The Flavors of the Quark-Gluon Plasma Berndt Mueller SQM 2008 北京 - October 6-10, 2008 The QGP is a strange state of matter 2 QCD phase diagram T Strange quarks play crucial role in shaping the QCD phase diagram: QuarkGluon Critical end point? • • • Plasma Hadronic matter Chiral symmetry broken 1st order line Chiral symmetry restored U(1)A critical end point ? Nuclei Location of critical point(s) Stability of neutron stars Structure of CSC phase Color superconductor Neutron stars µB 3 QGP & quark flavor quark-gluon plasma nucleons + mesons Melting nuclear matter s, c, and b quarks are important probes of hadronic matter: - they are hard to produce (s below Tc ; c and b above Tc) - quark flavor conserved under strong interactions c and b are also hard probes, i. e. their production can be reliably calculated in pQCD. 4 Color screening Induced color density φa Static color charge (heavy quark) generates screened potential 5 Quark masses Higgs quark field Quark quark condensate Heat “melts” the quark condensate: QCD mass disappears above Tc. (Partial) chiral symmetry restoration 6 Confinement The mechanism behind quark confinement in the vacuum is still not well understood, but it is quantitatively described by lattice QCD. Quark confinement above Tc disappears due to color screening. Effective description of quark confinement and the deconfinement transition exists: Polyakov loop model (P-NJL). ! Lr = P exp ig 3 = N −1 c " β 0 dτ Ab4 ( tr L3 ) = ( e 1 3 iφ1 λbr (x, τ ) 2 +e iφ2 +e # −i(φ1 − φ2 ) P-loop average projects color rep’s. ) 〈tr L〉= 0 → Confinement 〈tr L〉= 1 → Deconfinement Interplay between P-loop and quark condensate explains coincidence of Tc for deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. 7 PNJL phenomenology Fukushima; Roessner, Ratti, Weise; ... 8 Strangeness enhanced 2 The original idea (Rafelski): N(s ) 1 ⎛ ms ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ K 2 ( ms / T ) eµB /(3T ) = 1 5 N(q ) 2 ⎝ T ⎠ “We almost always have more s than u or d quarks. When quark matter reassembles into hadrons, some of the numerous s quarks may, instead of being bound into kaons, form multiply strange antibaryons, such as Λ, Ξ, Ω .” gg → ss is essential for rapid strangeness equilibration ! (JR & BM) Almost 30 years of investigation: The liberation of quark and gluon degrees of freedom (not necessarily thermalization) is required for strangeness equilibration. 9 s-enhancement at RHIC (sss) (qss) (qqs) ★ STAR ★ STAR 10 s-production revisited 3-flavor PNJL model (Fukushima): fq (k) = Hung-Ming Tsai !!3 "λ+ + 2!!3 "λ2+ + λ3+ 1 + 3!!3 "λ+ + 3!!3 "λ2+ + λ3+ !q̄q" !!3 "λ− + 2!!3 "λ2− + λ3− fq̄ (k) = 1 + 3!!3 "λ− + 3!!3 "λ2− + λ3− !!8 "4/9 λ± = exp[−(E(k) ∓ µ)/T ] with !!3 " ∞ ! 1 fg (k) = !tr Ln8 "e−n|k|/T 8 n=1 1 Aq = 2 ! 1 Ag = 2 ∞ 4m2s ! dss ∞ 4m2s " $ 4m2q # 2 1− δ s − (k1 + k2 ) σ̄qq̄→ss̄ (s) s " 2 dss δ s − (k1 + k2 ) # σ̄gg→ss̄ (s) !s̄s" ! ! d3 k1 d3 k2 (2 × 36)fq (k1 )fq̄ (k2 ) 3 3 (2π) E(k1 ) (2π) E(k2 ) d3 k2 1 d3 k1 ( × 256)fg (k1 )fg (k2 ) 3 3 (2π) |k1 | (2π) |k2 | 2 11 Parton distributions Ratio of quark distribitions functions for µ=0.1 GeV Ratio of gluon distribitions functions 1.2 T=0.3 GeV T=0.2 GeV 1 T=0.18 GeV 1 T=0.2 GeV T=0.18 GeV T = 300 MeV 0.8 0.8 Quarks f g / f BE f q / f FD T=0.3 GeV Hung-Ming Tsai 0.6 T = 300 MeV 0.6 T = 200 MeV 0.4 0.4 Gluons T = 200 MeV 0.2 0.2 T = 180 MeV T = 180 MeV 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 k (GeV) fi ( k; P ) T / fi ( k ) 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 k (GeV) 2 Gluons more strongly suppressed near Tc than quarks, in spite of additional mechanism for quarks (χSB). 12 ss rate in PNJL model Hung-Ming Tsai gg → ss dominates qq → ss q and g disappear, hadrons dominate (hadronic rates calculable in, e.g.: (P)NJL model; UrQMD, JAM) 13 Hadro-Chemistry 14 Chemical equilibrium γ s / γ q = 1.00 ± 0.01 “Sudden” hadronization from deconfined state ? 15 Statistical model Particle/antiparticle yield: ⎛ Ei ( p) µi ⎞ Yi ( p) = γ i exp ⎜ − ⎟⎠ ⎝ T Baryons, e.g., Λ = (uds): γ Λ = γ q2γ s , µ Λ = 2 µq + µ s Mesons, e.g., K- = (sū): γ K = γ sγ q , µ K = µ s − µ q ± γ s / γ q = 1 implies relative equilibration of strange quarks. γ s , γ q > 1 implies over-abundance of baryons. RHIC data: γs = γq = 1 for Tch ≈ 160-170 MeV; or: γs > γq > 1 for Tch ≈ 140 MeV. 16 Out of equilibrium Quality of data on identified hadrons and even resonances suggests that a comprehensive assessment of the interplay between dynamical hadronization and final-state hadron chemical reactions is timely. It is well known that particle number changing reactions incrementally cease as the hadron gas expands and cools, and γs,γq become greater than 1, even if γs = γq =1 at hadronization: Chemical equilibrium at Tf,kin ≈ 100 MeV underpredicts protons and antiprotons by factor ≈3 ! Theoretical tools (e.g. UrQMD or JAM cascades following hadronization) exist to study the implications of any conceivable hadronization scenario. Systematic comparisons of different scenarios in light of the RHIC (and SPS, and soon LHC) data is missing. Opportunity for Theory-Experiment collaboration. 17 v2(pT) hadronization Failure of ideal hydrodynamics tells us how hadrons form: New at RHIC ! Mass splitting characteristic property of hydrodynamics 18 Quark number scaling of v2 In the recombination regime, meson and baryon v2 can be obtained from the quark v2 : v M 2 ( pT ) = 2v ( pT / 2 ) q 2 v B 2 ( pT ) = 3v ( pT / 3) q 2 T,µ,v Emitting medium is composed of unconfined, flowing quarks. 19 Sudden hadronization ? Precocious quark number scaling: Accident or indicator of sudden hadronization ? Bulk viscosity is large near Tc H. Meyer (quenched QCD) peff = p − ς ∇ ⋅ v ζ/s Large ζ can induce thermodynamic instability (Fries, BM, Schäfer, arXiv:0807.4333) or hydrodynamic instabilities (Torrieri & Mishustin, arXiv:0805.0442), forcing fireball to hadronize suddenly. 20 Probing beyond the hadronic horizon with hadrons containing only s-, c-, and b-quarks 21 Ω/ϕ probes “ϕ-mesons are produced via coalescence of apparently thermalized quarks in central Au+Au collisions. This observation implies hot and dense matter with partonic collectivity has been formed at RHIC.” (STAR) 22 Heavy flavors: c, b Production process is unaffected by medium. Transport & hadronization are affected by medium - evidence: RAA and v2 seen at RHIC. Bound states dissolve in the medium due to color screening and thermal ionization - and form by recombination near Tc ? Comprehensive QCD-based theoretical framework missing: HQET + QCD-SR + HTL ? Electrons from heavy flavor decays 23 Thermal charmonium? Partonic flow ? f (mT ) exp ( −mT / Ts ) J/ψ Ω ★ STAR Ξ ϕ 24 Statistical charmonium ? Formation of J/ψ by statistical recombination of perturbatively produced, later thermalized charm quarks provides best representation of RHIC data: Andronic, Braun-Munzinger, Redlich & Stachel 25 The Future 26 Detector upgrades STAR forward meson spectrometer DAQ & TPC electronics Time of Flight barrel heavy flavor tracker barrel silicon tracker forward tracker PHENIX -completed – ongoing in preparation hadron blind detector muon Trigger silicon vertex barrel (VTX) forward silicon forward EM calorimeter 27 Higher energies… CMS LHC ATLAS ALICE 28 Theory ★ Identify the model independent medium properties which can be determined with the help of quark flavor probes (susceptibilities, chemical relaxation times, diffusion coefficients, correlation/screening lengths, etc.) and develop robust observables which can be measured with precision. ★ Develop a program involving collaboration among theorists and between theorists and experimentalists to extract physics from data. ★ Adopt / join TEC-HQM model for hadronization and charm dynamics ? 29 THE END 30