,160 61% 4,808 58% 176 9% 897 11% 168 9% 850 10% 91 319 1 5% 17% <1% 401 1,362 7 5% 16% <1% Notes: Learning Connection students were those who visited the PATH Center, WRAC Center, Math Lab, and/or World Languages Lab. Non-Learning Connection students were in the same section of a course as Learning Connecton students. Source: Institutional Research Dataset, Fall Census: final count. Chabot College Office of Institutional Research Updated: 3/25/2010