Chabot College Institutional Planning and Budget Council (IPBC) Present

Chabot College
Institutional Planning and Budget Council (IPBC)
Summary Notes of February 11, 2004
Present: Laurie O'Connor, Rachel LaPell, Ron Taylor, Chet Rhoan, Bob
Curry, Joe Kuwabara, Carolyn Arnold, ValJean Dale, Debbie Budd, Carol
Baumann, Kathleen Schaefer, Chad Mark Glen, Denise Noldon, Gerald
Shimada, Cindy Hicks, Melinda Matsuda
1. Summary Notes from the January 28th meeting were reviewed and
2. Carolyn Arnold reviewed an Updated Timeline for Yearly Planning
Cycles which included what is known about the yearly cycles of Program
Review, Faculty hiring, and Course scheduling. These areas would both
inform IPBC annual planning and be influenced by IPBC annual planning
priorities. The group noted cycles that had not yet been incorporated i.e.
VTEA funding allocations. Carolyn asked for volunteers to work with her
on filling in the holes of the calendar. Joe Kuwabara volunteered, and this
task will eventually be turned over to him (or another IPBC member) to
It was noted on the timeline that in order to put ourselves onto a yearly
planning cycle, we have to catch up by completing 2003-04 Action Plans
immediately and determining 2004-05 Priority Objectives and Action
Plans by the end of February 2004. Normally, 2004-05 Objectives would
have been selected by December of 2003, and the Action Plans would
have informed the annual budget planning process, which is happening
3. Therefore, Theme Leaders had worked to complete their 2003-2004
Action Plans by this meeting, and these were made available for perusal,
but not distributed. Some of these Action Plans are quite extensive and
some still need more work. These action plans represent work that is
taking place this year, and will be evaluated by IPBC during March.
4. In order to start work on identifying 2004-05 Priority Objectives, the
Strategic Plan Implementation Grid 2003-2006 was distributed. This grid
displayed each theme, objective, and activity of the strategic plan to show
who was responsible for each activity, which academic year (2003-04,
2004-05, or 2005-06) that activity would primarily take place, and what
was the current status of the activity. A draft version of this information
had been filled in based on Theme Leader input before the meeting.
Those present broke down into small groups around each theme to review
each activity in their theme and determine:
1) Whether the activities could realistically be done in the year(s) they
were scheduled for, and to make any necessary adjustments.
2) The priority level for each activity scheduled in 2004-05.
Then each theme team group reported back to the whole IPBC group their
priority order for their 2004-05 activities and answered questions. There
was not time to discuss each theme’s priorities, but all themes were able
to report. The next step will be to prioritize the activities across all the
The main purpose is to determine our priorities and annual plan for 20042005, and to choose the number of activities that we can actually
accomplish in 2004-05, rather than trying to accomplish too many things.
Our goal for February is to determine, across all the themes, what are 5-7
realistic priority areas to focus on and turn into action and make progress
towards in 2004-05. Before the next meeting, the small theme groups are
to review and finalize their priority activities, share them with the rest of
IPBC if they change, and come to the February 25th IPBC meeting
prepared to propose 5-7 priority objectives for the college overall.
5. Cindy Hicks reported on the Learning-Centered Institution Project. She
attended a conference sponsored by the American Association of Higher
Education (AAHE) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
with Joel Kinnamon, Ron Taylor, and faculty representatives from Las
Positas. A plan is being developed to involve the whole college in student
learning goals, directly tied with college mission. Examples of such
learning goals might be critical thinking, communication skills, problemsolving, and intellectual flexibility. Discussion affirmed that this project
directly supports objectives in Theme A of the strategic plan, and efforts
would be coordinated to avoid duplication, especially as it pertains to work
around student learning outcomes.
6. Carolyn Arnold reported on the Vision, Mission, Values Workgroup.
Although they had not met formally, Carolyn met with Cindy Hicks to
clarify the work already done by the Curriculum Committee and how this
would assist with the IPBC task. Carolyn will be calling a meeting in the
next few weeks to start the group’s task, which is to develop a preliminary
draft of new Chabot vision/mission/values statements that reflect our
intention to be a learning-centered college, and to create a student profile
of what we want Chabot students to be able to do when they graduate or
leave Chabot. IPBC members who have volunteered for the workgroup
are Catherine Powell, Chet Rhoan, Ron Taylor, and Denise Noldon. In
addition, Cindy Hicks and Chad Mark Glen are willing to participate in the
group as much as they can. Other Chabot staff will also be invited to join.